Man cannot live on bread alone

Aug 25, 2023,18:07 PM

"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone... "

and it should go without saying, "Wine"

some butter & jam or cheese & ham would be nice.


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Yes, they're still warm and smelling great

By: cazalea : August 25th, 2023-18:45
The crackly, pretty one for my wife's women's group brunch tomorrow; the boring one for us

Boring or not, they probably all taste about the same!

By: patrick_y : August 25th, 2023-19:22
The cracked one might be slightly dryer, and the boring one might be slightly more moist? Possibly.

Absolutely agree with you dear Mike!!

By: Subexplorer : August 25th, 2023-18:23
And those pieces of bread look so deliciously tempting! Add ham, cheese and butter and a good red wine and let me ask: what else?? Enjoy so much! Hagwe! Abel

Bread. Total sensory experience!!

By: John-E-Mac : August 25th, 2023-20:24
1) Measuring of ingredients. 2) Mixing of ingredients. 3) Manual kneading. Tactical feel. So, sensual!! 4) Rising of dough. Alcohol smell from yeast. 5) Feel of knocking/punching down the dough. Play. 6) Baking the dough. Aromas galore. Fill the room. 7) ... 

The tang of chicken curry with golden raisins

By: cazalea : August 25th, 2023-21:33
The crunch of toasted almonds, the sweetness of red grapes, fresh cool crunch of lettuce and the bread (see above) ...  

Thank you for supporting my efforts

By: cazalea : August 26th, 2023-04:25
Enthusiastic readers are worth more to a writer than whatever money he/she can make. I’ve been writing for 50 years - don’t need to make any money off my writing anymore but I really appreciate your words. Cheers