Yes indeed, those were different times - this collaboration was released in the early days of Covid ...

Apr 03, 2024,03:46 AM

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A piece that I haven't posted in a while. Minimalist elegance paired with a spectacular movement.

By: als1678 : April 2nd, 2024-22:56
Despite the vintage vibes of the sector dial it feels contemporary and can certainly be a daily wearer. When it was released some compared it to LF because of the dial. I don't think that's fair - such sector could be found on vintage watches and there ar...  

I say it's overpriced.

By: jaspermccrea : April 8th, 2024-12:02
... but it might just be that other models are undervalued. I paid a very similar amount for one of the new Quattro 42mm (which reminds me to post a picture here) models in white gold with the Geneva Seal. These Jubliee/Revolution QF models are very attra... 

You are right that a lot of LUC pieces are totally undervalued in the secondary market.

By: als1678 : April 8th, 2024-14:04
The quattro is a great example. But I was thinking of last year's 1860 as a comparable and that's a 25K watch. If I want sector dial no date, high end micro rotor movement then I need to go to PP or LF which are at completely different price level.

I agree - totally crazy!

By: als1678 : April 8th, 2024-16:35
Some people don't like a date, but still Chopard certainly had marketing issues, most people knew of the happy diamonds ladies watches. Or the jewelry. Only after Alpine eagle things slowly stated to change and their timing with the 1860 was lucky - exact... 

Lovely dial...

By: mdg : April 3rd, 2024-01:03 only issue is the odd high-up placement of the seconds hand...

You are a really lucky man.

By: Boris : April 3rd, 2024-02:42
Beautiful execution, one of the best sector dial around. And going for what, $15,000 at the time this limited edition came out? It’s as good, or better, than watches going for twice the price.

Love this

By: blau : April 3rd, 2024-10:13
When it was first announced I remember going into MUST HAVE IT mode... but I didn't get it... and moved on. Hope these photos don't drag me back in!

Wonderful piece !

By: pkonos : April 3rd, 2024-14:42
I recall vacillating on purchasing it when I had the chance, and still regret not having pulled the trigger. Congratulations, it looks fantastic.