In response to reader requests we got off our duffs and walked outside today. We planned to explore a part of Mission Valley that we’d never walked before — the South side. As we started on our way, I took some freehand shots of the action on the street,
If you have followed any of my posts you will know that I have taken the deep dive into fountain pens, I have several and use at least 2 of them 7 days a week. I have seen several posts on other forums and youtube videos about how handwriting is becoming
We decided to go for our walk even though it was raining, but we only know of two enclosed malls left in our county. Retail businesses have changed in the last 10 years, and not for the better. So after checking the opening times (10am) off we went. It wa
Like a lot of offices the coffee here is mediocre at BEST. It is pretty much generic dark roast coffee from a big box store that comes in large cans. One of the guys here who sometimes gets here before me like his coffee REALLY STRONG. I'm somewhat of an
This morning’s rain stopped after an hour or two, so we decided to go out for lunch and walk. We walked first, which turned out to be so interesting that I am now munching down crackers and cheese in lieu of lunch. It was threatening, but calm over the ba
We went down to the harbor yesterday to visit with friends who are “camping” here in their Airstream for a couple months. We met at least 40 years ago and were pals for a decade or so until jobs changed, they adopted a son, and our lives drifted in differ
Woke up to icy conditions this morning. The advice being give was to stay home, lots of school closings and delayed starts. Left home a little early, The highway I take was ok, very light traffic and only one slick spot, and that was on a bridge. The offi
There are two halves of our walk today — onshore with architecture, bees, birds and such, then shoreline with boats, birds and babes (that last bit isn’t strictly true but it sounds better)… We went down some stairs looking for a good sunrise vantage poin