I have a Belgian friends ...

Dec 09, 2022,07:47 AM

... who's thinking is VERY similar to yours smile ... you once met him in Paris back in 2008 I believe.

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 By: Ssherman855 : December 7th, 2022-03:00
I understand this may be a sensitive subject and mean no harm; please only participate if comfortable. What are some collectors professions here? Have you found other collectors while in your professional ecosystem that the hobby has helped enhance those ... 


 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-03:27
Real Estate and estate security. As plain and traditional as it gets. Yes, of course, there have been people that I've worked with, at all wealth levels, who love horology and enjoy it to varying degrees. Likewise, there have been people who, despite thei... 

Thanks Filip

 By: Ssherman855 : December 7th, 2022-16:44
Yes very similar findings, I shared a story below but I am in commercial banking- appreciate your take.

I made a big career change earlier this year...

 By: jleno : December 7th, 2022-04:14
I worked in defense technology for a number of years, but am now at a high frequency trading firm.

I'm moving this to TimeOut, but I think it could turn into a very interesting topic depending on the replies (only people who would like to reveal their profession will do so, so no worries -- and many of our members already did! ;-)

 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-04:35
Like I mentioned on many occasions, I am a mathematician (a university full prof. here in the US), whose main occupation is to sit down and think about possible new theorems in Abstract Algebra! As for the watches within my "professional ecosystem"....I'l... 

What a fascinating field

 By: Ssherman855 : December 7th, 2022-16:51
I’m sure you see the world entirely different than most people. Any revelations through algebra you’d care to share? did noticing the other speakers watch spark up any conversation or engagement that maybe wouldn’t have occurred without it? Sorry, I share... 

Many thanks, Math is the subject I always loved the most since childhood (and perhaps understood the most -- unlike for instance much of Physics! ;-), so I feel blessed to do what I love....alongside some teaching, mostly at the grad level :-)

 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-17:21
The fact that I only ever met one other mathematician wearing a watch was partially said in jest (in fact, there are a few mathematicians also on this forum! ), but in general Math departments are REALLY as far as one may think from the right place to mee... 

I wholesale semi trucks to dealers.

 By: Thomas_3 : December 7th, 2022-05:18
we buy them from the end user and fleets and sell them back to dealers for inventory. We buy them sight unseen but have them inspected by a 3rd party inspection service, we share the report with the buyer prior to any money/titles changing hands. Buyer is... 

Transaction taxation and structuring, first in law firms and then in accounting firms.

 By: mkvc : December 7th, 2022-06:05
I run across many people who like watches. Some clients have very fancy ones; colleagues, less so. Not really a subject for networking, but some people do like to keep an eye on each others' wrists.

Serial entrepreneur and investment banking

 By: MilDiver : December 7th, 2022-06:20
Elec. Engineer and MBA by profession.

I love that combo of diplomat! 😉

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 8th, 2022-11:38

Criminal... Lawyer.

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-06:58


 By: @lberti : December 7th, 2022-09:27


 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-09:29

Damn, tough question. :)

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-09:29


 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-09:30

Isn't that a bit redundant?

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-09:30

You know, I don't have a normal brain. That's what all my teachers told me.

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-09:39
I was 12 years old when I told my maths teacher that maths were a big scam. They use to say that - x -=+ I answered that it was pure BS. The maths teacher told me why. I answer that if you multiply two poor people per 2, it won't give 4 rich men. He summo... 

La mamma! ;-)))

 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-14:32

Same here. A true rebel. ;)

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-12:59


 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-14:18
I used to have a French teacher who literally smacked me in the back of the head in high school, she would go to jail for that today x))....


 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-14:49
I went to school both in L.A. and in Belgrade, this one happened to be in Belgrade, perhaps unsurprisingly ....

Yeah, here in L.A. ....

 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-16:01
Unless you are attending Le Lycee Francais, chances are you're not taking French language lessons . I had French from 1st grade in elementary school in Europe, but the only French I learned was during those first 5 years, all of my subsequent teachers (es... 

