Geneva Watch Days Symposiums

Aug 29, 2024,11:57 AM

What's going on ?!
None of them are watchmakers.
(rising stars... calm down please)

Are we running out of true watchmakers ?!

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The Real Brilliance Is In...

By: enjoythemusic : August 29th, 2024-12:39
...mak'et'ting and moy'chan'dizing. We know influencers are 'paid' (benefit) to influence. Good for them, wish we had more. To boldly go where, oh wait, wrong video. Here' you go

They should GTG and make their own Seminar within the event.

By: enjoythemusic : August 29th, 2024-13:20
Gorilla market... find out when the conference venue will not be used. Hire two ladies with Seminar signs.... Aaaaan then 'drop' the Seminar and have the ladies direct people to the seminar. Note: I'm a 'solution-oriented' type. Imho Simon should humbly a... 

Revolution is probably still the best in the print industry.

By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2024-16:37
How would you grade a good publishing house? Perspective? Thoroughness? Detailed technical information? Excellent analyses? Timely content? Revolution has got most of those. The Rake (a sister publication) is so sophisticated that I find it harder to read... 

I do hope

By: Mr.Gatsby : September 2nd, 2024-13:59
That there’s more to peacocks and showboating when it comes to Singapore. Wei certainly does not represent the country that I live in. If he does, then the country looks pretty shallow. Best Gatsby


By: patrick_y : September 5th, 2024-00:00
So many jokes I can make here. While Wei is not an ambassador who represents Singapore…. If you know his background he’s very close to an ambassador…. And I will say that I like Wei. He knows his stuff. And I find his knowledge is not shallow at all. ... 

If you see past that, he's really a wonderful quirky guy.

By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2024-16:33
WK is really a wonderful quirky guy if you can see past his salesman style speech. His knowledge is quite extensive. But to get to realize his knowledge may mean you might need to sit through some more salesman style speech. If you attend a lot of the pre... 

Oh!!! RIGHT!!! Boy do I feel dumb!

By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2024-20:49
Thank you Spangles! I'm slapping my knees and laughing! Tell the cats this funny story. They'll roll in laughter at my expense! This is one of those days!

Wei Koh takes risk and advocates his opinion. The other Aussie moderator, Andrew McUtchen doesn't take that kind of risk.

By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2024-16:40
We should applaud the risk takers. And realize, the risk takers come with their own baggage and crazy Rolex rants. Ugh - I didn't like that Rolex rant neither.

Good point!

By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2024-15:58
But look at the head honchos for a lot of brands... MB&F, Patek Philippe, R. Gauthier, etc. These brands are all headed by Presidents, CEOs, Managing Directors who never went to watchmaking school.

We should be happy that these micro brands are at least trying to increase competition!

By: patrick_y : August 29th, 2024-17:33
Competition keeps prices low and quality high supposedly in standard economic theory. Which is a good thing for consumers!

I'm all for more options but for me I assume that is from new supply. These microbrands just use existing capacity from existing suppliers.

By: Fastwong : August 30th, 2024-19:28
One could argue it's the opposite, these folks are just friction in the system, more micro-brands further fragmenting production, reducing economies of scale, and actually driving prices up while their lack of experience in actual watch making will result... 

Saw this too and had the exact same reaction…

By: m2 : August 30th, 2024-07:09
To me brands like Fleming are the opposite reason I like independents. Just a bunch of random stuff from 3p vendors with and OKish design with nothing daring. It’s amazing how generic it is.

A trent that’s going on for a while now.

By: Watchonthewrists : September 3rd, 2024-05:53
They walk around these events like Moviestars . Luckily there are some smaller panel discussions with true watchmakers