
Oct 19, 2022,09:43 AM

Merci pour tes recherches et ton analyse sur cette énigmatique série»bronze »

J’ai effectué plusieurs plongées avec une de ces montres lors d’un séjour plongé au Mexique. Mes conclusions:  ces boîtiers en bronze ne sont pas fiables pour la plongée,  au contact de l’eau de mer le boîtier » s’oxyde » et prend une coloration importante ( vert-de-gris) qui laisse des traces sur le poignet et deuxième défaut plus important,  le métal est trop mou, le filetage de la bague de serrage du fond ce détériore rapidement ce qui ne garantit plus l’étanchéité contrairement aux boîtiers acier.  Je pense que ce sont ces problèmes qui sont responsables  de l’arrêt de la production.

Les boîtiers non utilisés ( je suis de ton avis)  ont été terminés avec des cadrans et mouvements civil / AS 1700) cette opinion ne doit pas être très éloignée de la vérité.

Je pense qu'à l'origine, les boîtiers en bronze étaient conçus  pour améliorer le non-magnétisme et prévues pour avoir un cadran de type militaire. Exemple une pièce intéressante , n° 3201 ,vendue par Phillips à  ( 

Pour les cadrans marqués US NAVY je pense à  un "coup marketing" de Monsieur A. Tornek pour influencer les officiers de la Marine afin d’obtenir une nouvelle commande.

Mon anglais étant très primaire j’utilise un traducteur pour la version en anglais.

Thank you for your research and analysis of this enigmatic "bronze" series

I made several dives with one of these watches during a diving trip in Mexico. My conclusions: these bronze cases are not reliable for diving, in contact with sea water the case "oxidizes" and takes an important coloring (green-grey) which leaves traces on the wrist and second more important defect, the metal is too soft, the thread of the ring of tightening of the bottom it deteriorates quickly what does not guarantee any more waterproofness contrary to the steel cases.  I think that these problems are responsible for stopping production.

The unused cases (I agree with you) were finished with civilian dials and movements (AS 1700), so this opinion must not be far from the truth.

I think that originally the bronze cases were designed to improve non-magnetism and intended to have a military type dial. Example of an interesting piece, No. 3201, sold by Phillips at ( 

For the dials marked US NAVY I think it was a "marketing stunt" by Mr A. Tornek to influence the navy officers in order to obtain a new order.

My English being very basic I use a translator for the English version.

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Blancpain Fifty Fathoms Bronze Milspecs. 14 years of investigation on case numbers

By: amanico : October 11th, 2022-05:53
14 years since now. In fact, it took me 5 years to fully understand the Fifty Fathoms Bronze Milspec case. From 2008 to 2013... In 2008, I discovered two Bronze Milspec, an US NAVY and a " Civilian ". Since then, I started to investigate on them, contacte...  

Great research job and thanks for sharing ! This is typically a purist's worry to understand the specs of specific models :) It is part of the pleasure, you learn so many important things.

By: montres1 : October 11th, 2022-08:22
Plus the FF is an icon and highly sought after, it is important to have minimum knowledge to ensure not buying a Frankenwatch ! I will ask for your help the day I have a budget to buy one of these marvels !

Is it 300k or 3M? I can't read all of the zeroes!

By: MichaelC : October 11th, 2022-13:47
I knew The Post would hit like a sledgehammer... very fitting for your hard work and dedication to our shared passion. Thank you, Dear Friend.

Great job!

By: Briandumais : October 18th, 2022-02:16
I have been gone away on a work trip and haven't had the time to study your post. I have been waiting years to see your research and there is a lot info to digest. I did get a bronze case many years ago that some guy picked up at a Hamilton board of trust... 

Congrats Nico for.... all!

By: fifty fathoms : October 11th, 2022-16:38
Very impressive research you have done. I had to read it several times, there are so many informations and they form new questions. Why had the Bronzes civilian hands, except the U. S. Navys? For me the 3225 is a kind of mariage. You will have noticed, it... 

Aaah, my friend, they had civilian hands because at the exception of the 5 US Navy Protos I know, the others were not proto and came with a civilian dial and hands, and the AS 1700 instead of the AS 1361.

By: amanico : October 12th, 2022-09:04
As for the 3225 offered for sale by Hodinkee, it doesn't have the good hands and dial. You are right! As for the big crown on the 3163, it is correct, it is a Milspec from the late 60's. Best, mon ami. Nicolas


By: fifty fathoms : October 12th, 2022-05:14
I found this Fifty Fathoms on eBay Kleinanzeigen, local eBay, some years ago. I was to late for bidding. What do you think about it? ...  


By: XX-FF : October 19th, 2022-09:43
Merci pour tes recherches et ton analyse sur cette énigmatique série»bronze » J’ai effectué plusieurs plongées avec une de ces montres lors d’un séjour plongé au Mexique. Mes conclusions: ces boîtiers en bronze ne sont pas fiables pour la plongée, au cont...