WAIT! Our good friend CLUELESS_COLLECTOR just hit 15k posts!

Apr 01, 2024,20:48 PM

We all know he is not so clueless when it comes to watches!  Quite the contrary actually!  Please join me to congratulate him on hitting 15k posts!  I am sure we are all looking forward to many more posts from you our good friend!  Keep the passion rolling!  Cheers, Yacomino

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Huge congratulations ! โ€ฆ

By: Cpt Scarlet : April 1st, 2024-21:04
Good to have you with us and looking forward to seeing many more posts from you. Best regards Captain


By: mrds : April 1st, 2024-21:21
Your posts are always an inspiration, as is your collection. Keep it coming, mate! Best, Daniel

Big congrats!

By: Jtl : April 1st, 2024-22:22
Been enjoying reading your posts and thank you for sharing your passion in watches with us.

Cluelessly spamming and post-bombing here ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

By: Clueless_Collector : April 2nd, 2024-17:11
Thanks Sir Jay, but I can safely say no one can ever come close to Nicoโ€ฆI bet with my watch ๐Ÿ˜…

Congratulations on this great milestone

By: Derreck : April 2nd, 2024-20:43
Thanks for all the posts, Iโ€™m learning a lot thanks to you. Hope to see many many more posts from you and many new pieces in your collection!


By: pfang56 : April 2nd, 2024-22:26
Love the irony in the name. Not so clueless with an outstanding collection like that. Looking forward to the next 15,000 posts!!! Peter

Thank you Peter!

By: Clueless_Collector : April 2nd, 2024-22:59
I have to be clueless since I was deemed incapable to be considered by AP to own any of their watches, haha..."interviewed" 2 times and even order 2 Codes but not hearing anything back from the sales....lol...anyways...huge congrats to you for that world ... 

It's funny you encountered the same, so you and me are not alone :))

By: Clueless_Collector : April 3rd, 2024-16:17
It is very strange and makes it wonder why this "inner circle" is so hard to penetrate? I think we approach the wrong sales person...the one(s) that had already lots of customers on their hand and not enough to supply...too bad... We are Eagle bros, lol.....