Subexplorer[Moderator - WristScan]
Happy collector 25th Anniversary dear Nicolas!! Nice to remember your first "serious" watch specially when it was the one which fired your passion for watch collecting.
May 02, 2023,14:16 PM
It is a shame you don´t own it. It´s a good advice not to sell a first watch. I commited same mistake and regret that so much today even if it was not a well known brand or important watch. I would love to still own it.
Anyway you already own some superb replacements for that early love and it explains your attachment to the GMT model.
I also was a fan of the Magnum TV show. Tom Selleck has been wearing his GMT in other more recent TV series as well.
I also was a fan of the "I Spy" TV show in which both main characters (played by Robert Culp and Bill Cosby as spy disguised as professional tennis players) wore Rolex GMT´s.
Curiously, in one of the episodes both guys must swim in the sea and their GMT flooded and they mention that they would sue Rolex for the mishap! Awesome!
Abrazos amigo mio!!