Momentary Stillness

May 24, 2023,19:16 PM

Was able to slip out for a short paddle after laying my children down for bed yesterday evening. The fires far West of us have rendered the horizon a muted grey most evenings, and I wanted to try to capture the clarity of the water in opposition to the haze, but also managed to grab a shot of a common loon as it gave me a second to frame it against the infinite abyss beyond. I am pleased with how it turned out given my relative haste to arrange the photo before it dove down once again in search of dinner. 

Thanks for looking.

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Nice photos

 By: sschew : May 24th, 2023-19:44
Where exactly is this? So tranquil.

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

 By: colton_d : May 25th, 2023-11:43
I occasionally bring my Canon when kayaking, but on the paddleboard it becomes too risky for water exposure.

Lake Huron

 By: colton_d : May 25th, 2023-11:39
Water stays cold until late-summer, have to wear a wetsuit as one would not last long falling in while offshore.


 By: sschew : May 25th, 2023-21:56

Cue ‘Jaws’ music : )

 By: mdg : May 24th, 2023-20:42
…nice shots.


 By: colton_d : May 25th, 2023-11:41
Funny you mention it, there is a gull which has a call distinctly reminiscent of that used in Jaws that I hear in the early AM, bringing back terrifying memories from childhood. Thankfully this is fresh water, and the only thing to fear are absent-minded ... 

Superb photos!

 By: patrick_y : May 24th, 2023-20:54

Superb, these photos.

 By: amanico : May 24th, 2023-21:05

Both are excellent, kudos ...

 By: cshimokita : May 24th, 2023-21:17
The use of space in the first, and the depth / composition of the second (the tip of the board-boat adds depth). We all need a bit of private time, and this is my take-away from the series. Nice, Casey .

Much appreciated, Casey

 By: colton_d : May 25th, 2023-11:42


 By: le_chef : May 24th, 2023-21:52
Just beautiful and tranquil.

Really like the paddle board shot

 By: Drek : May 29th, 2023-10:47
The water looks so clear, and still as a mill pond, must have been a joy to paddle.