Beautiful story and well deserved, my friend 👏🏻 [nt]

Apr 15, 2018,09:48 AM

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A nightmare has turned into a fairy tale thanks to the PuristS family

 By: Mike H : April 15th, 2018-02:33
Most of you know about the incredibly sad story our friend Nico aka amanico told us about his newly acquired Rolex Air King being stolen just one month ago, only 2 weeks after he had got it / A real nightmare to see this watch disappear and specially due...  

Merci, Ronald. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-02:48

Wow, Mike. Thank you so much for this post, and for immortalizing this moment. My daughter told me just one thing.

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-02:47
" You have awesome, incredible friends, Papa ". I cannot say it better than she did. Best. nico

I was glad and proud to be the ambassador of the PuristS community

 By: Mike H : April 15th, 2018-02:52
And your daughter too is a great person, like father like daughter

I was very busy and sadly not out here enough, so it was only yesterday that I learned about this saga. Wonderful way to wrap up a sad chapter.

 By: watchthatman : April 28th, 2018-08:49
You and your daughter look great Nico, and her smile in that first picture is fantastic! Glad it all ended so well!

wonderful ending!

 By: Watch_kha_wen : April 15th, 2018-02:59
Both your daughter & yourself look really happy with this reunion !

Amazing story

 By: Incandenza : April 15th, 2018-03:05
It is wonderful to see such generosity. Congratulations on the Air King!

Thank you so much! [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-03:07

This is why i love this forum .

 By: Watchonthewrists : April 15th, 2018-03:42
Its such a great community of like-minded and warm people 🙏🏻. So happy that i can be part of it 🤗. Dear mike , thank you for this story . and nico i hope you will enjoy this watch with you family for eternity .

Perfectly said.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : April 15th, 2018-03:52
It's the community and humanity that binds us.

+1, my friend. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-03:56

How she has grown, Nico!...

 By: pplater : April 15th, 2018-04:02
You must be a very proud (and a very nervous) Papa. You will be able to use the Air King to count down the minutes and seconds to the suitors' curfew. Sympatico, Nico. Cheers, pplater.

These pictures say it all...

 By: reintitan : April 15th, 2018-04:13
Great Purists Community. I'm just glad to be a small part of it.

I'm not at all surprised that this community would do such a thing, especially for someone like Nico!

 By: Kamy : April 15th, 2018-04:13
Here's hoping he gets to enjoy it with his friends and family for many years to come... Well done! Kamy

Just great! I like happy endings😁.

 By: S F : April 15th, 2018-04:20
The smile on your princess, priceless. Best,

That Nico has earned it...

 By: KMII : April 15th, 2018-04:29
Of that there’s absolutely no doubt. His relentless dedication to the forum and to all of us individually has been priceless over the years. At the same time a profound thanks goes to MichaelC, ChristianDK, Arie and you, Mike (and if I omitted anyone it’s... 

Wonderful all-round!

 By: TheMadDruid : April 15th, 2018-04:50
A new Family piece!

Nicely done, great story!

 By: Nono01 : April 15th, 2018-05:10
BTW, is that a Croatian Air-King?

Close enough :P [nt]

 By: Nono01 : April 15th, 2018-11:42

:))) [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-11:56

Great to see those smiling faces! [nt]

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : April 15th, 2018-05:18

Lovely pics, emotive moments.

 By: VMM : April 15th, 2018-05:24
Best Vte

Yeah! Great to see the happy presentation.

 By: Dave G : April 15th, 2018-05:34
I hope much enjoyment comes from this piece over the years. Dave

Thanks, Salman. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-06:09

Wonderful moment for Nicolas and his daughter!

 By: MichaelC : April 15th, 2018-06:19
The emotion is apparent, I'm thankful this handoff was kept to a minimum. Great job Mike, thanks to Arie for arranging the purchase, and to each and every contributor for making this idea a reality! You guys are THE BEST.

My "job" was the easiest, postman and Santa Claus 😉

 By: Mike H : April 15th, 2018-07:27
I'm so glad we could make it happen, and in such a record time !

Yep, record time. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-07:30

Great outcome. [nt]

 By: pastaboy1939 : April 15th, 2018-06:21


 By: CL : April 15th, 2018-06:29
I wish someone had reached out to me to contribute too. Nico is a great guy. I didn't even know he lost his air king. I must visit here more often.


 By: cazalea : April 15th, 2018-06:31
I'm very happy we were able to make this happen, and in record time, too. Mike

+++1, my friend! [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-06:41

wonderful, great community!

 By: 198042 : April 15th, 2018-07:30
Best from Zurich Richard

Thanks, Richard. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-07:32

I believe that watch will have a top place in Nicolas’ collection 🏆

 By: radone : April 15th, 2018-08:01
I wish him to wear it healthy! Thanks to Michael and Christian for carrying on with the plan. R.

How unfortunate and my sincere apology to have missed and support this moment of togetherness

 By: Gelato Monster : April 15th, 2018-08:25
I am deeply moved by Purist members. May God bless you with 1000x return in so many ways.

Ohh what a most moving moment shared between Nicolas and his adorable daughter! Their eyes tell everything!...

 By: Subexplorer : April 15th, 2018-08:33
I' m very happy to view these shots as a happy ending to this story! Thanks a lot again to Mike Michael and Christian for all the efforts and passion they gave to this project and to all participant friends who made it possible! Nicolas enjoy your Air Kin... 

