Here's a few of mine....

Feb 09, 2024,19:25 PM

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I love ti

By: blau : February 9th, 2024-17:55
Its light weight allows me to comfortably wear some 42mm divers that I'd find too bulky otherwise Group shot! Okay okay, so the Panerai is steel and not titanium. You get the point! ...  

I had two of them once

By: cazalea : February 9th, 2024-19:40
Couldn't help myself but soon swapped #2 to a pal for something which I have forgotten. MIH is a very photogenic watch. ...  

But wait! There's more!... sort of... (still have one of them).

By: InDebtButOnTime : February 9th, 2024-21:52
Loved this PO but eventually thought it was too big and let go of it Same with this Muhle Glashutte, sold to a good friend Sold this UN Hammerhead to get some funds to buy a Green Glass Milgauss Went to that same buddy who got the Muhle Glashutte Sea Batt...