Apologies...my second thank you post. I keep coming back to your pictures. Just beautiful work [nt]

Mar 09, 2018,16:43 PM

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240Q and 5140 macros

 By: w220 : March 9th, 2018-15:16
Just some random 240Q and 5140 macros, for no particular reason. ...  

Some say this movement is outdated, but I will take over most other automatic movements. Any day of the week..

 By: ChristianDK : March 9th, 2018-15:25
This watch is core Patek to me. And your macros show it really hold up to close scrutiny. Attention to detail and still maintaining the overall design of slim, elegant and coherent. Yes, I really admire this watch.


 By: KCLQMULKU : March 9th, 2018-15:28
Your macro shots are near-perfect. πŸ‘

Awesome pictures of a great watch! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

 By: 1WatchMan : March 9th, 2018-15:30
I love the watch and its movement. VERY Patek. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks! Very interesting to see...

 By: Esharp : March 9th, 2018-16:01
Correct me if I'm wrong (please!) but there appears to be no hand-finishing or polishing of anglage on the movement plates, the sides of dial apertures, or the sides of hands (at a guess, Grand Seiko hands would wipe the floor with these Patek hands). The... 

With the volume (Approx. 50,000 - 60,000pa) of watches that Patek is churning out now...

 By: Dufourism : March 9th, 2018-17:48
I doubt they can cope with doing "quality" hand finishing on every piece of their movements. And by quality, I mean at the level of certain equivalent Geneva Seal pieces, say a Vacheron Constantin or even a Chopard L.U.C 1.96.


 By: Esharp : March 10th, 2018-03:04
...J was thinking the same thing. Given the quantity they produce, PP has done an amazing job of maintaining their hallowed place in the market. Nonetheless, I was expecting there would be a difference in finishing between your common-or-garden variety 24... 


 By: w220 : March 10th, 2018-04:26
Take a look at samwan's macros of his 5370P split seconds chronograph from a few days ago - that movement appears to be better finished than the 240Q movement in the 5140.

Yes it does

 By: Esharp : March 10th, 2018-09:08
As I said above - it seems the minute repeaters and chronograph get the finishing attention... Best E.

How many collectors do even know the meaning of anglage?

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : March 10th, 2018-05:33
Mostly, how many of them are interested in a shining anglage? I guess we both know the answer ;-)

I do.:-) [nt]

 By: Passionata_george : March 10th, 2018-07:15


 By: tom2517 : March 16th, 2018-23:50
I have always been saying the movement finish on these Pateks are really just average, Dufour and Credor are on a different level completely. However it would be interesting to see how VCs and APs does it compare to Pateks.

uneven text on the Geneva seal

 By: w220 : March 10th, 2018-04:22
Great observation! I wonder if perhaps the Geneva Seal is not applied by Patek themselves, but if the movements (or parts thereof) are sent off to the issuing authority and stamped there, then sent back to Patek. I could be wrong on this.

Wonderful macro watch porn!

 By: JToddH : March 9th, 2018-16:15
Excellent work to behold!

His movement and this watch

 By: Harry2 : March 9th, 2018-16:34
Are mind bendingly beautiful! Not to mention your great photography. Thank you for sharing, post more whenever you like

WOW!! Totally speechless, marvelous macro shots!!

 By: charcoal6666collector : March 9th, 2018-22:59
Great skill

These are really very well taken macro shots!!

 By: Dufourism : March 9th, 2018-23:44
May I know what's your macro setup? As in what camera/lens? Light tent? Thanks!

Camera setup

 By: w220 : March 10th, 2018-09:31
The most important aspect here is good light and of course a camera with macro capabilities. I did not use a light tent, but two lanterns as shown. ...  

Great shots! [nt]

 By: Passionata_george : March 9th, 2018-23:53

Amazing pics πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ˜˜

 By: Watchonthewrists : March 10th, 2018-00:33
Thanks , no reason needed imo πŸ˜‰

I paid a look at your pics "for no particlar reason" and...

 By: Mike H : March 10th, 2018-01:05
...WOW I know the reason why I was impressed : they are stunning ! Well done w220 You can come back and post pics whenever you want and you will never need any particular reason for that, just sharing ! Many thanks, Mike

Great pictures.

 By: Katzky1 : March 10th, 2018-20:28
My question is: Shouldn't the slots of the two screws on the rotor be parallel to each other?

I don’t think so.

 By: Costa (aka Connie) : March 10th, 2018-21:07
Here are my 2 rotor screws. ...  

