Hello dear Yacomino!! Your Theme this weekend is very challenging and inviting to much thoughts regarding our most worn and less worn watches...

Feb 19, 2022,13:38 PM

...   It is specially challenging the answer when a collection is large or considering certain characteristics of our watches.

I mean... there are watches I love so much like my Speedmaster Moonshine which I would like to wear more often but which I rarely wear during the year. Being full gold and specially in the unsafe conditions we have in my Country I barely dare to wear it sometimes... at home!

Now, regarding most often worn watches I find that my hand tends to go more often to certain watches by some reason I can´t explain. It seems I have a very strong link with them which resists any explanation. 

They are my Rolex Submariners and some Panerai as well as the Omega Speedmaster in any of its variants.

 I guess that one of these watches can be seen more often on my wrist than any other in my collection.

I´m sharing a few shots of these watches below.

Have a nice weekend dear Yacomino and all friends here at WPS!

Cheers! Abel

Deeply loved but very little worn my Moonshine Speedy

The new Ed White 321 model is my most often worn and favorite modern Speedy

A Submariner is very often on my wrist. Last year the 40 mm ceramic no date was one of my favorites.

You will often see a Panerai on my wrist. The Cali dial is a strong favorite always!

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Comments: view entire thread



 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 18th, 2022-11:42
Hello dear fellow purist! This week-end I have the pleasure of hosting our WristScan. The theme this week-end is: WristTime, or more precisely, Competing for you WristTime! The idea is for you to share with us: 1- what watch in your collection is grabbing...  

To help get things going, for me...

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 18th, 2022-11:51
since i basically reset 100% of my collection in the last 14 months or so I can say that most of my watches are getting similar wristtime. That was not the case before! Focusing only on my current collection then, two of them stand out to get more wrist t...  

Very interesting and …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 18th, 2022-12:17
We have very similar thoughts on our collections and how we use them. The Lange and Tudor are an excellent combination to enjoy and switch between on a daily basis depending on how we feel and the location. As for Panerai I use several different models bu... 

LOL - good point!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 18th, 2022-15:19

I’m sure that …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-23:59
our friend “Q” could modify it to make it very safe in the right hands 😉 ...  

Fantastic new wristscan thread, splendid start, and great post pertaining to this interesting topic.

 By: KCLQMULKU : February 18th, 2022-16:29
Your L&S and BB58c are gorgeous and I do agree with you about wishing to avoid drawing unnecessary attention (with the exception of other enthusiasts and friends/family). I am sure your PAM may reignite that feeling again in the future! Your Explorer 2 is... 

Thank you! Looking forward to your submission! :-)

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 18th, 2022-17:20


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-17:26

Hello dear friend Yacomino! Interesting to read your thoughts about your most and less worn watches. I easily understand your feelings. But I´m surprised to know you do not get to ...

 By: Subexplorer : February 19th, 2022-23:50
... fully connect with your anonimo Pam. I thought you liked it so much as per your sharing it in previous posts. But I can understand that too, because it happens me all the time. Some watches we get to love more than others, some of them so deeply. Othe... 

Agreed! Right now I am lucky in that I love everyone of the watches in my collection and while some get more wristtime I am passionate about each one…

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 22nd, 2022-00:36
This has not always been the case as until I found out the type of watches I like (of course I like several type) there was a lot more turnover in them

Again I understand you. Watch collecting as in other areas of collecting different objects is a long long journey. While crossing it we learn, discover new variants, and we change...

 By: Subexplorer : February 24th, 2022-15:28
... tastes or the course of our collecting. Main thing is to get the most enjoyment from the pieces we own whichever the quantity, brands or models. Cheers! Abel

Still I love your 721!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:46
Cheers Thomas

Thanks for hosting this WS dear Chronometer .

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 18th, 2022-17:10
The watch that got the most wrist time lately is this great collaboration LE/VH Here two watches i need to wear more but for some reason I always pick something else when i need to choose before i go The watch i so love but unfortunately don’t wear that m...  

Vianney Halter …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-15:43
Looking exceptionally cool on your wrist this weekend..

