the first time, in a matter of nano seconds, I had my credit card at the ready. Easy does it, right? Not so fast, since it would take me some 3 or 4 years (I don't remember correctly) to actually strap it to my wrist The Panerai "composite" material used for this model had problems. The first model produced with the materal (PAM339) revealed unsuspected flaws. The project, involving my model, was cancelled. I received a call from the boutique confirming the cancellation of this limited edition. I told Patrizia (the boutique manager) to keep my name on the list, since I really....REALLY....R E A L L Y, liked the model and I was sure they would eventually solve the problems. Every now and again I'd call her and heard the same mantra...cancelled! As I wrote, after 3 or 4 years, Patrizia called me and asked me: "Do you still want it?" With the card in hand I just said...Y E S, please
Here is the PAM375 aka the Black Fiddy.