Thanks Blomman!

Nov 17, 2018,02:33 AM

With few exceptions UG is still a train one can get on smile

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WristScan November 16: "On or off the train" starts now!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 15th, 2018-03:22
With recent auction results, I think it's fair to say that the Omega Railmaster left the station... ...that train have gone! So, our theme this week is: "On or off the train" - Which "trains" did you catch? Which did you miss but wished you were aboard......  

I think you caught almost every train that ever left any station.

 By: crown comfort : November 15th, 2018-03:37
Cool theme, will need to think about some...

Even the LGF train... [nt]

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 15th, 2018-03:47

With help from friends, yes! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 15th, 2018-05:24

all aboard [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : November 15th, 2018-06:49

Not all. Now there aren't any to be found.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 15th, 2018-07:30
It turned into Moby Dick.

whattyagonnado? [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : November 15th, 2018-07:44

Sleep with the fishes? [nt]

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 15th, 2018-08:42

Only a few....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 15th, 2018-05:23
Many left even before I started this hobby! Best Blomman


 By: Arie - Mr Orange : November 15th, 2018-06:18

Perhaps, here are two...

 By: crown comfort : November 15th, 2018-04:36
The Gyromatic with Crosshair dial. I found one very early on and then this second one almost NOS. That's a train that is going to pick up pace very soon. And perhaps the original Vintage 45. Found at an antique dealer shop for absolute peanuts. That is a ...  

Two GP upcomming trains!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 15th, 2018-05:25
Both with high potentials! Best Blomman

Yep, I think so. Thx, my friend [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-01:23

Hello CC !.. Two great GO choices: that Crosshair is really pure class & the Vint 45 a pretty cool time-machine.. Well done !! :))

 By: hs111 : November 16th, 2018-00:31
As you also so well know, i‘ve been very lucky (& also quite grateful, to be honest ! (to have been able to join in for such a Chrosshair, thx to this very good friend - You know, who you are.. Best & HAGWE ! hs.

:)) [nt]

 By: hs111 : November 17th, 2018-06:31

Missed and taken....

 By: amanico : November 15th, 2018-05:34
Missed... After so many trains left, I even lost the station... Best, Nicolas ...  

That's a lot of trains! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 15th, 2018-06:16

Is that all you’ve got? [nt]

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : November 15th, 2018-06:21

All I HAVEN'T got... [nt]

 By: amanico : November 15th, 2018-06:44

That photo armada looks incomplete

 By: crown comfort : November 15th, 2018-07:33
especially if we talk about trains! ...  

I couldn't resist :) [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-07:50

Nice train reference! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-02:58

You know too well ;) [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-07:51

Wow dear friend! Indeed a full station you got here!! I wish I had photographed my own missed trains myself! I guess I have many more trains missings than what I presently remember!

 By: Subexplorer : November 16th, 2018-04:54
But I´m sure you have many more trains caught than missed, judging for the wonderful collection you own! Have a great week end my dear friend Nicolas! Abrazos desde las Pampas del Sud! Abel.

Ah, that is true! ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : November 16th, 2018-05:33

That’s a lot of remorse 🚂 [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 17th, 2018-10:08

This could be a painful theme.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : November 15th, 2018-05:57
So instead I prefer to focus on this year's positive. One train I definitely caught....... It had to be. ...  

You got run over by this train 🚂

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : November 15th, 2018-06:20
And then it backed up and slowly ran over you again. Stopped, went full speed ahead hitting you for the definite kill. Now you are the train.

I am one with the train [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : November 15th, 2018-06:23

Hence, the Terminator name. [nt]

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 15th, 2018-08:44

Hmmhh.. Let me see which „trains“ to catch..

 By: hs111 : November 15th, 2018-08:06
Glad I could catch the MMV Paris Boutique Edition, from 2016 My Vintage 2915.. Love it ! The latest catch: JLC Polaris Geographique WT, 2018 Pleasure on the wrist ...  

Thx for kind looking, dear friend !.. Cheers !! :))

 By: hs111 : November 15th, 2018-22:00
PS: I had by erroneous typo misquoted the Ref as 2915, but of course it is 2914; thx for correcting ! Well.. I guess Padawans have still got to learn..

I remember the Rail from three . . .

 By: Dr No : November 16th, 2018-01:15
. . . (was it three?) years ago, h. Yes, you caught that train before it left the station! Well done, from a guy who should've known better and acted sooner ;-) . . .