Starting with …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 18th, 2022-17:20
This interesting theme and my thoughts on the watches in my collection grabbing the most Wrist Time. This is something that changes, influenced by clothing, places and seasons. Twice this week … Yesterday’s choice… On my wrist today … I’ll be back later w...  

I can do better than that ;-)) …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 18th, 2022-20:14

Oh yeah! 👌👌👌

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 18th, 2022-20:17


 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 18th, 2022-20:18

In the last year or so I've been successful in leveling the amount of wrist time . . .

 By: Dr No : February 18th, 2022-19:02
. . . my watches receive. There's forty that get roughly equal time now. Can't say there's one that gets more wrist time than the others, but there are a few that get short changed precisely because they're so precious. I've owned this Ω ref 2364 30T2rg c...  

It's been a struggle to level the amount of time . . .

 By: Dr No : February 18th, 2022-20:00
. . . between all the watches in my collection. Precious metals aren't really suited for everyday wear, so I tended to skip over them in the past, but I've been making a conscious effort to rotate thru recently. That's why you've been seeing the Centenary... 

It’s interesting to hear about…

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-10:21
How you have managed to use so many of your watches. I really need to increase the rotation of my regular selection. Your 2364 30T2rg chronometer looks very cool.

Hello dear Art! Nice to know you could balance the wrist time of your wonderful Omega collection! Even if it is not easy to choose among so many superb pieces. Now that you mention...

 By: Subexplorer : February 19th, 2022-23:56
... the Flightmaster I remembered my Friendship FM and feel I haven´t given the wrist time it deserves lately. Will get mine next week on my wrist again! Hagwe my dear friend. A big Hug for you! Best, Abel

This one will be getting the most wrist time ….

 By: Timeout : February 18th, 2022-21:09
for obvious - if not shallow! - reasons. Just arrived today 😊 ...  

Many thanks.

 By: Timeout : February 18th, 2022-23:57
And this one gets the least wrist time. It’s quite a digression from most of my watches - and right now is with Bvlgari for service so I’ll make a point of wearing it when it comes back - hopefully in April. ...  

Powerful looking Bvlgari Octo 👍

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-10:23

Wow ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-10:22
Superb Moser, congratulations !

Superb ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-23:49
I’m loving the clear lacquer logo 👍


 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:48
This Moser PC is a very special piece with definitely an unique design. Many congrats! Thomas

Many thanks. I believe that they’ve just started shipping as Up to now I’ve only seen the marketing materials from August through October last year.

 By: Timeout : February 20th, 2022-14:52
I got this direct from Moser so suspect it’s one of the first shipments as they indicated Q1 2022 for availability back when I spoke with them in October.

I am a big fan of the Moser PC.

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-15:02
I like the very reduced design. Here my Purity: Yours has the big advantage to fit in all life situations. A sports watch with a good WR and in steel. Great! ...  

Pure and very cool 😎

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-15:45

Simplicity at its best!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 20th, 2022-15:55

I have been wearing ...

 By: diracpoint : February 18th, 2022-22:10
this since it arrived in late Dec. All of my other watches are sitting in boxes since then. I'll probably go back to them at some point, but now that I have ordered a custom strap for the Zeit, it'll be a while ... ...  

This zeitwerk is absolutely gorgeous.

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 19th, 2022-08:39
It deserves a long honeymoon. Your other watches are jealous i guess


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-12:26

Thanks! 🙏

 By: diracpoint : February 19th, 2022-22:50

Good to see this Zeit being posted on WristScan …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-10:26
What strap have you ordered to go with it ?

It's custom-made ...

 By: diracpoint : February 19th, 2022-22:49
olive Minerva Box leather strap, from a small local (Canadian) shop ... should be here any day now!

The second pic is top!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:49
For me the most beautiful ZW. Cheers Thomas

As usual a very interesting theme Chronometer, so let me chime in with two watches for your thread this weekend...

 By: FabR : February 19th, 2022-11:07
The first is the Patek I mentioned to you in response to another post yesterday, the one who's probably been getting the most wrist time in total since I purchased it nearly 13 years ago! The 5167 is one of the most versatile Pateks in the entire catalog,...  