Beautiful photos but I have to say that PP make very

 By: Patekphilippecollector : March 11th, 2018-11:09
Functional movements without the flair of the Germans...It is quite boring in its precision and wouldnt it be great if they gave clients the option of standard and then maybe a ruthenium finish on others. Just jazz it up a bit instead of churning out deca... 

Great photographs! Photos are so good I can see where Patek Philippe has room for improvement!

 By: patrick_y : March 11th, 2018-12:13
I'm a big fan of the 5140G and the 240 caliber in general. I've hardly met a 240 caliber watch that I didn't like! The bullnose of the anglage on the 240 caliber has some chatter. Definitely some room for improvement here. Fantastic photos. I can't imagin... 

Beautifully done.

 By: Robert65 : March 16th, 2018-07:21
thank you for sharing.

The "chatters" are machining marks that weren't polished out during the beveling process..

 By: Dufourism : March 18th, 2018-05:33
My own Patek shows the same sloppy finishing (as shown in photo below): ...  

Unfortunately it does... Geneva Seal is really not that hard to meet...

 By: patrick_y : March 19th, 2018-22:45
Geneva Seal has nothing about the quality of the execution of the anglage. The Geneva Seal requirements are actually not that difficult to meet. Rolex's million watches a year would meet those requirements if they did just a few medium-sized changes.

Patek literature indicates the PP Seal -- aesthetic perfection

 By: Katzky1 : March 19th, 2018-23:18
If I find this kind of thing on my watch will they fix it? ...  

Catch here is that...

 By: Dufourism : March 20th, 2018-05:02
the so called "aesthetic perfection" is not guaranteed under optical magnification... So unless you can see those subpar finishings with your naked eyes, I guess Patek wins.

Generally no. They will not fix it.

 By: patrick_y : March 20th, 2018-11:26
The plates above passes the PP standard. If you are really looking for perfection under magnification, then you'll have to find something a little more expensive. And remember, the "PP Seal" is a self imposed standard that is evaluated internally and grad... 

When you say chatters

 By: Passionata_george : March 19th, 2018-23:10
Do you mean this marks Thanks G ...  

Exactly [nt]

 By: Dufourism : March 20th, 2018-04:03

ty [nt]

 By: Passionata_george : March 20th, 2018-04:18


 By: w220 : March 20th, 2018-11:31
Interesting. Wonder why Patek didn't polish those out - I'd think it would not require a very large effort to at least make it somewhat smoother?

Keep in mind you're looking at the thing under high magnification...

 By: patrick_y : March 20th, 2018-11:44
The original reason why these would need to be polished is because there's a need to de-burr the edges from tiny metal fibers that could get in the way of the movement's operation. Today's metal technology is so good, that after the metal is CNC drilled, ... 

Very well said!

 By: Dufourism : March 20th, 2018-15:52
Consumers are getting more well informed these days due to the advent of technology and social media. I believe Patek is realising this.. Their Instagram game however, is a little Johnny come lately.. Well, better late than never..

I hope so...

 By: patrick_y : March 20th, 2018-16:42
But, sophistication takes time, sometimes generations, and parents/grandparents to teach you how it was done in the past and more importantly why it was done that way. I can tell a young boy or girl, "you must always eat caviar with a horn or mother of pe... 

Here is a closeup of a 315 movement in a Calatrava 5127 - seems that movement has fewer chatters than the 240Q movement in a 5140?

 By: w220 : March 20th, 2018-11:44
Would think the 240Q movement would be better finished than a run-of-the-mill 315 movement? ...  

However the perlage on the rotor

 By: Passionata_george : March 20th, 2018-11:52
Seems uneven to my eyes

240Q and 315 SC are same level of finishing...

 By: patrick_y : March 20th, 2018-12:28
Although the 240 naturally looks better than the 315 because of the micro rotor.

Actually there might be....

 By: nwk00 : September 23rd, 2019-02:43
The ones you can't see seems like they are dirty or have many tiny scratches. eg the one at 9/12 o'clock. The plate at 3 o'clock looks like it has "chatter". But the balance cock looks like it has flat polished anglage, instead of the rounded ones with "c... 

You might be right! [nt]

 By: patrick_y : September 23rd, 2019-08:40

I see the same ridges also

 By: nwk00 : September 23rd, 2019-20:53
But I am not sure if the 240 has the same machine polish on the same section of the balance cock like the 324.

Feel free to post a whole new thread! This deserves a whole new thread if you'd like it!

 By: patrick_y : September 24th, 2019-01:16
This photo shows Patek Philippe does some amazing polish work and also shows some things could be done even a little bit better. For instance, the plate has some beveled edges, but the beveled edges and beveled sinks aren't polished. The bridges have poli...