Thank you dear Captain! You can look always better, you knouuw! 🥃🥃

Dec 03, 2021,16:28 PM

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The '21 Wrist Scan Olympics is live! . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-11:06
. . . let The Games begin. Remember, fellow Olympians: only two submissions this week, preferably a Static and a Wrist shot to compete in both categories. ...  

Static . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-11:18
. . . and Wrist . . . . . . shots of my Flightmaster. Art ...  

Ahh dear Art! That sunset shot by the sea of your FM

 By: Subexplorer : December 3rd, 2021-13:56
Puts the bar very high!! Will come back later with my two shots! Cheers! Abel

Two very cool shots from our dear host …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 3rd, 2021-14:54
That Flightmaster hits the spot.


 By: Subexplorer : December 3rd, 2021-16:55

One of my favorite vintage Omegas, as you know…

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-06:48
The DC-8 on the back seals the deal 👍🏻

After my routinely 8K running regime during my now five weeks of dieting, I do feel clearly addressed to take part in this competition, with high hopes of winning it!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-13:37
Needless to say, that I do look like an athlete at the moment ... naked ... PS I am ceartainly laughing about myself here 😃! ...  

Wonderful choice

 By: Cookies : December 3rd, 2021-14:18
Health is wealth. Great fitness to be able to run 8km. Keep it up!!

Wise words ... health is wealth 🙏

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-14:29

Another wise words🙏

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-16:33

Me swims 3km daily

 By: Cookies : December 4th, 2021-02:53
Sometimes significantly longer 12km swims at a go. Next week me will swim 10km in the ocean guided by a kayak. Me thinks running is significantly harder than swimming, as it is weight bearing. I respect the long distance runners most as it is grueling to ...  

10 - 12 km swimming is impressive 👍.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 4th, 2021-09:07
That Omega has got very nice colours, very calm. Regarging the csrbon shoes: have not tried them yet ...

These shoes are good

 By: Cookies : December 4th, 2021-09:39
But my only gripe is the lack of stability making it easy to sprain the ankle when wearing them. Took a bit of getting used to, as the heel area is very narrow. 8km runs are impressive. I cannot handle 8km without burning out the next day, with shin splin... 

I am not really drawn towards carbon shoes.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 5th, 2021-17:04
I run for diet sake and not to beat a time. Also: I run often on the balls of my feet, which is a better technique for the knies. The longest I did was a half marathon. I am too heavy for running and know that too long distances too often will only cause ... 

So coool !.. Cheers !!

 By: hs111 : December 4th, 2021-14:19

ROFL 🤣 …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 3rd, 2021-14:57
Good humour dear Count and your Seiko is one of my favourites with the green dial. Keep up the training !

I've heard the most effective diet is eating while naked . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-16:48
. . . in front of a mirror.

LOL😅 ... good one!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-16:50

Running uphill then? 😁

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-06:49
Given the Alpinist on your wrist 👏🏻👍🏻

Luckily no hills in my area 😅

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 5th, 2021-16:47

Training and diet will definitively help to win dear Count!…

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:45
… but a beautiful watch like your green dial Alpine will surely help much more in present Olympics! Great pocket shot! Hagwe my dear friend! Abel

Fun theme! Decided to go with Olympic watches to fit the theme: the 1964 Japan Olympics specifically

 By: NT931 : December 3rd, 2021-13:48
And here's the Seiko 6217-7000 World Time, made for the 1964 Olympics, in both the silver and dark grey configurations. Over time, I've leaned towards the grey, and it's a more unusual colour combination especially with the gold accents. And at 37mm, it w...  

The white blue for me please! 🤗

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-14:30

An anthracite example found on an auction site appeared on my radar last year . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-20:02
. . . but let it go for a hammer less than an alligator strap. I'm still kicking myself for the oversight. 😬

This is a perfect fit to the theme 👏🏻👌🏻🙌🏻

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-06:55
Really like these Olympic world timers - hope to bag one myself at some point 🤞🏻

The most important thing in the WristScan Games ….

 By: Ludi : December 3rd, 2021-16:11
… is not winning but taking part. Humble but proud Zodiac contestant here, eager to participate Hagwe ...  

It’s a tradition 😎

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 3rd, 2021-19:37

Or: the real "Olympic Spirit" 😅

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-19:39

Just checked the prohibited substances list, Count . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-20:07
. . . and caffeine isn't on it. An oversight to be corrected for the Summer Games next year.

