Unreal. The 1960's had leaded gasoline to blame for the violence...

Jun 11, 2020,18:26 PM

I wonder what is wrong with so many people of today.

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Is round 2 here?

 By: Thomas_3 : June 11th, 2020-15:19
I see that about 20 states, may be more today are seeing a rise in positive corona virus cases. Governors are reluctant to issue stay at home orders again for fear of a rebellion/uprising from the public.

They're probably reluctant . . .

 By: Dr No : June 11th, 2020-16:45
. . . because their coffers are empty. California had a substantial account surplus in February. Burned thru in three months. ;-)

+1! [nt]

 By: amanico : June 12th, 2020-00:51

People are running around pillaging and vandalizing, pretending they have a cause.

 By: BigFatPauli : June 11th, 2020-17:13
That's reason enough to tell people to stay home. P.S. I'm not saying the protesters don't have a cause - but there is a way to protest properly. I'm saying simply destroying local businesses and stealing isn't protesting, it's just vandalism and theft.

I told someone online that I believed black lives matter, but that violence was counterproductive.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : June 11th, 2020-17:39
He told me to go back to the KKK. I'm still shaking my head. Could be Huntingon's chorea, but it's probably a healthy response.

Unreal. The 1960's had leaded gasoline to blame for the violence...

 By: BigFatPauli : June 11th, 2020-18:26
I wonder what is wrong with so many people of today.

Seems like mental illness

 By: vitalsigns : June 11th, 2020-18:48
“If you don’t agree with each and every one of our means and methods, without question, then you are against us.” They are gripped with insanity. Hopefully it is temporary.

Ver well said. [nt]

 By: amanico : June 12th, 2020-00:52

Remember the Greeks: "Those . . .

 By: Dr No : June 11th, 2020-23:08
. . . whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." Judging by their evident madness, Providence has it in for the cancel culture crowd. Art

Thankfully the vandals/pillagers and the protesters are two different groups with different agendas.

 By: CR : June 11th, 2020-21:10
Imagine how much damage there would be if these were actually the same groups, given the huge number of protesters!


 By: artp1085 : June 11th, 2020-19:01
All this emanates from the tremendous disparity of wealth. Crazed billionaires like Bezos are destroying USA

News only want to show you what they plan to portray...

 By: Clueless_Collector : June 11th, 2020-19:06
Looking at the data, overall US is still trending down, but yes, some states are trending up but do we know how many tests were performed? Its better to look at rates: cases/tests, rather than just cases.

This is exactly on point. The news is so slanted...

 By: BigFatPauli : June 11th, 2020-19:20
How can anyone still give any credence to a news outlet that called an election, on the day of, 90/10 and be wrong. The media is the cancer of modern society.

I think we will see a huge upsurge due to a lot of the protesters in big groups

 By: Thomas_3 : June 12th, 2020-06:40
not wearing masks, screaming, yelling, spitting etc.

I'm very curious about that because being outdoors supposedly carries a greatly reduced transmission risk...

 By: CR : June 12th, 2020-22:51
... but there's still so much that's unknown about that. I'm sure a lot of people who attended those protests were otherwise being pretty vigilant about social distancing and wearing masks, so hopefully we'll get data about that in the next few weeks, to ... 

That’s because round 1 was far from finished when they started to reopen

 By: Boris : June 12th, 2020-00:12
Sometimes, watching news from the US makes me think the country operates in a parallel reality.

I saw this morning the Las Vegas casinos

 By: Thomas_3 : June 12th, 2020-08:04
have reopened and they are absolutely packed, yet no one is wearing a mask. Employees are required to do so but the guests in the casinos are not. Makes no sense at all to me.

In HK, everybody started to wear masks voluntarily since February

 By: Boris : June 12th, 2020-18:09
That's because people here were scarred by SARS and understood pandemics, so as soon as Covid19 hit, they all bought masks and those who weren't were frowned upon. And they put huge pressure on the government to make sure that masks were available. Also, ... 

It makes no sense if the whole world do not unite. If some countries start re-opening without control

 By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : June 12th, 2020-21:22
their cases, it will just spread to other countries when boarders are open. Countries cannot go into lockdown for too long as it not economical sustainable. They should open with measure like safe distancing and crowd control in place. Every life matters,... 

I wish the statistics published number of tests as well as positive cases and deaths

 By: NickO : June 13th, 2020-10:21
For example, if you test 1,000 people and 100 are positive, that’s a 10% infection rate. Now, say, in the next similar time period, you test 10,000 people and 800 are positive. How do you report this news? Did the infection rate fall from 10% to 8% or did... 

Rates per million population

 By: Park : June 13th, 2020-17:19
Here's a source that does provide rates per million population: www.worldometers.info #countries Those rates are far more meaningful than frequency data (raw numbers), but keep in mind that nations and their subdivisions are using varying tests an...