Watches for the weekend? . . .

Sep 20, 2023,15:31 PM

. . . I'm in for two at least!


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Hello dear friends! I will have the pleasure to host next edition of WS of Friday 22nd and the Theme will be: "Weekend Choices" and we will be asking our participants...

By: Subexplorer : September 20th, 2023-13:23
... to share the watches they are planning to wear during the weekend. Be it expecting to stay at home, or practicing a favorite sport outdoors or enjoying an evening party I wish all our friends here will have a very relaxed and enjoyable weekend with a ...  

Ahh! Sounds great dear Art!! I wonder which ones…

By: Subexplorer : September 20th, 2023-17:39
… will be on your wrist next weekend… But on Friday we will know! See you next Friday my dear friend! Best! Abel

That’s a coincidence 🤔….

By: Cpt Scarlet : September 20th, 2023-16:09
I was just considering my watch choices for the weekend. Looking forward to joining you for some serious watch action and a few laughs ! Can I put myself forward for judging Best Static Shot this weekend ? Best regards Captain

That’s great Captain! Can’t wait to view your choices!

By: Subexplorer : September 20th, 2023-17:30
I also look forward to an exciting edition of WS and of course to some laugh provoking entries which are always welcome. I accept with my big thanks your kind offering to help with judging. Best Static Shot category for you dear Captain!! See you on Frida... 

Looking forward to your/our „weekend“ line–up.. But let me pls ask you to clarify the following:

By: hs111 : September 21st, 2023-10:42
Is it 6 SHOTS (any combo of Statics and WSs ?) total ? – Or, alternatively 6 watches (!), ie. One might submit a Statics AND a WS of a given watch, which would then still count as one entry ? But either way, good idea to limit submissions that way.. Best,... 

Thank you so much dear HS for your kind message. I felt that six watches was a good maximum option for a three days wearing. And limiting the quantity to six shots would be a nice help for our judges! Lol!

By: Subexplorer : September 21st, 2023-13:23
So I kindly request our participants to submit a maximum of six shots in any combination they wish. If you are planning to wear just one or two watches for example, you may send just two shots or send six shots of them both in wrist shot and static catego...