There's at least one very special dial among all the watches shown!

May 25, 2023,06:47 AM

Thanks for sharing your post!

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Some old guys showing off Vietnam Tudors

By: Lepine : May 24th, 2023-23:32
It's been a while, I had almost forgotten about this watch laying about. This one came out of the San Diego Naval base. Ken Jacobs had it and he sold it to me back in 2007. About 25 years ago when the watch was only worth $1500. I paid his crazy price aft...  

I had a similar 7928

By: Lepine : May 25th, 2023-15:56
I had another military Tudor, it was a 7928 similar to yours. Probably made after your great looking watch. I sold it thinking I was going to buy something more interesting, I had no idea how expensive these watches had gotten. Big regret, but we live and...  

Oh wow, yours?

By: Lepine : May 25th, 2023-15:16
These are in my opinion the ultimate Vietnam Era military diver watches. Pretty impressive, are these yours? Too bad the current Blancpain have nothing to do with the Rayville watches.
By: Lepine : May 25th, 2023-20:38
The current Blancpain company has none of the records from the original company, so really the current company is name only. I think the new company makes fine watches and I would be happy to own one. I think the new Blancpain is one of the more successfu... 


By: RabidManatee : May 25th, 2023-14:50
Great watch, even better story (see the link provided in the post if you haven’t already done so).

25 years ago no one wanted these watches

By: Lepine : May 25th, 2023-15:38
It's funny how the demand for watches changes over the years. I remember 25 years ago when I was looking for these watches a Seal Team BUD/s Billy S. was writing stories about Vietnam reunions that he was attending. He took a lot of photographs of Tudor S... 


By: PalmSprings : May 26th, 2023-06:49
What's the dot above the 6 o clock marker or is it a reflection? Stunning watch and story!


By: PalmSprings : May 26th, 2023-07:14
So there are 2 watches? I need to re-read the topic then. I thought I was dreaming.