Congrats Marc!! A great background choice to enhance the beauty of your superb vintage TOG!! Great veredict dear Art! Cheers! Abel

Nov 21, 2022,18:56 PM

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Results for WristScan Songs and Music . . .

 By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:29
. . . momentarily! ...  

Static Photo goes to . . .

 By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:36
. . . Kurt! There were several worthy entries but Kurt's was most clearly matched to theme. ...  

Congratulations Kurt ! …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 20th, 2022-23:15
Well played 👍

Wrist Shot goes to . . .

 By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:39
. . . Marc! Marc's entry scored highly both on technical merit and composition - the orange spokes in the background made his shot pop. ...  

Thanks Art!

 By: marcD : November 20th, 2022-23:42

Watch of the Week honors . . .

 By: Dr No : November 20th, 2022-22:57
. . . aren't as clear cut as the other categories. Timerider's Chopard, . . . . . . S F's UN . . . . . . and Abel's Omega . . . . . . were all intriguing, but the submission I found most compelling was Ruffian's . . . . . . vintage Movado M95 chronograph....  

Well judged Art …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 20th, 2022-23:17
Congratulations to Ruffian and everyone mentioned.

Thanks, Art. Glad you appreciate it.

 By: Ruffian : November 21st, 2022-00:17
Thanks also for sharing your music. I learnt lots about Jim Croce as a result. PS. The Movado has the 90m (not 95m) movement.

Big Congrats Ruffian! That vintage Movado chrono surely deserves the honors! Movado has offered some magnificent models during its golden period of 40's through 60´s and this is a great...

 By: Subexplorer : November 21st, 2022-19:08
... example of their production. Thanks a lot for sharing! Thanks a lot Art for your veredict and congrats to all mentions as well!!

Thanks, Abel. And you're very welcome. They were out of this world!

 By: Ruffian : November 22nd, 2022-04:07
Thanks to all the mods (and greats) for hosting!

Congrats to all winners 👍

 By: enjoythemusic : November 20th, 2022-23:24

Congratulations to all winners and participants!

 By: Ajas : November 21st, 2022-00:36
Thanks to all judges!

Bravo to all winners!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : November 21st, 2022-22:21