POTM - September - Richard N

Aug 31, 2017,05:03 AM

Dear fellows
It's Friday September 1st in Kiritimati, Christmas Island, Kiribati...
so for all our Purist friends from there that are eagerly waiting for new POTM installation
I have immense pride and you to present you RichardN our long time member.
Once again all splendor of this community in this month's POTM

1. Please introduce yourself!

Hey there, friends! I’m Richard N – and I’m a WIS (then again, who here isn’t 😊 ?) I’m not one to hide behind names that mask who I am as I am exactly as I appear, online and offline, so my username is pretty much my name with the exception of me not including my full surname.

I’m Malaysian and like many of us here, born in the early 70’s, so yes, I grew up not knowing what a cellphone was, and enjoyed life a lot without those devices, and work in an industry that so happens to go against a lot of my loathe for modern day devices and how they take a lot of family time away – I work in the IT field, specifically around data centers.

My wife is not a watch fan at all, though through the many years of us being together (close to 2 decades now), she’s humored me by attending numerous watch related events and even learning how to pronounce the brands 😊 I tried to get her into the game, by getting her some watches to “help”, but she’s resigned to just wearing her Rolex Oyster and on occasion, her Franck Muller Casablanca which is the only watch she’s ever thought was truly beautiful. In recent months, she’s “watchnapped” my AP Royal Oak, but I don’t see her wearing that often at all. Hmmm….

My two children are not into watches. The 15 year old girl doesn’t wear a watch most of the time, and if she does, she favors a Baby-G (she has “booked” my GO PanoInverse though), while the 13 year old boy is a G-Shock fan. At least he’s on the right track. I’ve tried, but only time will tell if I succeed in helping them love watches. I’ve recently given them a Seiko 5 each, and that’s step 1.


The watches I gifted my kids over the Chinese New Year festival earlier this year

2. How did you discovered WatchProSite and what it means for you to be one of PuristS?

I stumbled across WatchProSite some 10 years back when I purchased my first two “real watches” – a Bell & Ross BR01-97 and a Vulcain Aviator Cricket. Looking for details and information on those two landed me here – and yes, I bought two in my very first venture into this madness. I’ve since sold both – the BR was bought off a view in a magazine, and the 46mm looked utterly ridiculous on my 6.75” wrist! The Vulcain – that was sold quite early on as well as the constant clicking of the alarm hammer when not wound irritated me too much.

This site initially was meant to be a place for me to seek information, but over time, I realized that it was the friendship, advice, jester and fun that kept bringing me back. The information piece, while still interesting, was great, but the latter became the highlight. The GTG’s got me some really good exposure to fellow Purists and I made a lot of good friends over time, so to me, we are all about the community and friendship. I do sometimes wish that the information piece gets back to where it was – it seems a little less today than it was some years ago. Still, I do continue to enjoy being here daily.

3. What watch are you wearing today and how you choose watch “of the day”?

Today, I’m wearing my Glashutte Original Panoinverse XL. I do love this watch a lot, and if you could see how shiny the nubuck strap looks like now, you’d know that it gets a lot of wrist time.

I don’t really have a watch of the day anymore – I used to. At one point, I think I had over  35 watches in my collection and sometimes went through 2 to 3 watches a day, but as I “matured” into this hobby, I’ve realized that my tastes gravitate toward specific watches and those that were bought because of a certain complication or function, ended up not being worn. Over the last 2 years, I’ve been slowly reducing my collection and am down to only 9 pieces now – space to add just one more to bring it up to 10 and I think I’m done, at least with the number, not the watches 😃

My rotation these days is 2 weeks per watch. And in that 2 weeks, I wear it for all occasions. I’m hardly ever in long sleeves or suits, so the watch is really put through its paces with wardrobe and lifestyle challenges.

4. What is your favorite watch/brand/complication?

I don’t think I have a favorite brand. It started off with GO, but service has not been a consistent experience, so I ditched two of the three that I had, and don’t really have a clear favorite now. Gun to my head, I’d likely say Speake-Marin, only because I’ve met Peter on a few occasions and he’s a real gentleman and friend and that personal connection changes the whole landscape of how I view his brand.

As for favorite complication, I’m going with no complication – or just time only.

5. When and how you discovered horology?

Interestingly, it was due to my grandfather showing me the watch my mum used to wear when she was 7. It says Tudor on the dial, but I had absolutely no idea about what that was then. What amazed me was that it was tiny, and STILL WORKED! And this was when I was already in my late teens. Eventually I found a few more of such watches stashed in a drawer and took some of them to a watch repair center and the guy at the table managed to get them all working again. Comparing against my digital watches which had to be fixed and some discarded after a while – I started taking an interest into what made it different and after quite a bit of research and reading in the local libraries, I was hooked!

