Indeed. Nice picture!

May 16, 2023,22:48 PM

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Thank you, Nico!

By: Champthekid : May 16th, 2023-21:46
I like a little gold mixed in the collection, but totally understand some are not fans. I’m not a fan of two tone watches. It has to be either all gold or all steel for me 😀

Congrats! I saw this exact watch somewhere.

By: Clueless_Collector : May 16th, 2023-22:11
Good to see a fellow WPS member got it. Wear it in good health. I think the other steel version is worthy to collect as well. ...  

Rare birds . . .

By: Dr No : May 17th, 2023-18:30
. . . indeed. This image was taken at the Phillips roadshow for their 2016 Speedmaster auction. Unfortunately I don't recall details, but if not mistaken there was interesting provenance for this one. Another intriguing version . . . . . . is the yellow g...  

Cool. Thanks for posting.

By: Champthekid : May 17th, 2023-19:12
I wonder if the Philips road show one was one of the few gold Speedy’s they originally gave to astronauts? I know watch number 1 was given to President Nixon who gave it back because he couldn’t accept such an extravagant gift while in office. That’s the ... 

I believe...

By: MikiJ : May 17th, 2023-19:20
This one is an original limited batch of non flown gold Speedmasters because of it's DON bezel. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Regardless, it's certainly a beautiful Speedy

Hello Miki: it is my feeling that all 1014 watches ref 145.022-69 full gold …

By: Subexplorer : May 18th, 2023-23:06
… commonly known as Tribute to Astronauts had DON bezels. Probably our dear Art can confirm this. By the other hand all watches of that historical issue are non flown as they were presented to Astronauts after the Moon Landing in 1969. The beautiful watch... 

My bad - yes, not flown, but presented.

By: MikiJ : May 18th, 2023-23:40
For whatever reason other than age do I think there's another version without a DON ceramic bezel. Hopefully Art can shed a little light on these.

Hmmm . . . I thought all of them . . .

By: Dr No : May 19th, 2023-01:34
. . . were identical, at least originally. My brain cells are dying off sooner than expected - it's getting harder to remember details now.

Thank you for your answer Art. Yes, I understand all 1014 where equipped with the DON aluminum bezel.

By: Subexplorer : May 19th, 2023-12:35
Don´t worry for your memory. You have a very strong memory but it is impossible to have all information and details about our beloved watches/brands/models stored in our internal HD in our brains!!. )) Have a nice week end my dear friend. Abel

Hello Miki: don´t worry. As I have answered to Art below it is impossible to have all info about our beloved watches, brands and models in our heads.

By: Subexplorer : May 19th, 2023-12:44
Regarding ceramic bezels in Speedmasters. The original 1969 145.022-69 came with an aluminum DON bezel. The superb edition of 2019 came with the ceramic DON bezel and also 1014 watches. Cheers, Abel

Not sure about this one being one of those.

By: MikiJ : May 18th, 2023-17:51
A while back The Omega Forum ran a comprehensive article on these and the one's with DON are the ones to own.

My memory is shot, apparently. Firstly, it was Christie's auction, not Phillips. Secondly, there were . . .

By: Dr No : May 18th, 2023-19:50
. . . three yellow gold Speedmasters on offer. The one I photographed was originally assigned to astronaut Ron Evans, according to the online catalog. Apologies, gents. My bad. Art

Big congrats Champthekid!! This is a magnificent watch!

By: Subexplorer : May 18th, 2023-23:11
A superb offering from Omega of the year 2019 celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing. Enjoy in the best of good health! Mine says hello!! Cheers! Abel ...