Books and Authors Wrist Scan is now closed . . .

Feb 05, 2024,23:00 PM

. . . with yours truly working on judgements presently.  

Thanks to all who participated; I hope we've all learned a little from one another.


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Wrist Shot honors were a bit strained this month . . .

By: Dr No : February 6th, 2024-00:42
. . . as there weren't that many that adhered to the theme. Wrist shots aplenty, but not with books in the background. Kurt posted this reverse wrist shot of his Rolex . . . . . . Cap shared his Speedy taking in a speed theme . . . . . . Abel got into the...  

Thank you Abel!

By: KURT_DAVID : February 7th, 2024-05:01
Well done yourself, wonderful selection you posted. πŸ‘πŸ»

Judging Static Photo, on the other hand, was . . .

By: Dr No : February 6th, 2024-03:23
. . . a major strain. So many candidates to consider; here are most of them. Mary Anny's Rolex . . . . . . Cap's Big Three icons . . . . . . K's sophisticated yet subtle UG . . . . . . jml's GenΓ¨ve flanked by incomprehensible text(!) . . . . . . followed ...  

You too Abel!

By: Timeout : February 6th, 2024-16:35
I loved the photo of your Omega with the family bible. The timeless presence of real books - and in particular family bibles - allows for connection across time and generations that e-readers will never replace.

A belated thank you for the recognition! Congrats to the winners!

By: R. Goodfellow : February 7th, 2024-17:26
And a thank you for hosting a fun WristScan! I enjoyed seeing what's on everyones wrists and book shelves.

Several interesting candidates in our new Classic Category . . .

By: Dr No : February 6th, 2024-05:56
. . . starting with Cap's Bulova . . . . . . K's UG . . . . . . and Minerva (movement is vintage even if the watch isn't) . . . . . . jml's ca '66 GenΓ¨ve . . . . . . Abel's Rolexes . . . . . . and NOS Omega Constellation . . . . . . and Greg's Croton. Thi...  

Thank you Art ! …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 6th, 2024-09:37
The β€œClassic” category came up with some really interesting timepieces for this edition. Congratulations to Abel and JML.

Thanks for the place & congratulations to all the other winners

By: jml_watches : February 6th, 2024-10:13
As for the text in the background, it's a phylogenetic tree for wagtails - and I don't understand either! Cheers & thanks to everyone for a great Wristscan JML

Watch of the Month seemed the most difficult category . . .

By: Dr No : February 6th, 2024-07:33
. . . to judge. Several personally compelling entries such as Myles' Planet Ocean chrono . . . . . . and Goodfellow's Ploprof . . . . . . enjoythemusic's uncommon CW . . . . . . K's Chopard technical tour de force . . . . . . Watchslvr's refreshing NOMOS ...  

Congratulations to Marcus !

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 6th, 2024-09:40
It was good to see a UN Planetarium being shown for our theme this weekend. Congratulations also to everyone mentioned for WOTW.