That would be it!

Feb 08, 2011,05:19 AM

I am not a big fan of the date at this position to start with, and as it  'stands out' by being off colour it emphasises just that awkward position. White on black would blend in and just make the composition! I think we should really recommend it to JL. Nico use your power to convince them.

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Two quick pictures of a new variation on the Master Chronograph.

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-06:23
Last year, we discovered a very interesting new watch in the JLC family: The Master Chronograph. It came in Rose Gold and in Stainless Steel , and in both cases, with a silver white dial. This year, JLC introduces the Master Chronograph in stainless steel...  

Yep dangerously tempting

 By: grigo : January 22nd, 2011-06:52
Glad that I have put in all my orders for this year. Best regards, George

another item

 By: sancerre : January 22nd, 2011-07:08
This might well go on my dream list as well - I much prefer the black dial. thanks for showing! --Sancerre


 By: sancerre : January 22nd, 2011-17:29
I saw the SS in my local AD, and I didn't like it as much as I thought I would; but this one is much more promising. --Sancerre

Black gives many watches a lot of character....

 By: moc : January 23rd, 2011-02:53
he he he sure does..... MO

Temptation indeed ..

 By: hs111 : January 22nd, 2011-07:24
- too many of this kind, already. JLC is doing more than just filling the gaps of desire. But nice to know, that there always will be one around the next corner, Deja entendu .. Best, HS

Nice, will sell well, however...

 By: watchme : January 22nd, 2011-09:08
I only wish JLC had used a black disc with white font, as on my NS GMT Chrono (it cleans up the dial). -Dean

Interesting. Perhaps they will hear your comment and change for the better?

 By: Ruckdee : January 22nd, 2011-09:16
There is still time, isn't there? Ruckdee

Yep - would like that, as well ..

 By: hs111 : January 22nd, 2011-11:05
- looks a bit busy in a way and "dark" currently, somehow Thanks again, HS

For me this is now in direct...

 By: nwp627 : January 22nd, 2011-11:16
...competition with a Gran Sport Chronograph with black dial that I'm hoping to find! N

"Jaegeresque," I like that word enough...

 By: nwp627 : January 23rd, 2011-08:31 take it and use it unabashedly and frequently, thank you Nicolas. N

Patent pending. :)

 By: amanico : January 23rd, 2011-08:32

Do I have to…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : January 22nd, 2011-13:52
Start collecting Chronographs…? For many years I have stayed clear of Chronos. Why? Because Chrono is not an complication that I favour a lot and dial often becomes too crowded for my taste. Last year when JLC launched the new Master Chronograph my heart ... 

Tough question, Blomman.

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-14:06
In my opinion, there are two ways to " see " the question. Or you want to go to fine Chronos, and you'll have to consider the manual movements, such as the Dato, the Vs, the PP 50 or 5170, and the Duometre ( not necessarily in this order, of course ). The... 

We can try to fool ourselves…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : January 22nd, 2011-14:19
But when it comes to watches, I know this much about myself… If I start with one, let’s say this chrono from JLC. What will happen? First I would like to have some other JLC chrono’s. Duo, AMVOX II, some of the vintage like the Shark and 4 ATM… And that i... 

Well, Blomman, I do get your point. But I fear that ...

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-14:25
One day you cross the Chrono way .... Will you resist? The Pandora's box has its charm and its dangers, like a nice mermaid. Best, Nicolas.

hi Nico, is there a JLC chrono from their history that

 By: Hororgasm : January 22nd, 2011-14:14
you would like to se revisited and remade? is JLC known for any chronos in the past? i cant think of one. Best, Horo

Well, Horo ...

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-23:06
Lecoultre made some very nice chronjos in pocket watches, at the end of the 19th , early 20th Century. As for wristwatch Chronos, they used Valjoux or Universal Genève movements ( screw in case back: Valjoux, snap case back: U.G ). There were some very ni... 