The yellowish one is a Timex and still works – see how small when put next to my 42mm GO PI. Amazing micromechanics!

6. What element of the watch is for you make it or break it factor?

To me – a make factor is a well designed watch, and triggers and immediate “I like it!” feeling. That doesn’t happen very often and I’ve realized today that if I don’t get that buzz, I don’t buy it.

What breaks it for me is an overmarketed, overpriced, over-ambassadorized and overly recognized watch. I absolutely do not like it when I sit at a table of non watch people and a statement of “Wow! That’s an expensive watch!” surfaces. That watch eventually will end up not being worn and eventually sold. I will not wear a watch that a football player or actor endorses unless I really like the watch.

7. If you could design your own watch what would it be and what it would look like?

I’m not a designer, but if it would be the MIH watch at half the thickness, minus the chronograph.

8. What is the watch that will last leave your collection and why?

This would be the Reverso Grande Taille. My wife bought that for me for our 10th wedding anniversary, and she actually took a full year to pay for it. The effort and sacrifice on her part to get me that is enough to make that the cornerstone of my collection. It does help that I actually love the design, size and the movement of the watch.

9. What do you love and hate about watch industry today?

What I love – probably choices of watches. What I hate – marketing taking over actually building great products, over reliance on re-editions and fake patina, terrible service experiences. I will stop here!


10. What was the evolution of your collection and how do you see it in next decade?

As in parts above, I started out buying anything that struck my fancy – be it design, complications, some sort of history etc. At one point, I liked having a lot of things on the dials too. Of late, those things rarely ever interest me anymore.

I no longer favor busy dials and complications, unless done right. In trimming my collection – I have stuck to time only watches. I’ve gotten tired of chronographs as I never use those functions and I generally avoid dates because I’m too lazy to set them and in my frequent travels across timezones, that just becomes a pain. A watch also has to be comfortable – anything that is too heavy or large makes me tired and annoyed after 2 hours has been kicked out, no matter how much I love the design, so I tend to stick to watches 40mm or below. Some exceptions, though, but my largest are at 42mm today with short lugs.

I see this trend continuing indefinitely – manual wind, time only, occasionally a big date. I find these sort of language is timeless and as I get older, I don’t want to be spending time on setting pieces and being concerned over complications and the cost of servicing them.

No grails for me, but the Lange 1815 was a watch that I probably wanted for the longest time (5+ years) and I’ve managed to add that to my collection just a few weeks ago, so like I said, I think I’m almost done in shaping what I have.

11. What other hobbies do you have?

Sports and music – I enjoy playing music, both with friends and in church. Drumming gets the stress out, and tests the shock capabilities of watches 😉 I also do play badminton very regularly – and of course time with the family, which is paramount.

12. Your life motto and life philosophy is…

Make the most of today. Tomorrow is a different story.

More posts: Franck MullerGlashutteMIHRoyal OakSpeake-MarinTudor

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Richard, I'm sure those Seiko 5s will get your children into mechanical watches soon.

 By: Luis6 : August 31st, 2017-05:26
Thank you for letting us know more about you. We really should meet in person. It's only a 5-hour flight between you and me. Btw, if you dare, tell your wife: "give that RO back to me if you don't wear it!"

We really should meet, especially since we're living close enough

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:09
As for the RO - I'm not that brave!

Richard is a true Purist and ...

 By: nilomis : August 31st, 2017-05:43
Is one, among others, that I would like to know face-to-face. Long time that I don't travel to the gorgeous Malaysia (love the people and their food). His taste is very fine and his pictures shows it. Congratulations for your answers and cheers to Dr. D. ... 

Maybe it is time to head out this way! :-)

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:10
I'd be happy to take you on a tour. Thanks for the kind words!

Hi Richard N, greetings from an ex Malaysian who is born in the 60s.

 By: Kit333 : August 31st, 2017-05:54
Congrats for the POTM September accolade!

Thank you, sake! [nt]

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:10

Wonderful to read you here, Richard!

 By: crown comfort : August 31st, 2017-06:07
thanks for the insight and getting to know you a bit more. I like the development you have taken and I think it is going in the right direction. Less watches, but killer pieces. CC

Less watches and more wrist time :-)

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:11
Give me a lot more pleasure than if it was the other way round

That Seiko 5 Sport is a delightful feat. As much as I like it, I cud never get myself to buy one..

 By: redcorals : August 31st, 2017-06:09
...as I feared it wud never get into my rotation. Glad you got them for your kids - now you have the pleasure of viewing it often.

You'd be surprised at how much you'd want to wear the Seiko 5

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:12
Excellent value for money, and if it was a different brand of the exact same watch, I'm sure the price would be multiple times higher.

Thank you very much for sharing about yourself

 By: cazalea : August 31st, 2017-06:22
In my opinion, these interviews really help us to understand one another - filling in the missing pieces and rounding out our impressions of each other. It was nice of you to give those Seiko 5s to you kids - even if they don't become WISs ... Cheers, Caz... 