Estoy muy feliz por ti mi amigo! Tu lo mereces!! Abrazos y...

 By: Subexplorer : April 15th, 2018-14:35
... disfrútalo mucho!! Abel

Lo estoy haciendo. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-15:10

Bravo mi amigo!! 👍 [nt]

 By: Subexplorer : April 15th, 2018-15:16

Bravo mi amigo!! [nt]

 By: Subexplorer : April 15th, 2018-15:16

;) [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-15:20

This moment will be a lifetime memory...

 By: AlexSunrise : April 15th, 2018-08:53
Congratulations, Nico! What a great way to crown this affair alongside your beautiful daughter, your friends around the world, and the recognition from our community towards you. Thank you, Nico! Abrazo, Alex

The best way for the story to end. We all love our dear Nico and his problems our ours to solve.

 By: Bill : April 15th, 2018-08:59
Best Thanks to all who participated. Have a great Sunday. Bill

You knew . . .

 By: Dr No : April 15th, 2018-15:35
. . . this was coming. ;-) . . .

Yes! ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-15:38


 By: InHavenPro : April 15th, 2018-09:46
Intensely touching just reading the story. Cheers, Filip

Thanks, Filip. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-09:47

Thanks, pv 45. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-11:28

Seing the beautiful face of Nicolas daughter.....

 By: ChristianDK : April 15th, 2018-11:21
I must admit my eyes became a tiny bit wet... Nicolas is a very special person. We are many who feel we owe him so much for his kindness, always. His knowledge and his hospitality. I think, each and every person, who took part in this project wanted to sa... 

:-) [nt]

 By: ChristianDK : April 15th, 2018-11:32

Dear Christian, right back at you! You were the key to the entire project in my eyes.

 By: MichaelC : April 15th, 2018-11:42
Thanks again for so freely volunteering your time and assistance. I look forward to meeting you, one day!

Me too :-) [nt]

 By: ChristianDK : April 15th, 2018-11:47

Thank you for your kind words Christian

 By: Mike H : April 15th, 2018-16:17
And without false modesty I had the easy and nice part so at least I tried to make it so that all involved in the project could have the feeling they were present for this special moment. Best, Mike

Happy for you that you have got such great friends

 By: COUNT DE MONET : April 15th, 2018-11:24
A "Bravo!" to all involved and a big congrats to you, Nico!

Wow!! What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing!

 By: M-Scott : April 15th, 2018-12:32
I love the photos and congratulations Nico! That's a really special story. Cheers, Mike

Thanks, Mike. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 15th, 2018-15:11

You are most deserving!

 By: Brandon Skinner : April 15th, 2018-12:46
Hold on tight to that one!!!

What a story, what a post, what a pictorial !.. Thx so much, Mike for so kindly accompanying this great & happy moment & also..

 By: hs111 : April 15th, 2018-12:52
.. Thx to all our PuristS friends and to those who were part of this special endeavour in the spirit of this community ! Dear Nico, I am truly happy for you and wishing you to wear this very special one in the very best of your health ! Best to you and yo... 

Enjoy it! [nt]

 By: FlyingSnoopy : April 15th, 2018-12:59

What a happy ending and

 By: henryrover : April 15th, 2018-15:35
Purists who donate are simply wonderful and respectful !

Happy ending!

 By: DSF : April 15th, 2018-18:33

so pleased to see these pictures!

 By: Gus7 : April 15th, 2018-20:01
Very happy for you Nico and thanks again Mike, Christian and others for making this happen.

Bravo to those who have contributed! Well done.

 By: kesharoo : April 16th, 2018-00:36
You certainly deserve it.

Thanks for sharing this special moment Mike!

 By: renerod : April 16th, 2018-03:37
Enhorabuena amigo Nico, estoy seguro que este reloj será aún más especial porque representa la hermandad PuristS! Disfrútalo! René

What a great community!

 By: Larry Seiden : April 16th, 2018-11:17
Thanks to everyone who donated and supported!

Thanks, Larry! [nt]

 By: amanico : April 16th, 2018-11:34

What a story!

 By: DTL : April 16th, 2018-22:17

Good News Makes the Best News

 By: vicunaman1 : April 19th, 2018-07:55
..........A a smile makes the story sublime!!

While I don't consider myself

 By: RabidManatee : April 19th, 2018-22:16
an insider here and have a very modest selection of watches to choose from, I appreciate both the spirit of community on this site and Amanico's contributions. I'm happy to have had the opportunity to contribute to this cause, and as said previously I wis... 

WOOHOO!! [nt]

 By: stabilizer : April 19th, 2018-22:28

Thanks, Stabilizer. [nt]

 By: amanico : April 24th, 2018-00:08

Amazing story...

 By: Jester : April 23rd, 2018-22:47
Congrats to Nicolas for all these friendships...

Nico you are a true Rolex fan

 By: benzng : April 24th, 2018-23:14
Very moved with this story, wonderful site to be a member of. Many thanks to all who made this possible for Nico. Now, if that was a Daytona 6263. Benz

My pleasure, mon ami!

 By: marcelo : April 25th, 2018-11:45

Wow, amazing story. Quite the community!

 By: xtype : April 30th, 2018-20:14
...and I think the "air queen" looks best on your daughter. Perfect size!