Hi Fab …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-18:30
I completely agree with you about the 5167 being one of the most versatile Pateks, in fact it’s probably one of the most versatile watches ever made. Best regards Captain

Dear Fabrizio,

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:53
this 5167 really looks fantastic on your wrist. Seems like made for you. Your choices are very interesting for me given the other watches you have in your collection. Cheers Thomas

Saluti 🥂☺️

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-18:17

Omega month

 By: tiffer1967 : February 19th, 2022-12:10
Hi guys. My first time joining you in this feature. This month I have been alternating between the Omega watches in the pic. There are models from the 70s, 80s, 90s & current day in there. The Seamaster with the black dial has been replaced as my favourit...  

That’s a very versatile collection …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-18:32
and interesting to see them all lined up. Difficult to beat a Speedmaster.

 By: tiffer1967 : February 19th, 2022-19:44
Thank you. I removed the bracelet on the Speedmaster a few months back to take out some links. Having done that I couldn't re-attach it & gave up. A lad that works in an Omega AD explained to me the technique involved in re-attaching the bracelet & I did ... 

Interesting …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-23:51
I just love a good Speedmaster ! Good to have you with us for WristScan.

Grabbing the least WristTime …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-12:42
Hello dear friends ! One of the watches that gets the least wrist time is my Zenith Montre d'Aéronef Type 20, otherwise known as “The Beast”. I have genuine affection for this watch and wouldn’t dream of passing it on. The reasons why it doesn’t get a lot...  

Thank you dear friend 🥃🥃 😬

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-18:19

Great theme, Y!

 By: vallura : February 19th, 2022-13:20
Currently, I seem to be coming to this GS SLGH005 on a daily basis because the dial, new case, & versatility. The Skydweller is my favorite because of sentimental value but not worn out much because too flashy for my line of work. I do give it a wind week...  

Three great watch and choice my friend! Of course i share your love for this GS with their new case! How do you find legibility on the white birch dial?

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-15:20
And like you i am also conscious not to wear my Rolex in some work condition! Thanks for participating!

I see! Ok thanks!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-16:24

That’s a real three watch collection …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-18:34
Very nice combo.

Thank you, dear Cpt :)

 By: vallura : February 19th, 2022-23:52

The GS SLGH005 …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-23:54
Looks so good and is tempting me 😱

Thanks for sharing this …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-00:01
I’m going to try one as soon as I get the chance.

I’m thinking that GS definitely will follow up …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-10:46
With more dial options.

I think so too, Cpt

 By: vallura : February 20th, 2022-14:25

I already wrote it to you:

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:54
this GS SLGH005 with this strap looks amazing. Great pic! Cheers Thomas

Hello dear Yacomino!! Your Theme this weekend is very challenging and inviting to much thoughts regarding our most worn and less worn watches...

 By: Subexplorer : February 19th, 2022-13:38
... It is specially challenging the answer when a collection is large or considering certain characteristics of our watches. I mean... there are watches I love so much like my Speedmaster Moonshine which I would like to wear more often but which I rarely ...  

Thank you so much dear friend Yacomino

 By: Subexplorer : February 19th, 2022-23:31
For your kind comments and for remembering my CV Vacheron. Yes, this is a watch I love so much that I can were all year around. Truth is that owning a large collection gives a lot of joy and satisfaction but also has its drawback: wearing them in a rotati...  

Very cool shots Abel 😎

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-15:49

Hello dear friend ..

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-18:46
This has got me thinking… I have been enjoying my Moonshine but not had it on my wrist since Christmas. I definitely need to rectify this oversight and use it this coming week. As for Panerai, I completely agree with you about the California. The Panerai ...  

Top picture!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-19:36


 By: Subexplorer : February 19th, 2022-23:37

Thank you 🙏

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-15:49

Cheers my dear friend 🥂

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 19th, 2022-23:42

Superb shot!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-14:41

That’s very kind of you 🙏

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-15:50

Dear Abel,

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:57
big, big, BIG‼️ love for your Speedmasters Moonshine and Ed White. Two of these stunning Speedies in your collection. What can you wish more? Cheers Thomas

Great theme, dear Chronometer!

