Panerai Daylight Slytech 5218-207/A.

Feb 04, 2024,08:34 AM

An original Panerai Pre Vendome, with its white dial. 

Long time gone, but not forgotten. 



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Hello Nicolas! That’s a true beauty! Though we generally …

 By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-14:32
… imagine a Panerai with a black dial, I personally find a white dial as a very cool and elegant option. I own two: a Pam 650 which came in the Pam 786 set and a Pam 660. They look very nice on the wrist specially in Summer weather with a nice tan on the ...  

Thank you so much for your kind comments dear Nicolas. Agree with you that Panerai did a great job offering this reference as a nod to the Pre Vendome Daylight. And the blue index and...

 By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-17:03
... dial inscriptions are truly delicious. Me alegra mucho saber que te gusta este reloj amigo mio! Abrazos! Abel

Que si!

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2024-17:03


 By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-20:12

White dial Panerai are beautiful!

 By: R. Goodfellow : February 4th, 2024-19:10
And this Slytech is a noteworthy reference in the story of the brand.

Absolutely, my friend.

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2024-20:48

I have no particular love...

 By: sergio : February 5th, 2024-14:25
for the white one. I just thought that, in the middle of a myriad of black dialled ones, it would be ok to have the white one also Furthermore, buying it directly from Mario Paci, added a bit of history to it

Ha! :))))

 By: amanico : February 5th, 2024-16:42