.. ( of the Opera, indeed ? - interesting catacomb setting for this awesome post,
- a bit crazy as well, ehh ?
The pictures of the underworld - troops are indeed mysterious..
The piece, familiar on one hand, (very much so of course) , is
- how shall I put it - yes, sublime and puristic, dedicated in a way..
A new species, but with a certain look backward, re-felt and conscious
of the early JLC divers DNA - quite tempting - but true, no Tribute.
Nevertheless, enough Tribute to the time-spirit , where these came from, IMO.
Thank you for this fabulous post again,
and this introduction !
Somehow, also a very attractive piece,
-- for any Black Knight/Lady series..
Best, hs
- so did I get it right: available as Boutique edition ( not for AD's ?),
(BTW: Damn, Blomman was sooo fast this time and has ordered his already !)
- still will wait a bit, what else will be revealed in the next days not too distant