I have been dealing with Covid for the last week but back in the saddle today. In fact, 10 out of my 14 coworkers all came down with it at once.

May 29, 2024,18:44 PM

I figured I needed something more substantial on my wrist to fight off the bad omens. not to mention I’ve been too damn lazy getting to the safe to change anything anything.

Keep the faith, all the best, Tony

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I'm glad you are back in the swing of things now

 By: cazalea : May 29th, 2024-18:45
It's a drag when the Doc gets sick! Cazalea

Sorry to hear that

 By: E in PA : May 29th, 2024-18:47
An observations re the current Strain?

I just read in the news....

 By: InHavenPro : May 29th, 2024-18:50
That one of the newer variants was proliferating. Really fortunate to have not knowingly had it whatsoever. My cousin and her husband (both UCLA docs) have had it half a dozen times by now, along with their four children.... Cheers to feeling better! Fili... 

Oh no! You're always dressed to perfection - even when you're sick!

 By: patrick_y : May 29th, 2024-18:55
I'm not a doctor but get lots of rest, don't drink too much alcohol, and drink lots of water! Glad you are on the mend! Any smell or taste problems?

Keep safe Tony. Glad to see you back.

 By: agyzace : May 29th, 2024-19:11
Needless to say this FF is a legend and a classic in its category

Cocktails tonight to celebrate your recovery...

 By: mdg : May 29th, 2024-19:33
...unless you lost all your taste like I did : )

Hope you’re feeling better!

 By: gary_g : May 29th, 2024-19:46
Watch looks great.

Glad to see you back at it, Tony!

 By: AlexSunrise : May 29th, 2024-19:59
Here’s wishing you and your colleagues a full recovery. Awesome 5015, btw! Alex

Get well

 By: Lankysudanese : May 29th, 2024-20:08

There has been a spike in cases around the world.

 By: S F : May 29th, 2024-23:13
Take care 💪🏻and enjoy yr FF🥂

Sorry to hear this but very happy

 By: Chicolini : May 30th, 2024-14:04
you are on the mend, back on your feet and feeling better!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Sorry to hear that you got the bug but happy that

 By: Derreck : May 30th, 2024-19:39
you are feeling better now. Hope you get back to normal in no time