 By: S F : February 19th, 2022-13:46
I wear my GMTM the most, I will always have one in the drawer - such as this 1675. The rest are not getting much wrist time simply due to laziness to move them out from storage esp during these couple of years when we are not going out much.....for eg. ...  

Thé certainly did!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 20th, 2022-11:43

Your GMT is a wonderful daily wearer dear S F! The all black bezel gives a low key character and makes it very elegant. Nice watches you share as usual. I also own a GS SBGM like...

 By: Subexplorer : February 19th, 2022-23:44
... your with that charming creamy dial. A beautiful daily wearer as well. Keep enjoying them so much! Hagwe! Abel

Hello SF ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:46
Rolex by the water is a very cool shot and the bezel on your Blancpain looks very interesting.

Thks Cpt!

 By: S F : February 20th, 2022-12:10
The 50 fathoms trilogy in RG…bezel is RG as well. Cheers!

Thanks …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-12:20
I’ve never seen this watch in person.

A Tale of Two Breguets

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : February 19th, 2022-15:58
I don't wear this lovely yellow gold Breguet Marine 5817ba on a marvelous bracelet even though I love it, due to the way it might attract attention. This charming Breguet 7787bb, on the other hand, is always welcome to join me in a field of wild flowers (...  

Thank you for running WS this week!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : February 19th, 2022-18:00

My pleasure!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-18:10

Poetry on the wrist: lovely 7787.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 19th, 2022-17:27

Yes, it's a joy to wear!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : February 19th, 2022-17:59

The Breguet 7787bb…

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:44
Beautiful photos of this elegant watch from Breguet. Well played !

The daily beater 😏

 By: FRAMII : February 19th, 2022-16:02
This one gets most wrist time of my collection: This one doesn’t get much wrist time but it started my PP journey 20 years ago: I love this one but haven’t used it in a year (don’t know why, maybe my newer purchase get more love): Have a great weekend eve...  

No safe queen here! Love it! HAGWE!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-16:23

Show off! 😃

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 19th, 2022-17:28
Spectacular pieces.!

Sorry don’t want to be a show off!!

 By: FRAMII : February 19th, 2022-18:24
Thx 🙏

“The daily beater” …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:41
Sublime !

Interesting theme!

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 19th, 2022-17:54
My not so often on my wrist one first: a Tissot from around 1972 in 34 mm only I like it a lot but maybe too many others to pick from? Running super accurately and visually a joy for two months now as a daily beater: Tag Montreal At last now THE least wor...  

Ha ha, I was thinking of making the same joke!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : February 19th, 2022-17:57
Posting a watch tried on in a boutique! The cooking thermometer shot should win a prize!

We share the same humor. Great 🥃🥃

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 19th, 2022-18:01

Thank you my friend.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 19th, 2022-18:04
Saw a"regular" rg one of that tourbi few days ago.. it also broke my heart 💔🥲

ROFL 😂 …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:38
This is a vintage post from you dear Count … I love it !


 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 20th, 2022-11:51

My favourite post of the weekend …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:52
Just don’t tell anyone 😉

... 🤐

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 20th, 2022-12:35

I have been enjoying this sports model …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-16:48
Even if the case size is a little large for current trends … ...  

Thanks 😉🥃🥃

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-21:32

Very Interesting Topic -- I would like to join you!

 By: Jim14 : February 19th, 2022-18:19
For me, collecting is driven by wrist time first and other considerations second. While it may be appealing to have six different speedies or several Panerai, at the end of the day, my choice is to keep my "best" example of what I like. For this reason, t...  

Truly superb selection of watch your sharing with us today and I can understand how your AP is getting a lot of wrist time!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2022-18:40
I will admit I have a soft spot for your FPJ! I also like your approach to collecting enough having too many of the same thing to provide more variety I guess in your collection I think that’s a great approach thanks for sharing and have a great weekend ... 

Thank you Yacomino!