I never really learnt any French (despite a long list of girlfriends in the past, since France/Monaco are very close to Genova! ;-), but I believe it's still the other main language taught in the Italian schools, of course alongside English.

 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-16:56
The issue is always that your French or English teacher in Italy is most likely an Italian rather than a native speaker/writer....hence often the learning experience may not be "optimal", so to speak! ;-)) I still recall that I first started to get famili... 

I did have Latin....

 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-19:22
for a brief time in elementary school as well, I enjoyed it mostly because I was always hyper passionate about philosophy. Italian I had for two years in undergraduate university, but admittedly my knowledge is simply fundamental - I can find my way aroun... 

Latin too throughout high school - I went to the "scientific" school, while my friends at the "classical" school were taking both Latin and Greek throughout....

 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-19:41
The funny thing is, while I never spoke Latin or wasn't particularly good with the vocabulary, even today sometimes I recall constructions from 25+ years ago to check whether my Italian or English make sense *logically*....So I guess Latin was useful for ... 

Certo! Ma!

 By: amanico : December 8th, 2022-07:14

Aaah Belgrade! :))))

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-16:11


 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-16:12


 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-16:23

One of the dumbest but also funniest....

 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-16:28
stories I have from the years I attended school in Belgrade is this one law professor (hawhawhaw) in undergraduate university who finished his law school at the Sorbonne, and was therefore BY FAR the most pompous teacher I ever had! Not only did he litera... 

I have a Belgian friends ...

 By: bimbeano : December 9th, 2022-07:47
... who's thinking is VERY similar to yours ... you once met him in Paris back in 2008 I believe.

I think I remember him!

 By: amanico : December 9th, 2022-17:15

Reminds me of this clip :)

 By: vitalsigns : December 7th, 2022-19:08
Start at 33 seconds... www.youtube.com

Hehehe... Superb! ;)

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-21:14


 By: FabR : December 8th, 2022-04:38

Well said

 By: Cookies : December 7th, 2022-09:31

That was hard to resist. ;)

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-09:33

Wow! :))))

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-13:02

Suits your occasional torturing perfectly!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : December 8th, 2022-11:36

Hehehe.... ;)

 By: amanico : December 8th, 2022-12:20

Strategy is my profession

 By: penfriend : December 7th, 2022-07:13

Civilian or Military? ;)

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-07:32

Nicely turned. ;)

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-07:53

Retired now but back in the day, diplomacy, legislative liaison and government relations. Europe and the U.S.

 By: Uncle Chico : December 7th, 2022-07:42
The collectors I've met have all been post-retirement.

Patent examiner

 By: RayStantzPhD : December 7th, 2022-09:21
I hold a Ph.D. in aeronautical engineering, worked in research (turbomachinery) for many years.

I think so too, luckily :)

 By: RayStantzPhD : December 7th, 2022-14:42
Many things are getting less interesting the more you now about, demystified sort of... with this field however I find it always gets even more fascinating!


 By: RayStantzPhD : December 7th, 2022-17:59
and you can't even imagine how much fun it would be to discuss the turbocharger technology of (old and new) 911 turbos X-)

Airplane engines as well!!

 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-18:03


 By: RayStantzPhD : December 7th, 2022-18:07

Execution Trader

 By: @lberti : December 7th, 2022-09:28


 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-09:34

I hope so hardly 😁

 By: @lberti : December 7th, 2022-09:44


 By: FabR : December 7th, 2022-10:32


 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-09:44

Quite a lot of jobs I did

 By: Cookies : December 7th, 2022-09:36
Currently studying medicine after a decade of managing/serving in hotels and restaurants. Prior to that, I competed in bodybuilding contests and worked in 2 large commercial gyms. My part time work now involves cutting trees, lawn mowing, and landscaping,... 

Thanks Nico

 By: Cookies : December 7th, 2022-09:53
My early years were spent competing in bodybuilding/manhunt contests. Met many colourful people in those early years. My body is no longer massive, but somehow, when I see those scary looking powerlifters/bodybuilders, they gravitate towards me because I ... 

