Those squadron flight shots are amazing 🤩

Feb 13, 2024,00:08 AM

Those are some powerful badass birds.

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Hooray for Brown Pelicans! Around 30-40 years ago they nearly became extinct. The culprit was DDT which had been commonly used to eradicate mosquitos which can carry and spread

By: InDebtButOnTime : February 12th, 2024-20:49
nasty diseases such as Malaria and Typhoid. It washed into the sea and was eaten by fish which are a main source of food for Pelicans. DDT compromised their ability to metabolize calcium which resulted in weak thin egg shells. When the 8-10 lb Pelicans sa...  

Hey! You’re doing my gig

By: cazalea : February 13th, 2024-03:55
With my second favorite bird! Wonderful, aren’t they! Brown or white! ...