All fixed!🧐

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-20:26

The true Olympic spirit

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:47
And a wonderful Zodiac to participate 👍🏻👌🏻

Hmmhh.. Let me see, what to chip in to play..

 By: hs111 : December 3rd, 2021-16:53
TT DSA- EU at Jardin du Luxembourg .. A cool shot on a hot day.. HAGWE & Best, hs ...  

Oopps.. Sorry, dear Count !.. Don’t know why/ how it’s over the line.. I simply had thought : just 1 watch as WS and Static, that would be if

 By: hs111 : December 3rd, 2021-18:31
(In fact it is/was 1 watch in both instances, 1 WS and 1 static ( TT DSA-EU) ??) .. Or would it rather have needed a connection to Olympia or such games ?? Or: Apparently had I not read the Call for Entries carefully enough. Maybe you drop me a line, pls ... 

As we say in America, h . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-20:12
. . . alles ist gut .

Aaahahaha 🤣🤣🤣!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-20:24

Thx, dear Art !

 By: hs111 : December 3rd, 2021-20:54

The DSA EU is such a charming watch dear HS!

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:42
You share yours in two great shots wrist and static as requested by our dear Host! Well played my dear friend! Hagwe! Abel

Thx a lot, K !.. I know you must have seen it already several times

 By: hs111 : December 5th, 2021-16:31
So hopefully you were not bored; but I’m glad you like that shot, which was taken in Roma, on the Piazza de la Pantheon & indeed it was really hot that day.. Thus, yes it’s also one of my own fav shots. Best & have a good week ! hs.

If it ain’t broke……

 By: Timeout : December 3rd, 2021-17:27
…… don’t fix it. Same watch - different day - different strap! ...  

Beautiful Vacheron CDV …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 3rd, 2021-18:06
and a very cool hat !

Thanks Captain.

 By: Timeout : December 3rd, 2021-22:31
The Fairbanks Trilby is a classic. I have this one, together with a navy one as well as a grey, together with a St James navy Fedora, a Panama and a Napoli hat that they used to make. I haven’t quite branch off into the Homburgs yet!

They make some great hats …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 3rd, 2021-22:47
The problem is I keep buying them ! ...  

The best outfitter of the games 🎩

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-19:43

I suspect I’d look good in the opening ceremony…..

 By: Timeout : December 3rd, 2021-22:32
…. but struggle in the competition!

Exemplary '40s style, hat . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-20:26
. . . and watch. [photo credit: Google search] Yes, Omega crafted a cornes de vache in the late '40s - ref 2597 / cal 351. 😉 ...  

Yes - this has a snap brim and as it’s made out of beaver stand up well to use.

 By: Timeout : December 3rd, 2021-22:35
I remember my grandfather with a trilby and I’ve reached the age where I can pull it off now! Love the Omega cow horns - didn’t realize they got there first.

My two shots

 By: jml_watches : December 3rd, 2021-19:41
Static Wrist shot Cheers JML ...  

Pardon, pardon ... a bit too early to raise the victory fist ☝

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 3rd, 2021-19:47
Albeit a superb static shot entry!

Agreed. Seiko urushi is utterly beautiful . . .

 By: Dr No : December 3rd, 2021-20:35
. . . but damned difficult to capture. Art

Nice to see the Urushi…

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:49
Does it still keep the record of being on your wrist without pause (one of the wrists at least)?


 By: jml_watches : December 5th, 2021-18:48
It's currently having a break from me. I haven't worn it for a while - think not going anywhere & working from home, put paid to wearing it constantly. Still a great watch & the dial is fabulous. Cheers JML

A dragon front and back, there is a wrist in

 By: timerider : December 3rd, 2021-21:29
the dial shot. So glad to be back in the game. Best, Timerider ...  

Was this photo . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-17:28
. . . the inspiration . . . . . . for the enamel? ...  

There are no dragons in that picture!

 By: timerider : December 4th, 2021-17:43

Ah, but there is . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-17:53
. . . a glowing orb.

A rarely seen piece…

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:50
And a fantastic dragon indeed 👌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻

a vintage bullhead :)

 By: terbaboom : December 3rd, 2021-23:38

thanks, SALMANQ8!

 By: terbaboom : December 5th, 2021-14:57

8,000,000,000 people in the world . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-17:37
. . . but only 669 original Bullheads. I guess that means my chances of joining you are 0.0000083%. 🧮

Wow wow wow! That’s surely a great piece of statistics!!

