Congratulations Kurt ! …

Nov 20, 2022,23:15 PM

Well played 👍

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Static Photo goes to . . .

By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:36
. . . Kurt! There were several worthy entries but Kurt's was most clearly matched to theme. ...  

Wrist Shot goes to . . .

By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:39
. . . Marc! Marc's entry scored highly both on technical merit and composition - the orange spokes in the background made his shot pop. ...  

Watch of the Week honors . . .

By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:57
. . . aren't as clear cut as the other categories. Timerider's Chopard, . . . . . . S F's UN . . . . . . and Abel's Omega . . . . . . were all intriguing, but the submission I found most compelling was Ruffian's . . . . . . vintage Movado M95 chronograph....  

Thanks, Art. Glad you appreciate it.

By: Ruffian : November 21st, 2022-00:17
Thanks also for sharing your music. I learnt lots about Jim Croce as a result. PS. The Movado has the 90m (not 95m) movement.