 By: Jim14 : February 19th, 2022-18:41

Good lineup Jim …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:35
The Montoya has real presence on your wrist. Good to also see your FPJ making an appearance on WristScan 👍

My pleasure Jim …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-13:43
Thanks again for joining us for WristScan this weekend.

I may possibly have too many watches 🙄

 By: jml_watches : February 19th, 2022-19:30
Hi Currently it's this Somehow, I even like the cheap bracelet it came on when I got it. However, longer term it's these 3 that have probably had the most wrist time The top two as I've had them the longest, & the Urushi as I wore it every day for the bes...  

The classic Reverso …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:24
Makes sense as a watch getting plenty of wrist time.

Although currently away from home, I just realised I have the three I need :). So here are some quick photos and comments.

 By: KCLQMULKU : February 19th, 2022-21:53
The Tissot, which was actually a birthday gift from my 75 year old mother, is actually getting the most wrist time during the weekday. I think that it is quite stylish, light, and I don't have to worry over scratches or unwanted attention. It does the job...  

Many thanks!

 By: KCLQMULKU : February 20th, 2022-09:58
I am afraid I sold my 5296 last year, ironically replacing it with the 5960. Certainly no regrets on that, though it has left a Calatrava/dress watch vacuum.

Good to hear …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-11:03
That you enjoy the Tissot that your mother gave you, special memories.

Your 5960P is a timeless beauty

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:59
with the certain twist. Many congrats Thomas

Yes, sorry!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-13:13
I was falling in love with your 5960P immediately and therefore too fast. I just corrected it! 🙏

Interesting one…

 By: KMII : February 20th, 2022-04:53
As for the ones that get the least wrist time it’s most likely the vintage ones. Such as… On the other hand these get the most wrist time… As for the one highly cherished but worn not most frequently it’s this: ...  

Hello dear KM …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-10:54
Impressive and diverse lineup. I completely get the Grand Seiko being frequently on your wrist. In my opinion this watch is fast becoming a replacement for how we viewed a Rolex Explorer, as the go to reliable daily choice. Best regards Captain

This is a nice WristScan topic again, dear Chronometer!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-12:43
1- what watch in your collection is grabbing the most WristTime and why, … Grabbing the most wrist time (during the last weeks) has been my IWC Perpetual Calendar Rattrapante. Recently my life has been made up of a lot of work and business and little free...  

Dear Thomas, thanks for sharing your thoughts on your favorite watches! Your IWC has a lot to love but i also understand your comment on summer watch regarding your Blancpain...

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 20th, 2022-12:48
I am the same in that some watch get worn more in the summer. Now that Moser deserve some more wrist time! Wow! You mention it is a double hairspring, can you tell me more about its movement and do you have a picture of the back side maybe? Cheers

My pleasure!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-13:10
The Henry is equipped with a specific, also tonneau shaped, very smooth hand-winding movement including the famous and revolutionary Straumann double hairspring (in order to exclude gravitational influences). The movement provides hours, minutes, small se...  

Thanks a lot for your kind comment, Jim.

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-14:47
Yes, I just buy what I am 100% convinced of and like 100%. No compromises. So it’s just my own personal taste. From an investment point of view, I could probably do a lot better, but I don't really care about investing and speculating when I'm wearing a w... 

Very true! Makes it even more special IMO!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 20th, 2022-15:53

Superb shots Thomas ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 20th, 2022-15:55
Well played this weekend on WristScan 🥂

You are too kind.

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-18:18
No special equipment. Just passion and a smartphone. 😁 🥂

My Signature 1

 By: mj23 : February 20th, 2022-18:11
Is grabbing the most of wrist time recently. The finishing is just out of this world that keeps me looking at the craftsmanship all the time and not the “time” itself 😂 ...  

Oha!! What a watch!!

 By: MTR : February 20th, 2022-18:14
A marvel. Do you also have a photo from the backside? Best Thomas

Here is the backside

 By: mj23 : February 20th, 2022-18:18

equally beautiful!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 20th, 2022-18:56

Thanks much Chronometer!

 By: mj23 : February 20th, 2022-18:59


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 20th, 2022-19:32