Thks mate, will goggle and do a search for it

 By: Hororgasm : January 22nd, 2011-23:30
I would love a JLC chrono...Especially if it comes in a reverso case. And/or something from their history. Best, Horo

tempting indeed

 By: playtime : January 22nd, 2011-14:43
the black accentuates the sheen of the metal--a very nice touch! thanks for sharing, J

Agreed, Jason. Fully agreed. [nt]

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-22:59
No message body

I am seriously tempted.

 By: Goh : January 22nd, 2011-18:34
It fits my current collection and comes with bracelet option but probably not enought for me to scrafice the TT DSA for it... I am glad that this isn't a LE, so it can wait. Thanks for sharing Nicolas. Goh

Don't sacrifice the TT DSA for the Master Chrono, Black.

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-22:55
It can wait, indeed! Best, Nicolas.

Colors and tastes

 By: amanico : January 22nd, 2011-23:01
The white is more understated, discrete, while the black is powerful, yet elegant. Tempting, indeed. Best, Stefan. Nicolas.

This watch is so classic

 By: Mostel : January 23rd, 2011-08:40
but the date........ the date........ argh... I wish it was not there! Still, I really like it anyway...

And what if white on black?

 By: amanico : January 23rd, 2011-08:51

That would be it!

 By: Robert_ : February 8th, 2011-05:19
I am not a big fan of the date at this position to start with, and as it 'stands out' by being off colour it emphasises just that awkward position. White on black would blend in and just make the composition! I think we should really recommend it to JL. N... 

Already transmitted to JLC, Robert. :) [nt]

 By: amanico : February 8th, 2011-05:32
No message body

You just made my day Nicolas

 By: Starman : January 23rd, 2011-12:48
Damn I like the Master Chrono, but there was some hesitation because of the silver dial; it was just looking too much as the reveil and de RDM I've got. Course they are completely different watches, but you know, similar looks. So I keep looking for a bla... 

I lost some of my pics, Starman, but I have the feeling ...

 By: amanico : January 23rd, 2011-13:11
That we just start speaking about it. The dial is as you see it, nicely finished, nothing more to add. You will certainly see it at a JLC Boutique very soon, as some events will be organized very soon all over the world. Best, Nicolas.

where's the picture?

 By: dsgalaxy1 : January 23rd, 2011-13:03
I've never seen a picture of the cal 751 A/1, does anybody has it? I think the date is quite far from the edge.

The date is always,with the 751, far from the edge.

 By: amanico : January 23rd, 2011-13:08
As for a pic of the Cal 751, I will try to find one, but I have to try to access to my bank of pictures, which is problematic these last days. Will see what I can do. Best, Nicolas.


 By: Ambos : February 8th, 2011-04:12
Hello everybody, if still of interest, please see the dial side of the 751 I took during a recent Master Class. Regards, Daniel...  


 By: Ambos : February 8th, 2011-06:48
After been a visitor here for quite a while, this post and Ken's recent one on the Hometime finally triggered my joining... I love black dials for the Master series and every new version represents a 'threat' for me, as it is the case with the new Chronog...  

Well, who would complain with these 2 black beauties?

 By: amanico : February 8th, 2011-07:22
Superb Memo WT and Master Home Time, here. Looking forward to read more from you, Best. Nicolas.

Welcome Ambos!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 8th, 2011-11:58
Very nice pair! And gadget… Please feel free to share more pics of your beauties! Especially the HT, not often seen here. Best Blomman

Thank you Blomman!

 By: Ambos : February 9th, 2011-07:22
Will post some more pics I just took of the HT under Ken's post... Regarding the Master Chronograph: will it be a Boutique Edition like my HT or a regular model besides the silver dial?

Achingly gorgeous...

 By: Brava : January 24th, 2011-11:57
I want one.

Nicolas, this black beauty…

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 8th, 2011-11:59
Is really growing on me! Feeling the Chronograph urge closing in… Best Blomman

Yes, but in this case ...

 By: amanico : February 8th, 2011-13:41
You open the " Black Master " Box ... You will also need a black Geo, a black RDM, a black Triple Date ... Best, Nicolas.