Hello dear Art: great theme you choose. I’m very fond of cinema…

Mar 18, 2023,14:17 PM

… and the films you brought to your opening post and those posted by our friends bring me so many fond memories of nice hours spent in theater seats.

To answer your theme I thought about a four favorite films and related them with watches in my collection. Here they are:

As you know I’m a big fan of James Bond character. And among all great actors playing 007 Sean Connery is my favorite (though I recognize every actor gave the character a personal touch and charm).

Goldfinger is my favorite film of the early Bond era.

The watches:
Not a big crown but the most similar Bond watch I own.

And the Pussy Galore watch:

Another favorite film

My  Williard Seiko

Blow Up

A cult film from the 1960’s. Based on a short tale by argentine writer Julio Cortazar and directed by Michelangelo Antonioni.

Beautiful actress Vanessa Redgrave showed a Submariner with black leather straps on that film:

Redgrave’s Submariner was a rare Explorer dial version.

Here a similar watch from that era I own though with the standard dial of course.

Last but not least the film about Neil Armstrong life in the times of the Moon Landing Saga:

My watch: ref 105.012-65 from 1966/67 similar reference as the one Armstrong was wearing in those years…

Have a nice and relaxed weekend dear Art and all friends here!!

Best! Abel

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Our theme this week will be . . .

 By: Dr No : March 15th, 2023-16:00
. . . focused on cinema. We all have favorite films and scenes . . . be prepared to share them along with the watch on your wrist about 36 hours from now. My all-time favorite scene is the anti-climactic dialog between Jimmy Stewart, Richard Attenborough,...  

Good choice Art …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : March 15th, 2023-16:15
With The Oscars just announced and everyone loving a good movie, I’m sure we will all enjoy this edition of WristScan. All I need to do now is to choose a watch or two !

Flight of the Phoenix is an epic and

 By: Chicolini : March 15th, 2023-17:08
fantastic movie. I recall studying it in college for a look at the shifting of power. Good choice, Art.

Stewart's initial reaction to learning Kruger designs model airplanes . . .

 By: Dr No : March 15th, 2023-17:45
. . . is priceless. No matter how many times I watch that clip, it renders me in awe of his enormous subdued acting talent. He could say more with a raised eyebrow than Lawrence Olivier with half a minute of dialog. Art

Hello dear Art! Nice to have you hosting next weekend.

 By: Subexplorer : March 15th, 2023-23:25
Love your theme! I love cinema and I can’t resist trying to identify the watches worn by the actors/ actresses in films. The Flight of the Phoenix is a classic!! Yes, I can well remember that scene!! But anyway the German designer could make it fly!! Inte... 

There's video of the flying stunt . . .

 By: Dr No : March 17th, 2023-15:16
. . . that killed the pilot, Abel. These days, a studio would hire a computer graphics expert to create this scene. That's precisely why cinema before CGI was more compelling than it is now. Reminiscently, Art

Hello dear Art: great theme you choose. I’m very fond of cinema…

 By: Subexplorer : March 18th, 2023-14:17
… and the films you brought to your opening post and those posted by our friends bring me so many fond memories of nice hours spent in theater seats. To answer your theme I thought about a four favorite films and related them with watches in my collection...  

You've taken film and watch appreciation, normally separate interests, and . . .

 By: Dr No : March 18th, 2023-16:54
. . . fused them together, Abel. Collecting watches with film affiliations could be the next trend after gloves. Blow-up is one of a handful of films so subliminally powerful it exerts a hold on the imagination beyond its nominal confines. When I first sa...  

Hello dear Art! You made me laugh so loud when reading your announcement in the Live thread of my misplaced post. Lol!!

 By: Subexplorer : March 19th, 2023-00:09
I finally decided to re post it again after double checking I was in the right thread! Lol! Thank you so much for your thoughtful and interesting answer to my post above. You are right collecting watches with film affiliations could be the next trend afte... 

Our Favorite Films thread is now closed . . .

 By: Dr No : March 20th, 2023-18:25
. . . and decisions will be posted shortly. Art