
Nov 15, 2022,18:53 PM

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 By: ArmisT : November 15th, 2022-19:06

Reminds me....

 By: InHavenPro : November 15th, 2022-19:09
of the epic story of the home remodelling Ludwig Wittgenstein decided to undertake ........


 By: InHavenPro : November 15th, 2022-19:51
The actual explanation is found from 3:30 to the 4 minute point in the second video....

Interesting 👍

 By: enjoythemusic : November 15th, 2022-20:12


 By: InHavenPro : November 16th, 2022-00:12

ROFL 🤣🤣🤣

 By: lm6 : November 15th, 2022-19:58

Many of us could relate!

 By: VinnieD : November 15th, 2022-21:31