Well played dear Judge Moritz!! This shot from Thegrailwatch stole our hearts when he posted it. Well deserved! Congrats to him and congrats to all special mentions as well and Big thanks ...

Feb 17, 2020,04:55 AM

to all participants during this romantic week end.
Cheers! Abel

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WristScan “Love” Results ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 16th, 2020-09:06
Our eminent judges have been considering your photos and will be announcing the verdicts shortly. The categories and this weekend’s judges are: 🏆Best Watch Of The Week - Judge Cpt Scarlet 🏆Best Static Shot - Judge Dedestexhes 🏆Best Wrist Shot - Judge Coun...  

Well Captain here we go...

 By: dedestexhes : February 16th, 2020-09:22
As usual a lot of great entries, but only one person can win. We have a lot of usual suspects so as runner ups in no particular order: Cpt Scarlet with the great Rolex GMT composition Second one is halkcb with the nice Blancpain, somehow underrated but in...  

Thank you Dirk...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 16th, 2020-09:30
Great judging and many thanks for mentioning my Rolex GMT shot. It was goo to have you on the team this weekend. Thank you.

Watch Of The Week ....

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 16th, 2020-09:26
A big thank you to everyone that joined us and posted this weekend. Now the results for WOTW... 🥉3rd Place - Nicolas with the LeCoultre Deep Sea Alarm 🥈2nd Place - Im6 showing us the beautiful Urban Jurgensen 🥇1st Place - mj23 with the awesome Vianney Hal...  

Well deserved Nicolas....

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 16th, 2020-09:41
I hope that you have a successful week ahead.

Thanks, Cpt. [nt]

 By: amanico : February 16th, 2020-09:42

Thanks Nico!

 By: mj23 : February 16th, 2020-14:14
And congrats to yours as well!

Thanks for the top honor, Captain!

 By: mj23 : February 16th, 2020-14:17
This is yet another big nice surprise after the VH acquisition a few days ago. I am truly blessed! Congrats to other winners as well!

It’s a great watch and worthy of the WOTW title.

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 16th, 2020-14:25
Have a great week.

Superb veredict Honorable Judge Capt Scarlet!! Big congrats to mj23 for his winning shot and fot his recent catch of this wonderful stunning watch

 By: Subexplorer : February 17th, 2020-04:51
Congrats to other winners as well. Marvelous watches in stunning shots they shared with us! Best, Abel

Last but not least the results of Best Wrishot of this week's "Love" theme

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 16th, 2020-09:41
Thank you all who took part and poste some outstanding pictures. On a very good third place is our dear Fernando with his bespoke strap from his child that is complementing his Sea Dweller in such a perfect way: A very respectable second place is for our ...  

A top shot at a top moment! [nt]

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 16th, 2020-09:44
No message body

The perfect choice...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 16th, 2020-09:58
A winner for thegrailwatch's son and our community. Thank you Moritz for your judgment.

I'd like to accept this award on behalf of my son who could not be here today

 By: Brandon Skinner : February 16th, 2020-13:06
As he is 3 and is at the playground where he should be😉. Congrats to all the winners! ...  

Thanks for the high honor, Moritz!

 By: mj23 : February 16th, 2020-14:13
Appreciate your kind words and congrats to other winners as well!

Thank you Moritz!

 By: fernando : February 16th, 2020-20:16
Congrats to all the winners.

Humble wow...

 By: lm6 : February 17th, 2020-01:45
This was not a result I expected from my first entry in WristScan. Thank you all for your kind words.

Thank you so much dear Captain for your great job hosting/judging this week end and thanks a lot to our Judges Dirk and Moritz for their help choosing the winners...

 By: Subexplorer : February 17th, 2020-04:58
... and special mentions among so many beautiful shots and watches. Also big thanks to all participants who shared their pictures and watches with us making another fun and enjoyable edition of our weekly classic: Wrist Scan! Have a nice week ahead friend... 

Thank you dear Abel for your continued contributions ....

 By: Cpt Scarlet : February 17th, 2020-05:30
And support to WristScan. It’s only as good as our community makes it.