Bread. Total sensory experience!!
Aug 25, 2023,20:24 PM
1) Measuring of ingredients.
2) Mixing of ingredients.
3) Manual kneading. Tactical feel. So, sensual!!
4) Rising of dough. Alcohol smell from yeast.
5) Feel of knocking/punching down the dough. Play.
6) Baking the dough. Aromas galore. Fill the room.
7) The “Tease”. Waiting for the bake to cool. Anticipation!!
8) Cutting or Tearing of the Bread. Ohhh! The next level!!!
9) Spreading butter (or your favorite spread). Damn!!!
10) Lift to the nose. Oh, the perfume! Mouth waters.
11) The bite. Crunch!! The mouth feel. Texture. Sound. Aroma. Butter taste and palate coverage.
12) The Chew. Delectable.
13) The Conquest. The swallow.
14) The Fill. Warmth of the stomach.
15) Cleansing with wine or beer.
There is only one thing better in life!!