Wow who’d know

 By: Cookies : December 7th, 2022-10:02
Amazing you were a DJ and Barman too. Those were the most colourful days, money cannot buy these moments and experiences. Would you do an encore, one day? Just for a day…

For one day, I’d..

 By: Cookies : December 7th, 2022-13:48
Like to be a sherpa. I can carry the bags a little and still reach Mt Everest. Through grit and talent and experience, not by deep wallets.


 By: aperna : December 7th, 2022-12:44
Physician specializing in internal medicine with an emphasis on cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. However, I have seen and done it all. I have been doing it for 38 years. The first 30 years were in private practice. The last eight years I’ve joined a ... 

Superb words, mon ami.

 By: amanico : December 7th, 2022-12:59

You have a big heart Doc

 By: Cookies : December 7th, 2022-13:53
Respect and salute. In this day and world, many skip the “step” to get ahead financially. Some resort to research fraud, or insurance fraud. I have seen quite a few already.

Cheers Dr.T

 By: InHavenPro : December 7th, 2022-14:24
With heartfelt wishes, likewise to you and yours!


 By: chris7509 : December 7th, 2022-13:07
Telecoms industry for me. As i guess most of us i always look at either my colleagues or customer wrists. Being in a customer interface, it is a bit ackward sometimes to have my kind of pieces so, here comes the joy of long sleeves. Also, it is difficult ... 

Such great dialogue

 By: Ssherman855 : December 7th, 2022-16:38
Thanks all for such engagement, some very interesting bits of info I still need to respond to. For myself, I am a commercial banker ($10mm-$100mm revenues) for a large US bank. I had never comingled horological passion with work; not intentionally it was ... 

Currently retired, but working on an apprenticeship . . .

 By: Dr No : December 7th, 2022-18:03
. . . in a second career. 🎱

Pool shark???

 By: aperna : December 7th, 2022-18:19

Padding my retirement income . . .

 By: Dr No : December 7th, 2022-19:15
. . . with ill-gotten gains . . .


 By: donizetti : December 7th, 2022-18:24
Plenty of watch aficionados in my line of work! Best Andreas

I’ve got two patients for you …

 By: bimbeano : December 7th, 2022-19:53
…. Myself and Nicolas 😛

I think this site counts as group therapy ...

 By: donizetti : December 8th, 2022-04:41
... but happy to add some individual sessions Best Andreas

It is my birthday soon. ;)

 By: amanico : December 8th, 2022-06:44


 By: InHavenPro : December 9th, 2022-18:25

Author, Editor, Publisher

 By: cazalea : December 8th, 2022-15:37
My whole working career (now retired) was in this order: Newspapers, then books for youth workers and church groups, then automotive repair and parts catalogs and diagnostics, estimating and labor time guides, then car price guides and residual value pred...  

Not only a fruitful....

 By: InHavenPro : December 9th, 2022-20:13
but a long and eclectic career! It's always informative and entertaining to read about your professional life experiences Mike! Cheers, Filip

Energy Trader

 By: RabidManatee : December 8th, 2022-23:26


 By: Ruffian : December 11th, 2022-04:35
Collecting (all things, not just watches) has been shown to be more prevalent among academics, a fact that seems borne out by this thread.

Interesting observation

 By: Ssherman855 : December 11th, 2022-05:26
I tend to agree, however, I would disagree on the term “academics”. I would categorize it more as the intellectual and curious (heavier on the curious)… for example, I barely graduated high school but have a career where most of my colleagues are MBAs or ... 

Yes, I guess what I meant was, the personality type tends to be curious and intellectual.

 By: Ruffian : December 11th, 2022-10:56
Not 'academic' in the narrow sense of 'university professor or researcher', but perhaps more along the lines of 'academic vocations'. But I think it's been shown to be more prevalent in academics (university types). I just can't remember where I read that...