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:15
Awesome data! And a wonderful Omega!! Cheers! Abel

thanks, Abel!

 By: terbaboom : December 5th, 2021-14:59

My big pleasure dear Terbaboom! A stunning watch…

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-15:16
… and very desirable piece of collection considering its so low production! Keep enjoying it so much! Cheers! Abel

Oh. Well, in that case, the odds have improved . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-20:09
. . . markedly. The next target on my list is a Speedmaster Professional. Who knows? Maybe a bullhead will follow . . .

Fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:51
Are these vintage bullheaded Omegas thinner than the modern variety or does it just look that way?

Yes, they're significantly thinner, K . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-17:17
. . . thanks partly to having a manually wound movement.

Hope everyone is having a Great Weekend...

 By: SALMANPK : December 3rd, 2021-23:44
here is my entry Wrist Shot Static S ...  

Off to shoot pool with my pals and enjoy a few Coronas . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-18:01
. . . with my pals in a few hours, so it's shaping up to be a great Saturday here, Salman. Good to see you entering our Games! Best, Art

Lovely piece 👏🏻👍🏻

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:52
And fantastic to see you back 😊👍🏻

Hello again dear Art! Very fun Theme you choose. Here my…

 By: Subexplorer : December 4th, 2021-01:09
… entry for the Watch Olympics we are celebrating this weekend. An Omega Seamaster offered in 1956 for the XVI th edition held in Melbourn and a favorite chrono: GP Olimpico. Have a great and relaxed weekend my dear Art and all friends here!! Best! Abel ...  

Thank you so much dear friend HS for your…

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:14
… kind viewing and commenting! Yes, I love the little Omega so much but the GP Olimpico is really something when strapped on the wrist. Enjoy your Sunday and week ahead my dear friend! Best! Abel

How very appropriate ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 4th, 2021-09:28
The perfect watch for this theme dear Abel and a legend for Omega collectors. Have a great weekend.

Thank you so much dear Captain!

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:12
I love this little Omega so much and felt it was the right place here to share it. Cheers! Abel

Oh, that Omega! . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-18:02
. . . what could be more natural for Wrist Scan Olympics than the original Olympics Omega? ...  

Thank you so much dear Art! Given the fact…

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:11
… my present training condition will not allow any good timings I thought this watch would represent the Olympic spirit of our beloved brand. Lol! Have a nice weekend my dear friend! Abel

What a truly spectacular pair for the theme, Abel!

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:52
Fantastically chosen 👏🏻👌🏻

Tha Omega Melbourne looks like chopped out of a solid gold block!👍

 By: COUNT DE MONET : December 5th, 2021-16:55
A very strong looking vintage watch, very edgy and sharp, dear friend. A worthy watch for strong athletes. Hope you are enjoying a good Sunday evening.

Here we go...

 By: Tim Jackson : December 4th, 2021-01:54
ochs und junior Annual Cal. January this year in snow, Julian CA. HAGWE All, Cheers, Tim ...  

Thanks hs!

 By: Tim Jackson : December 4th, 2021-20:18

Your pics are tastier . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-18:06
. . . than Julian apple pie! 🥧

A watch still on the to get list…

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:53
Two fantastic shots of this one 👍🏻🙌🏻

Two in the offing....

 By: halkcb : December 4th, 2021-07:09
Holiday shot from ,oh,quite a while home shot HAGWE henry ...  

Can't beat the sea as a backdrop . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-18:11
. . . and P15 should have home field advantage for WotW honors ;-) . . .

Two lovely pieces…

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:54
And nice to see the P15 in action 👏🏻👍🏻

Let me see…

 By: KMII : December 4th, 2021-09:44

Thanks so much HS111!

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:54
Hope you’re doing well 👍🏻

Now I need to check it out 😊

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:55
Did listen to stuff from the era the last week, though - my passenger had a liking for it 😊👍🏻

Hello fellow Olympians ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 4th, 2021-09:56
Something from our official timing partner …. Ready for the triathlon 😱… Have a great weekend everyone ! Best regards Captain ...  

Cool speedy shot 👍

 By: jml_watches : December 4th, 2021-13:38

Omega and the Olympics go together . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-18:27
. . . like hand in glove. Thanks for sharing, Cap!

Many thanks Art ..

 By: Cpt Scarlet : December 5th, 2021-00:41
For give us this enjoyable edition of WristScan.

Two great shots to compete this weekend dear Captain!

