Hooray for Brown Pelicans! Around 30-40 years ago they nearly became extinct. The culprit was DDT which had been commonly used to eradicate mosquitos which can carry and spread

Feb 12, 2024,20:49 PM

nasty diseases such as Malaria and Typhoid. It washed into the sea and was eaten by fish which are a main source of food for Pelicans. DDT compromised their ability to metabolize calcium which resulted in weak thin

egg shells. When the 8-10 lb Pelicans sat on them to incubate them the shells broke. Brown Pelicans only nest on a few islands on the West Coast where DDT is no longer used. Thankfully they are now thriving but it
was a close call. They are impressive birds. Majestic in flight!

most of these in flight shots are from my iPhone 12 Pro

wonder if the one in front is named Maverick!

The next day I returned with better gear.

Apparently I arrived a lunch time.

The way they lunge at fish is impressive!

With low tide trapping fish they had a field day (river day?).

Just about to tilt his head back and gulp down a fish. smile

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Hey! You’re doing my gig

By: cazalea : February 13th, 2024-03:55
With my second favorite bird! Wonderful, aren’t they! Brown or white! ...