haha 😁

Mar 29, 2022,22:09 PM

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Is anyone able to translate this Chinese inscription for me?

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 29th, 2022-22:02
Years ago I paneled my entire office with antique Chinese doors and decorative trim I won at a local auction. On one of the panels there's a very small inscription that I've always wondered about. It's difficult to get a decent photo because of the many l...  

haha 😁

 By: christianch : March 29th, 2022-22:09

LOL...I can't stop laughing!

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 29th, 2022-22:22


 By: amanico : March 30th, 2022-06:00


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : March 29th, 2022-22:35

Love it🤣

 By: aperna : March 30th, 2022-01:58

It was an easy one. ;)

 By: amanico : March 30th, 2022-05:39

It says: "in 2022, there will be a quartz speedmaster with a plastic case for 250$" :)

 By: @lberti : March 29th, 2022-22:06
Jokes aside, i cannot! Sorry matey I am sure, some of our Asian friends can help here. Just give them some time to reply. Cheers

I agree this a very cool and charming office

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : March 29th, 2022-22:36

Thank you!

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:08

Very nice office, I like these panels so different!!!

 By: Motty : March 29th, 2022-23:18
Good luck figuring out what it means


 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:08

Wow. What an office!

 By: patrick_y : March 29th, 2022-23:43
I'm not sure what that inscription means, but what an office!

Thank you, Patrick.

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:11

Lol...Thank you!

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:11

I just asked my Chinese girlfriend...

 By: jleno : March 30th, 2022-00:23
She says it looks like it starts off with a year, followed by "given to the palace." She said the inscription might be related to a story the carving on the panel is showing, but she's not sure.


 By: patrick_y : March 30th, 2022-16:02

Lol. I didn't plan on bidding on them but when they couldn't get an opening bid I had to go for it.

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:23
Twenty panels, plus the large decorative piece above the chair. My winning bid was $250 total. No one bid because no one knew what they would do with them. In fact I wasn't sure how I would use them either but bid on them anyway. My wife suggested using t... 


 By: amanico : March 30th, 2022-20:11

Amazing. I love your office panels.

 By: ChristianDK : March 30th, 2022-02:33
What a charming space they create

Thank you.

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:23

I think it says 元年近宮 (yuan nian jin gong).

 By: Ruffian : March 30th, 2022-03:02
Apparently, 元年 refers to the first year of an emperor's reign. 近宮 I presume means he entered the palace? Ymmv.

I think it says "元年進宮"

 By: THWatch : March 30th, 2022-04:49
However, not sure what that means. Very cool panels by the way.

I think you're right. My bad.

 By: Ruffian : March 30th, 2022-09:02
It means enter the palace. Colloquially, it can also mean enter a jail.

Lol...entering a jail.

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:36

Looks like it.

 By: Ruffian : March 31st, 2022-00:42

I think I might have a good guess!

 By: SakeM : March 30th, 2022-03:20
Sorry for the double post. just saw the post above so edited to say I agree with it. (I had a super long response that didn't make nearly as much sense once there other poster wrote out the characters 😂). Fun times trying to dredge up my classical Chinese... 

Another vote for the emperor entering the palace

 By: SakeM : March 30th, 2022-03:22
I think the first characters are an archaic form of first year.

Thanks for your comment!

 By: Emil Wojcik : March 30th, 2022-14:42

Gentlemen’s Club

 By: GuyT : March 30th, 2022-07:18
Wow, that is some office, do you get any work done with all the distractions? It looks like a place that I would happily visit and talk watches over a drink.

Great thread

 By: MPP : April 1st, 2022-02:31
Love the group input to solve the puzzle. And educational too.

Well, I thought it read . . .

 By: Dr No : April 4th, 2022-17:25
. . . "Made in USA", but then, my Mandarin is spotty.