Thanks, Padj! [nt]

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:13

Thank you Richard for opening your "watch addict soul and heart" to us 😉

 By: Alkiro1 : August 31st, 2017-06:39
We can feel that family is really important for you thanks to your sweet stories about your grand father, children and what your wife did for your 10th wedding. My personal feeling is that you're a "well-reasoned addict" watch lover which seems to be inco... 

Well reasoned addict! :-)

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:13
I like that! LOL!

My pleasure 😉

 By: Alkiro1 : September 1st, 2017-00:16
Best wishes Alkiro

Always nice to hear the story of a purist!

 By: Kitcaptor : August 31st, 2017-07:04
Your peaking at 35 watches is impressive! All the best

Small number compared to a lot of Purists here :-)

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:17
Rather unmanageable once we get beyond 12, speaking from my own personal opinion.

Funny, I have the feeling to know you for a long time, forever.

 By: amanico : August 31st, 2017-08:05
Normal, you are here or a long time and we have similar tastes. I love the last watch which i-will leave your collection. All the best, my friend, and keep on being you and here. Nicolas

The feeling is mutual, my friend.

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:14
You've been inspirational here all these years

Yes, we do

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-03:04
I missed the opportunity when you were last in Singapore but will look for another opportunity

Thank you, my friend [nt]

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:14

Great to read you, my friend!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : August 31st, 2017-11:08
Hope one day we meet in person! Best Blomman

An excellent choice to have Richard as the POTM because he is a WIS, PuristS and a...

 By: GLau : August 31st, 2017-11:14
gentleman ! His collection is eclectic and interesting. His character is friendly, helpful, and pleasant. His watch knowledge is both broad in terms of brands and deep in terms pieces he owns or otherwise. Great write-up on a true PuristS whom I enjoy hav... 

Thanks for the accolades, Gordon :-)

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:16
Our GTG's have always been fun, especially learning from you on how to appreciate the art pieces which my engineering mind take a lot of trouble to adjust to.

Great to read about you Richard!

 By: andrewluff : August 31st, 2017-11:15
and amazing pics too! Love that Panoinverse. Fantastic to learn more about our crew, thank you dear Damjan for taking the time to do this and of course to you Richard for sharing with us all. Cheers Andrew

Thanks, Andrew.

 By: rnaden : September 1st, 2017-00:15
The Panoinverse is a very alluring watch

Please keep a Wednesday open on your next So Cal visit, Richard . . .

 By: Dr No : August 31st, 2017-13:48
. . . 'cause that's when the magic happens . . . . . . at Maggie's.

Thank you, Richard, for sharing these insights into yourself!

 By: stromer : September 1st, 2017-14:15
You are blessed with your wife who supports your madness so much that she saves for a year to give you a Reverso even if she - at least I read it like that - is not infected herself. A pity you reduced your GOs to one. But I understand what you write abou... 

She is a gem :-)

 By: rnaden : September 2nd, 2017-01:58
And yes, I do like GO a lot as a manufacturer - I just sometimes wonder why the service is so poor when compared to the immaculate watches they build. The frustration of service and repair was too much to bear.

I understand you well.

 By: stromer : September 2nd, 2017-05:21
I have been put to the test also and I was on the verge of turning my back on GO too. But I was too much a fan of the people at Glashütte and their products for giving up. Finally my issues were sorted out to my fullest satisfaction. But I never understoo... 

I had the same dilemma when I bought this

 By: rnaden : September 2nd, 2017-07:45
The Lunar was equally attractive...my eventual reasoning was that the PI just looked different from everything out there. There are already off center dials, at least more than an inverted movement with an off center dial. The big date and moon phase also... 

What a great post!

 By: NT931 : September 1st, 2017-20:21
I've always liked your Panoinverse, and if ever they made a smaller version, I'd be in the queue for it. I've unfortunately never had a chance to meet you at our GTGs, but I've always enjoyed your thoughts and comments on our WA group. And I like Alkiro's... 

We need to fix that issue with us not meeting up after all this while :-)

 By: rnaden : September 2nd, 2017-01:59
Need to see more of those blued hands in your nice collection in the metal.

Hello Richard!! How nice to get to know more about you and...

 By: Subexplorer : September 17th, 2017-19:12
your personal approach to watch collecting! I enjoyed so much reading and as in previous POTM editions it makes me desire to meet you in person some day! I hope you'll keep enjoying your watches in good health as well as enjoying your nice Family as this ... 

It is a pleasure, my friend

 By: rnaden : September 18th, 2017-07:39
As you, I do hope that one day we'll be able to meet in person. Glad to be able to contribute in this small way, and a big thanks to our one and only Mr D for the privilege.