Ok. Noted. [nt]

May 02, 2016,05:31 AM

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On hunting targets......and hitting three in one shot.

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-03:29
Forgive the meandering here........ I have a few obsessions in my life. One of them is tea. Oolong tea is a particular passion. But Darjeeling is also a particular favourite. In terms of black teas, I have found just one that I really love from the Amba E...  

Congratulations Joe

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-03:43
for your superb catch. And oolong is one of my favourite tea. cheers.. Ronald

Thanks Ronald.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-03:47
.....next time you are in London, we should share a cup.

A very successful trip for you then.

 By: crown comfort : May 2nd, 2016-04:07
It was a real pleasure meeting you. Cheers, CC

all in all....very happy [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-04:14
Many new friends.....as you know!

with thanks!

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-04:17
I can see a small GTG in London in November may be on the cards.....

The pleasures of a good cup of tea cannot be underestimated

 By: NT931 : May 2nd, 2016-05:03
I love tea as well - whether oolongs, green tea, or black tea - each type of tea has it's time and place. I cannot imagine a day without tea! Our watches are much the same. In a busy workday, a cup of tea, a brief glimpse at what's on our wrists ... these... 

exactly....my day is split....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-05:14
......Shangri-La Gold/Amba Estate at breakfast. .......Oolong at 11am. ......Green at 2pm. A routine.......and each day a variation within the Oolongs and Greens. Each day a treasure.

Joe this one is a killer. You know better than anyone else how long it took me....

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-05:11
To find one, and how I found it. I am so happy you found another one, my friend. Which is, moreover, not only in great shape, but I can say, in this JLC version, a bit rarer than the Lecoultre, from what I could see in the market these past ten years. Now... 

Damman. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-07:42

Now that's a good weekend

 By: Esharp : May 2nd, 2016-05:15
Joe, thanks you for an interesting post. I know something - but not very much! - about tea but I\'ll be the first to admit my palate for the stuff is pretty unrefined. In SE Asia where I now live it\'s mostly Chinese teas (which I find pretty impenetrable... 

Good idea to have high tea in London

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-05:25
with tasty scone

Ronald...i know JUST the place

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-05:26

Hmmm:-) [nt]

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-05:51

Are you in? [nt]

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-06:12

For Hermes, Paris is the place

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-07:12
She said, you still owe her a bag Hope we can make it in London...

Ok;-) [nt]

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-06:02

Ok. Noted. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-05:31

i guess....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-05:21
.....i just grew into my teas. Probably like most, i started with black tea. I really only discovered Darjeeling in the last 5 years....i found that I had to drink it without milk to appreciate it. Now it is one of my favourites. From there, it is just a ... 

Congrats Joe! That´s a great three catch for sure! And as the hunt was made ...

 By: Subexplorer : May 2nd, 2016-05:52
... during a Parisian gathering I am sure that both the friends meeting as well as the place must have added charm to the thrill of finding those treasures! I wish you´ll enjoy the three so much, and look forward to know some pictures of the 1965 Rolex as... 

thank you Abel....but....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-06:24
....i have not found a 65 Rolex...just the 65 JLC.

ahh! Sorry Joe! My mistake. A great finding it is of course! Such a ...

 By: Subexplorer : May 3rd, 2016-06:58
... lovely timepiece and a great addition to your collection. Enjoy so much Joe! All the best, Abel.

Wow, that is just superbe!

 By: respo : May 2nd, 2016-05:55
Congratulations on both the tea and the Polaris. What an amazing catch, my friend! Best, respo

Beautiful piece!

 By: watchme : May 2nd, 2016-07:01
Congrats. -Dean

Paris is very dangerous city and you are the killer my friend :)

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : May 2nd, 2016-07:21
Truly handsome watch...I need to visit Rolex forum now ...and we need shot of your Polaris family

Aahhh.. Now I start to understand, what you did during this hour or two at a common hunting ground.. Sincere Congrats ! :))

 By: hs111 : May 2nd, 2016-09:22
This not only is a very rare catch, it\'s an uber-rare one AND a beauty ! And I missed seeing it, also ! .. - ll, hope we can make up for that.. Very hapy for your three in one, my friend ! Unitil next time ! Have a great week, Best, hs

Hmmhh.. Probably true, but I never have persued that.. Also given the soaring prices, apart from finding it in first place..

 By: hs111 : May 2nd, 2016-12:49
.. Thus, this one has remained elusive for me. But maybe I should try for the ss TT 65, Paris Boutique version which is even more difficult, I guess. We will see.. Sooo many targets.. Best, hs

to be fair.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-12:53
.....there is not a lot of difference in price between the TT65 steel and the original.

Yep !.. ;)) [nt]

 By: hs111 : May 2nd, 2016-13:30

Home run! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : May 2nd, 2016-11:10
Huge congrats, my friend! This is a absolute beauty! Funny that of all the Polaris, you have the three versions I don't have. If you get a vintage LeCoultre 68 we have all the versions, but on one the same... Best Blomman

We should do it soon! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : May 3rd, 2016-02:44

many thanks [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-12:36


 By: grandcomplication : May 2nd, 2016-18:09
Congratulations. Happy to hear about the watch. Look forward to seeing some more photographs of the polaris in the future!