 By: Subexplorer : December 5th, 2021-14:50
Your Speedy in a not very usual angle makes for a stunning picture of this classic. And a lovely sea wrist shot of your recent catch the MN21. Can’t find it where I’m presently hunting by the way. They say they have no idea of when it will arrive even bei... 

Congratulations on the new Pelagos 🎊🎉🎈

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:56
Great addition to the collection 👌🏻👍🏻

No light and sunlight. Hagwe 🍻

 By: Stoikos : December 4th, 2021-12:00
Calatrava and Tank shot with flash in dark room to express feeling of watches dreamed about/aspired to as part of the shared experience of a marriage Speedy on rally strap waiting for train at sunrise to express the sense of, well, time and carpe diem—eve...  

Atmospherics . . .

 By: Dr No : December 4th, 2021-18:58
. . . in spades! Thanks for participating, Stoikos . . .

Thank you, Art.

 By: Stoikos : December 5th, 2021-18:24

Thank you, KM

 By: Stoikos : December 5th, 2021-18:25

Orange and rootbeer combo......

 By: S F : December 4th, 2021-14:19

Soooo nice 👍🏻🙌🏻

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-15:57
Root beer - as a drink - I never much enjoyed but your pictures might make me reconsider that 😉👍🏻

For some strange reason, all of a sudden I have an urge for a shot of Cointreau . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-20:15
. . . followed by a root beer . . . . . . chaser. ...  


 By: S F : December 6th, 2021-10:04

Beautiful watch and pics

 By: SALMANPK : December 5th, 2021-22:03

Equestrian with Z Blue

 By: Ajas : December 5th, 2021-02:04
Equestrian weekend. ...  

I have a feeling you're in the hunt . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-20:05
. . . for a medal.

My two vintage shots,

 By: Shemmir : December 5th, 2021-02:58
Good luck, and have a great rest of the weekend everyone! ...  

Not to worry! Casey very well might like . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-19:57
. . . the mysteriousness of your second photo. Art

Great theme, Art

 By: Brandon Skinner : December 5th, 2021-06:04
Below is a favorite shot of mine, which if I’m being honest doesn’t really accurately depict how the Longines Legend Diver really appears whatsover, but the light and reflections just made for a magical photo IMO. Just wish I wasn’t wearing a crappy Under...  

Top shot

 By: Cookies : December 5th, 2021-13:03
Lovely photos

Another classic of yours 👏🏻👍🏻

 By: KMII : December 5th, 2021-16:07
Your wife clearly deserves a special prize irrespective of anything else 🙌🏻😊

You've just created a new category, Brandon: . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-19:47
. . . 'Action Wrist Shot'.

Late in the game

 By: Speedie74 aka Mr. Torquise : December 5th, 2021-06:23
but I hope I get to the podium with my beloved one: HAGWE, Adam ...  

Wow the Beijing edition

 By: Cookies : December 5th, 2021-13:03
Beautiful piece!

Please check your private messages, Adam. I hope . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-19:54
. . . you're able to share a Static photo of your SM - or any of your watches - with us today. Art

Read it, understood and accepted it, Art!

 By: Speedie74 aka Mr. Torquise : December 5th, 2021-20:16
Here you are, my new contender: What could be better as a chronograph for an olympic game? Yours, Adam ...  

Thanks much, Adam! . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-20:18
. . . now you're contending in both categories, as well as WotW. Relieved, Art

Let’s see, what is the best watch to bring to go to the Olympic Games?

 By: Sfwatchlover : December 5th, 2021-08:07
A chronograph for timing the races and a GMT for traveling! And the winner is the Octo Finissimo Chronograph GMT in steel with the blue dial! ...  

Your Bulgari would be a dead cinch for Gold . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-20:02
. . . if mixed martial arts . . . . . . were an Olympic sport. ...  

Hey, this martial art arena copied the iconic Genta design!

 By: Sfwatchlover : December 6th, 2021-01:21
Thanks a lot, Art, for hosting this fun theme and for finding this picture )

super cool

 By: hl99 : February 3rd, 2022-20:33
I've had this version of SS GMT only wishlist for a while! curious how you like it -- is it suitable for daily wear?

These are my two favourite photos

 By: toxly347 : December 5th, 2021-16:39

Worldtimers just might be the most photogenic complication around . . .

 By: Dr No : December 5th, 2021-19:06
. . . as evidenced by the examples in this thread. 👍🏻