The Railmaster train! Superb. [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-01:25

A train I caught a few years ago, ....

 By: Ludi : November 15th, 2018-09:05
... the (in)famous Speedy express. Alas, the ticket prices are rocketing to the moon since and economy class coaches are no longer in operation along this railway. Hopefully, dreams are for free. Below, a 145.022-68ST, from april 1969 (a perfect match wit...  

Indeed, ticket prices are sky rocketing!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 15th, 2018-09:19
A train I missed.... Best Blomman

Good with trains - but have missed the boat on a couple of occasions

 By: jml_watches : November 15th, 2018-14:54
Hi Taking the train term literally! But in terms of missing watches Most recently SLA017 - was sorely tempted & should have pulled the trigger. But I can't have everything & where would be the fun if you could!? It makes you think about the watches that y...  

Well it could have been this!

 By: jml_watches : November 15th, 2018-15:45
100 plus tons on 1960s mainline diesel ...  

Great train shots! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-02:59

Caught the Flightmaster train . . .

 By: Dr No : November 15th, 2018-19:25
. . . just in the nick of time. This train . . . . . . isn't even on the schedule anymore. Seriously. I've only seen one other exactly like it; there must've been others, but how many, only Omega knows. Caught the jumbo train earlier this year . . . . . ....  

Wow !.. Really amazing choices !.. My absolute fav is that mesmerizing 2nd shot!..

 By: hs111 : November 16th, 2018-00:39
What a black Connie !.. Never had seen one, except yours ! - Bravo & well played, must be pure pleasure to look at & wear !! Best & HAGWE !! hs

I've seen only one steel ref 2852 exactly like it . . .

 By: Dr No : November 16th, 2018-01:12
. . . plus another that was cased in 18 kt rose gold. Yellow gold variants are relatively more common, but still highly uncommon in toto . Hope all's well with you, h . . . we've had our share of excitement here in So Cal recently. The view from my balcon...  

a full set train

 By: psfparis : November 16th, 2018-01:31
ps: i have the bracelet too ...  

Wow !.. What a nice set !.. Even more Congrats to you & continue to wear it in the very Best of your health !

 By: hs111 : November 16th, 2018-01:38
Cheers again ! hs. PS: A very tough & sad time for so many.. Glad you & yours are safe, Art !

Wow, great UG! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-03:00

Hurry, Nicolas, hurry! . . .

 By: Dr No : November 16th, 2018-10:55
. . . that train is about to leave the station . . .

I know, I know... [nt]

 By: amanico : November 16th, 2018-11:12

The Flightmaster is an inspiring watch...

 By: jporos : November 17th, 2018-18:38
a great catch, Art.

Drove to Arizona to acquire it . . .

 By: Dr No : November 18th, 2018-09:28
. . . from the original owner, j. Twenty-plus hours round trip. And yes, it was definitely worth it ;-) . . .

I would love to get on the train to GF one day

 By: Watchonthewrists : November 16th, 2018-02:43
If only the tickets weren't so expensive 😬 ...  

Jupp, thats often the problem.... [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-03:01

Is this the Independent train? ;) [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-01:26

That's what I fear!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-06:03
Seen so many, once go Indy you are lost...! Best Blomman

Yep its like a taking a express train to the independentzone 😉

 By: Watchonthewrists : November 17th, 2018-06:10
Theres now way out 😄

LOL! That's what I fear! ;) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-06:13

Digital express have left for analog

 By: Tegis : November 16th, 2018-02:56

Great shot!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-03:08
Is that a Tissot? Vintage Tissot is very underrated, IMO! Best Blomman

Yes a Tissot Seastar

 By: Tegis : November 16th, 2018-03:18
Vintage is good for my petite wrists. ...  

Very nice! [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-06:54


 By: Tegis : November 16th, 2018-07:12
Didnt nail the exposure though so not a winner in my book. Lack of patience is my biggest foe in photography.

Hello dear friend Blomman! Interesting theme, which you are opening with a wonderful shot of one of my many missed trains: a vintage Railmaster! I feel that...

 By: Subexplorer : November 16th, 2018-04:27
... every seasoned collector has several trains missed along his long journey hunting for his collection. I am not exception of course... specially in the Rolex brand I am so fond of. The market has escalated in such an steep way that many pieces which I ...  

