I look forward to it in the near future! [nt]

Nov 16, 2015,20:34 PM

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Epicure @ Hotel Le Bristol (October 2015) Paris

 By: DRMW : November 12th, 2015-00:06
Back in May I posted a 72 hour, 9 Michelin Star adventure ( www.watchprosite.com   . A standout was Epicure @ Le Bristol, here is a revisit in October. Enjoy! Soup, Escargot Lollipop, Foie Gras terrine, potatoes: escargot with tomato Cauliflow...  

The snail population in France was already in danger :-0

 By: TheMadDruid : November 12th, 2015-08:24
Exquisite pictures of an exquisite meal! And that wine...!


 By: DRMW : November 13th, 2015-11:40
It's hard to find a good escargot place in L.A. Brandywine in Woodlandhills has a tasty one, we're there in a few weeks and I will post pics if you want to see. -MW

re: what

 By: DRMW : November 13th, 2015-11:42
We'll do Lutetia when they reopen. Ever been to Hotel Costes? ThomasM and ED-209 took me there for lunch and they had this amazing foie gras terrine. -MW

re: amazing

 By: DRMW : November 13th, 2015-11:45
Food there IMO is amazing and from what I heard consistent. Honestly I'm not much of drinker so I let others choose the wine and I have a taste. I have has some amazing wines but my taste buds are not good enough to appreciate them. Have you had any nice ... 

Some good , some bad

 By: watch-guy.com : November 13th, 2015-12:11
Grange 1998 excellent grange 1968 very bad a stunning victorian pinot a lovely burgundy 2012- still a little young Due for next food and wine evening in a few week Love your food adventures Julian

Now I feel like getting out for some snails ASAP!

 By: KMII : November 12th, 2015-12:00
Even though I just returned from dinner, your post ensured I could eat again, about right now. Snails. Double portion

I believe I will be going to Les Halles Saturday, for some of the best snails in NYC.

 By: TheMadDruid : November 12th, 2015-14:10
Your post reminded me of that possibility! Thanks!!

:-p)) [nt]

 By: TheMadDruid : November 13th, 2015-05:20

Here's a picture

 By: KMII : November 14th, 2015-11:05
I\'m sure there are better ones to be found in their spiritual homeland but these are probably the best in Austria. Freshly consumed today, together with a minute of silence... Btw. got a Ghanian friend visiting and were surprised to find out that snails ...  


 By: DRMW : November 15th, 2015-10:11
Thanks for sharing the pics!

ooohhhh! [nt]

 By: elanoftroy : November 12th, 2015-12:56


 By: DRMW : November 13th, 2015-11:47
We just had some fresh stone/rock crabs and ridgeback shrimp that I think you would've enjoyed. There is a warning right now not to eat dungeness crabs =( -MW

: ( Sounds delicious

 By: elanoftroy : November 13th, 2015-18:24
Guess I'll just enjoy my chilli dog... : ) What's with the stone crab warning? Helen

DPH warning...

 By: DRMW : November 14th, 2015-09:55
CA DPH has issued a warning not to eat crab from the California/Oregon coast. There was a huge algae bloom from El Nino, domic acid is a toxin spread by this. DPH detected high level in crabs which can cause serious health problems if consumed. -MW

That's sad....

 By: elanoftroy : November 14th, 2015-12:25
Isn't the rock crab season about over anyway? Do you have seasonal seafood like Louisiana? Season/Seafood overlap Spring - Crawfish Summer - Blue Crab Fall - Oysters You can buy nearly all year long but traditionally, we stick with seasonal fresh seafood.... 

It's almost dinner time here...

 By: fernando : November 13th, 2015-02:41
and you have certainly whet my appetite. If only my meal would be anywhere close to this. Bon appetite!

re: almost

 By: DRMW : November 13th, 2015-11:49
I look forward to having a meal with you again when I next visit HK! Last time I was there is was towards the end of hairy crab season. HAGWE Fernando. -MW


 By: patrick_y : November 13th, 2015-08:15
Looks tasty!

That is a beautiful example of restaurant refinement

 By: Mark in Paris : November 14th, 2015-10:43
Thanks for sharing Ming, hope we can meet up one day inParis. Best, Mark

What a sumptious

 By: halkcb : November 16th, 2015-17:43
elegant spread! My brief foray in september landed me a relaively simple meal at the re-opened lucas carton ,by comparison Medallions of monkfish in curry saffron dressing---very tasty! Best henry ...  

Sounds (and looks) delicious!

 By: DRMW : November 16th, 2015-20:35
Sounds like you had a wonderful time out there in September! -MW