Thanks for commenting, Izhik. [nt]

Mar 02, 2019,10:10 AM

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Lunch with Mahesh. Some pictures of his Panerai PAM 721.

 By: amanico : March 2nd, 2019-09:50
We had a huge discussion during the lunch about Panerai and the PAM 721 and 372. He owns both of them, but I am still allowed to play with the 372 which is a big love affair for me. Between these 2, I told him that the 721, even though it is a very nice w...  

The 372 is made for the fans of the Panerai Crown Guard and the 6152/6152-1 case with the solid lugs

 By: reintitan : March 2nd, 2019-10:03
Since it's a regular production model, Richemont Panerai want to make sure anyone who wants one can get one. This is because they want to continue to cultivate this design code that defines them so much. The Luminor Due the watch for the "masses" and is h... 

Thank you, sir. [nt]

 By: reintitan : March 2nd, 2019-10:12

Tough call between the two Nicolas

 By: JohnFM : March 2nd, 2019-12:56
... both pretty different, as we all know. I do like the 372 -- its larger, blockier hands (compared with the 587 or 673) go very well with the big crown guard. It's a rugged looking watch synonymous with Panerai. The 721 does look bigger but it wears sma... 

Excellent pics

 By: MTR : March 3rd, 2019-15:03
especially the one of your 721. ☺️ Best, Thomas

merci mon amis !

 By: mahesh : March 2nd, 2019-11:57
721 dial gives significantly bigger watch perception than 372 - though both are 47mm, both wear very differently. 721 wirelugs gives a strong vintage character while 372 is THE Panerai pedigree. i think i've to keep both & now hunt for the 3rd piece...a 2... 

To attack? ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : March 2nd, 2019-12:16

Sssssshhhh! [nt]

 By: amanico : March 2nd, 2019-14:06

Easy does it....

 By: sergio : March 2nd, 2019-12:31
since for me the 721 doesn't even exist, I'll have to go with the 372 which I like enormously, in any case. LOLLLLLL

I initially favored the 721 over the 720..

 By: Echi : March 2nd, 2019-18:09
But later changed my mind as I realized that I was captivated by the Radiomir Panerai script. The font, the size, the spacing very much like the 372. I like the font execution on the 47mm cases vs say the one on my zero for example. I think the font/logo ...  

Echi - your strap looks great...

 By: mahesh : March 4th, 2019-12:04
Who is it from ?! Best, Mahesh.,

Thanks Echi! [nt]

 By: mahesh : March 4th, 2019-21:07

I never was and will never be a fan of the 372

 By: Ahoi : March 3rd, 2019-04:20
I don’t understand, why so many paneristi like this model so much. Yes, if you consider panerai time line you might get the answer historical wise. I put on this model several times. I ts not attracted me. There are other luminors i would get instead. But...  

The Panerai history, unfortunately....

 By: sergio : March 3rd, 2019-07:35
is more often "interpreted" than learned, these days. It reminds me of the Bible; one book...200 religions based on it. Every religious leader reads the part that HE believes being the most important and goes look for..proselytes. The fact that the crown ... 

😘 [nt]

 By: MTR : March 3rd, 2019-15:01

Dear Nico,

 By: MTR : March 3rd, 2019-14:56
without any doubt and hesitation: 721 for me. The reasons I have described many times. And I would choose it anytime again. ☺️ All the best, my friend and tireless seducer, Thomas ...  

Thanks for the comparison.

 By: Greenwatch : March 5th, 2019-20:00
I’m in the camp of the 721 for its wire loop and clean sandwich dial. It’s wearable for my small wrist.