Production date 1959. Inspired and advised by Dear Nico.
Oct 08, 2023,16:57 PM
LeCoultre DeepSea alarm circa 1959
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WristScan … Results…
By: Cpt Scarlet : October 8th, 2023-16:03
Hello dear friends, I hope everyone has had an excellent and enjoyable weekend. Our thanks to everyone that joined us this weekend. The categories presented by our moderator team of judges are as follows: Our new “Classic” category - Art Best Static Shot ...
Wristshot verdict
By: KMII : October 8th, 2023-17:26
Lots of treats were shown this week and here are the three I have selected. In third comes Aja’s with his superb sunset PAM shot 🙌🏻👌🏻🌞 In second this week comes Abel’s shot from a meeting of like kinds - it captures all that happens at these moments, incl...