Looking forward to your/our „weekend“ line–up.. But let me pls ask you to clarify the following:
Sep 21, 2023,10:42 AM
Is it 6 SHOTS (any combo of Statics and WSs ?) total ?
– Or, alternatively 6 watches (!), ie. One might submit a Statics AND a WS of a given watch, which would then still count as one entry ?
But either way, good idea to limit submissions that way..
Best, 😉
view entire thread
That’s a coincidence 🤔….
By: Cpt Scarlet : September 20th, 2023-16:09
I was just considering my watch choices for the weekend. Looking forward to joining you for some serious watch action and a few laughs ! Can I put myself forward for judging Best Static Shot this weekend ? Best regards Captain
That’s great Captain! Can’t wait to view your choices!
By: Subexplorer : September 20th, 2023-17:30
I also look forward to an exciting edition of WS and of course to some laugh provoking entries which are always welcome. I accept with my big thanks your kind offering to help with judging. Best Static Shot category for you dear Captain!! See you on Frida...