Hello Abel !.. Again a bunch of pics, and watches shown are very nice trains, in fact great catches.. My sentimental fav.. ;))

 By: hs111 : November 16th, 2018-06:35
.. also is such a Pre-Daytona 6234, no wonder. But the BP-FF definitely is a train, very much a superb „train“. So, as we both know, there very often another joy may just be around the next corner.. Cheers & my very Best ! hs

Thank you so much for your always kind and interesting comments my dear HS! Yes, agree with you both about the missed train and the caught one! ...

 By: Subexplorer : November 16th, 2018-10:44
... I´m very happy with my FF, though a vintage one is almost a missed train too as value are constantly in the rise. But as you well say... a joy is very often around next corner... who knows? All the best my dear friend! Hagwe! Abel.

Two great examples, daer Abel!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-06:57
The pre daytona looks fantastic! To find one in this condition, I guess is every collectors dream! Best, my friend Blomman

Great minds think alike....2914-2

 By: DrStrong : November 16th, 2018-05:58

merci ! [nt]

 By: DrStrong : November 16th, 2018-09:00

Thanks my friend [nt]

 By: DrStrong : November 16th, 2018-09:00

He he, indeed they do! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 16th, 2018-06:57

That is WOW, what a nice dial. [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-01:28

No "trains" this year...

 By: jporos : November 16th, 2018-18:47
maybe this train set is somehow on topic. HAGWE! ...  

Awesome shot! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-01:14
Great Northern.... Love it! Best Blomman

Excellent shot and well played. [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-01:29

A train I am definitely glad I jumped on

 By: arcadelt : November 16th, 2018-19:29
Breitling Navitimer 18600 from 1987. In my humble opinion this is the sweet spot I n the Navitimer's long lineage. It was made almost half way between its inception in 1954 and 2018, and has the best elements of both ends of that timeline - manual wind, n...  

Sweet spot and sweet patina!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-01:16
Very nice! Best Blomman

Sublime patina and shot! [nt]

 By: amanico : November 17th, 2018-01:54

How about a railway prince

 By: : November 16th, 2018-19:34
Just about fits the rail theme ...  

A train I missed for sure!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-01:17
Beautiful! Best Blomman

Thanks [nt]

 By: : November 17th, 2018-13:03

Very much on the mark! [nt]

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-01:30

I try Nico.......Thanks [nt]

 By: : November 17th, 2018-13:02

Practically all missed...

 By: KMII : November 17th, 2018-00:32
I guess that’s the disadvantage of a late birth, and entry into the hobby. But maybe with some railway watches in the portfolio I may be more punctual next time The one that I seem to have gotten just in time is the Minerva Pythagore. Not a watch that’s l...  

The UG as a brand....

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-01:20
A train I totally missed out on... A very interesting brand with rich history, but I fear I missed that train... Yours is very nice! Best Blomman

Thanks Blomman!

 By: KMII : November 17th, 2018-02:33
With few exceptions UG is still a train one can get on


 By: KMII : November 17th, 2018-02:33
Some, like the UG CP-2 A. Cairelli have definitely left the station, several of the Polerouters are still feasible, while something like the FS is definitely still waiting at the station (unlikely to change)

Thanks Nico! [nt]

 By: KMII : November 17th, 2018-02:31

Hmmm. Interesting topic.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 17th, 2018-02:07
I’m going to go with a Train I am still debating about. Maybe I should have jumped on it at first stop (the original post). Maybe I can still catch it. That’s right... the all mighty LGF. Photos credit of a mythical beast. Coming from a non-Rolex person, ...  

Yes, the LGF - you better hurry if you going to ctach it! ;)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : November 17th, 2018-02:09
Ah, the Tony - looks awesome, but not for my wrist... Best Blomman

I am not sure it is catchable.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 17th, 2018-02:17
The thing has become rare as a unicorn.

Unicorn 🦄?

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : November 17th, 2018-06:07

We'll see.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : November 17th, 2018-07:31
I still haven't decided how I feel about getting a Rolex.

Now we are talking!

 By: crown comfort : November 17th, 2018-07:48
and yes, try to catch that LGF train before it runs at the speed of light.

Indeed they are

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : November 18th, 2018-05:29
Although the Silver Snoopy train has seemed to have reached its final destination.

Then its maybe time to get off 😉 [nt]

 By: Watchonthewrists : November 18th, 2018-12:08


 By: Arie - Mr Orange : November 18th, 2018-12:44