Nicely put, Will. I can only agree. [nt]

Nov 17, 2018,03:06 AM

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One of my stolen watches resurfaced!

 By: amanico : November 16th, 2018-15:40
The one in question is the Tribute To Polaris 1965 in steel. I owned the Prototype, one of the three existing. So you can imagine how happy I was and how sad I became after my burglary in 2011. My Tribute to Polaris 1965: Almost 8 years after, on a collec...  

That’s an incredible story and somehow sad at the same time...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 16th, 2018-15:47
I just hope that this gives you some kind of closure.

I’m on standby [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 17th, 2018-04:01

It’s a global industry [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 17th, 2018-04:02

Sadly, yes. [nt]

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-04:03

Bring back Madam Guillotine [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 17th, 2018-04:04

auction house

 By: aston.db4 : November 17th, 2018-12:23
Just curious, which auction house in Hong Kong was selling one of the stolen watches? Did they even bother to return it once notified?

All is here...

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-23:31

Really ? The moral of the story

 By: Passionata_george : November 17th, 2018-06:36
watches must be stored in SDB at least I do they will fond the way back to this piece have you informed JLC lost and stolen after tge burglary ?I thought such reports helps to straighten things if tge watch appears at the SC.

Fair point George, ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 17th, 2018-09:50
But they can even take the one off your wrist.

Yes they can take off ONE not all at once🤝 [nt]

 By: Passionata_george : November 17th, 2018-09:55
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That is freaking amazing! And a „good“ resolution in the end.

 By: HSTE : November 16th, 2018-15:49
Thanks for sharing this very special story. Cheers, HSTE

A decision of two

 By: MTR : November 16th, 2018-15:58
gentlemen. Still 19 watches missing.... That’s hard. I feel very sorry for that. All the best, Thomas

I'm mixed...

 By: patrick_y : November 16th, 2018-16:21
I'm not sure how I feel with the outcome. On one hand, the best possible thing happened and everyone is somewhat happy. On the other hand, true justice wasn't served. I'm split.

Well I have to say that It's even a little painful to me when I see a Langematik Anniversary............

 By: TonyR : November 16th, 2018-16:55
I know you were close, but I really rooting for you to get that one back someday. (along with all of the others of course) Tony

Two amazing Gentleman [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : November 16th, 2018-17:04

Thanks, Gelato Monster. [nt]

 By: amanico : November 16th, 2018-17:20

great story Two gentlemen!! Now for the others................................ [nt]

 By: : November 16th, 2018-17:41
Watching the for sale sites is not the worst thing to do.. who knows what else you might find ?

A good ending to an unfortunate story on this one.

 By: BMR : November 16th, 2018-17:54
This is how gentlemen settle things. I really hope for you the others end this well or better somehow. It makes me sick that this happened to you.

Well that is the definition of looking at the glass half full

 By: emcquillan : November 16th, 2018-18:01
Thats a great positive philosophy. I wish you the best of luck in finding the remaining 19. Truly, Edward

Merci, Edward. [nt]

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-01:02

How about contacting the dealer who sold it?

 By: descartes1 : November 16th, 2018-18:06
Perhaps they can identify who they bought it from, and if they bought any of your others.... maybe this will open the door to a trail to follow?

+ 100000

 By: Tyo : November 16th, 2018-18:38
But I think Nicolas already worked on that

Thanks for the positive news Nico. I'm happy this is bringing closure concerning this watch!

 By: FabR : November 16th, 2018-18:15
And I frankly admire your gentleman's approach, as I don't think I would have been as understanding as you have been towards the other men. I truly hope more good news will come soon re your other watches!

I wonder if JLC or other brands can help you keep track of the stolen watches?

 By: Clueless_Collector : November 16th, 2018-19:33
like in this case, when he sent it in for service and JLC informs you, it will be better as you may want to keep the original condition? Anyway, what’s done is done for this case and I pray you’ll find the rest of your watches. Good luck my friend.

Your whole collecting experience makes for a good story, Nico..

 By: Echi : November 16th, 2018-21:09
And I think it has enriched everyone. From a simple matter of awareness (I remember those antiquorum posts) to acts of generosity and friendship (The AirKing initiative) to another interesting outcome such as this one with the TP65, all of it, in the end,... 

Yes, I do really hope that some stories still have to be told. The most important for me are this vintage Deep Sea Alarm US which was in top condition, the Duometre à Chronographe in platinum,

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-01:34
The Langematik Anniversary, the Datograph, the Vacheron Les Historiques Chrono salmon dial platinum case, the Ulysse Nardin Chrono Mono Pusher WG 175th Anniversary, the Patek 5196P, and these two superb Omega Seamaster 300 CK 14755 and 165024, the Panerai... 


 By: JLCman : November 17th, 2018-00:01
An amazing story of true gentleman’s behavior. And though only 1/20 of your collection came back into daylight this makes hope for more. On the other hand it again brings up emotions about a still not closed page of your life. Let’s hope that in a not too... 

I am glad that a resolution has been found in this case, Nico!

 By: KMII : November 17th, 2018-00:06
And keep my fingers crossed for the rest!

Thank you, K. [nt]

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-02:24

Positive news!

 By: foversta : November 17th, 2018-01:39
I have a question: when the watch was sent for service, did JLC detect that it was stolen? Si let’s hope now that step by step you get news about the other watches. Fx

from my understanding there is a lack of rigor

 By: Tyo : November 17th, 2018-04:05
There is still your name engraved and a search on the net we immediately find who owns the watch. In this story, many people have closed their eyes, don't you think?

I feel for you and admiew you

 By: cfn : November 17th, 2018-04:18
Hi Amanico, What an amazing and sad story. Kudos for the resolution in this particular case, but the wound is clearly still there. I hope the key 5-6 turn up soon. Best, Claus

Thank you, Imran. [nt]

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-23:32

Amazing outcome to a sad moment my friend...

 By: holdemchamp1225 : November 17th, 2018-09:36
let's hope there will resolution for the remaining pieces. Still cannot believe how something like this happens and it seems to be happening more often which is scary at times. Luckily we have the community to help us search and spread the news.

This is a most awesome story my dear Nicolas! It was an unfortunate incident indeed, but meeting another gentleman to settle this matter brings some...

 By: Subexplorer : November 17th, 2018-16:52
... Warmth to the heart! I remember the story you told of another watch you recovered thanks to another gentleman friend some time ago. I deeply wish you'll be able to recover other watches my friend! All the best Abel

Sorry to hear - and what a gentleman you are!

 By: Semper Fidelis : February 15th, 2019-04:05
The other gentleman couldn’t have been luckier than crossing your path with this piece. I remember you telling me the story, what a disaster that was - and several of them were so rare resp protos or otherwise irreplaceable pieces 😓 All the best to you my... 

When I first read this post I felt anger and then sadness for you.

 By: aperna : February 15th, 2019-07:17
When events like this happen in life I always have to remind myself that the most important thing is our family, our health and our friends. Material objects come and go and can always be replaced in some fashion. You are truly a gentleman and settle this... 

Somehow I missed this post when you made it.

 By: TheMadDruid : February 15th, 2019-07:23
Finding any of your watches is a bit amazing. And this is a fascinating outcome for the watch; and you. How was it decided that the buyer would get the watch and not you?