The judges and verdicts for the WS of the 8th of September ‘Sports Favorite’

Sep 12, 2023,04:34 AM

First of all an apology for the late posting. After a five day event full of physical activity and sleep deprivation I arrived home on Sunday night and fell asleep more or less instantly 🤷🏻‍♂️

So here we go:
- Judge Art will do static
- Judge Abel will do WS, and 
- Yours truly WotW. 

Thanks for your entries and wishing you a great week ahead!

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Here is the WotW verdict

 By: KMII : September 12th, 2023-12:59
First two shots that really did it in their ‘sports’ style: Kurt with his Pogue… And Abel with his MM in action 👌🏻 In third this week comes HS111 with the lovely PP5172 chrono 🙌🏻 In second comes Art’s sublime shot of the second gen Overseas 👏🏻 And the win...  

Congratulations Als1678 🍾🥂…

 By: Cpt Scarlet : September 12th, 2023-15:39
And well played everyone mentioned. Thanks to our host, KMII !

Thanks for the mention KM.

 By: KURT_DAVID : September 12th, 2023-15:49
Well done all!

Gosh, K, I hadn't even planned on posting that image . . .

 By: Dr No : September 13th, 2023-01:35
. . . of my long-departed Overseas. Thank you!

If only Dad . . .

 By: Dr No : September 13th, 2023-18:31
. . . had kept it. It would be ever so meaningful then.

I understand you so well dear Art.

 By: Subexplorer : September 13th, 2023-19:18

Great veredict dear KM! Big congrats to winners and special mentions.

 By: Subexplorer : September 13th, 2023-13:33
Thanks a lot for including my MM shot among mentions! Best cordial regards, Abel

Hello dear KM and friends. Here my veredict for Best Wrist Shot category.

 By: Subexplorer : September 12th, 2023-13:57
As usual we receive many great wrist shots making difficult to choose just a few winners with so many wonderful shots deserving being rewarded. Here my selection for this edition: Very Special Mentions for: KM sharing his Seiko Landmark with matching stra...  

Congratulations to Enjoythemusic 🥂…

 By: Cpt Scarlet : September 12th, 2023-15:37
and thank you for the kind mention Judge Abel 😉

Thank you for the mention Abel😊

 By: KURT_DAVID : September 12th, 2023-15:51
Well done all!

Good wrist shot Kurt 👏👏👏

 By: Cpt Scarlet : September 12th, 2023-20:55

Thank you Captain!

 By: KURT_DAVID : September 13th, 2023-05:29
More to come 🤞🏻 Regards

Fantastic judging and congratulations to the winners!

 By: KMII : September 13th, 2023-18:43
Well deserved 👏🏻 And thanks for the help Abel 🙏🏻

Static Photo was . . .

 By: Dr No : September 13th, 2023-03:59
. . . another close-run affair. Lots of contenders, starting with hora12reborn's Bond SM . . . . . . S F's Hublot, . . . . . . h's Daytona set on an intriguing pattern of parquet, . . . . . . Abel's X-33, . . . . . . and Cap's Daytona set on a book that's...  

Well, I got to say I’m chuffed 😊

 By: KURT_DAVID : September 13th, 2023-05:28
A bit a fun “Mickey Take” of my fellow fitness tracking/monitoring watch wearers in the boat. It’s great my humble Seiko can shine in such esteemed company. Cheers Art, and thank you! Well done all, great stuff!

Thank you Abel, very kind.

 By: KURT_DAVID : September 13th, 2023-13:54
Cheers 🍻

Thx kindly Art for hon mention & 3rd.. Thx to you for judging -

 By: hs111 : September 13th, 2023-06:51
Have a good further week & Best ! 😊😊

Great veredict dear Art. Big congrats to all winners and mentions.

 By: Subexplorer : September 13th, 2023-13:41
Thank you so much for including my X33 among mentions. Have a nice week dear friend. Abel

Thanks for the mention 🙏🏻

 By: KMII : September 13th, 2023-18:46
And for the judging, Art! And huge congratulations to the deserving winners 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