i guess....

May 02, 2016,05:21 AM

.....i just grew into my teas.

Probably like most, i started with black tea. I really only discovered Darjeeling in the last 5 years....i found that I had to drink it without milk to appreciate it. Now it is one of my favourites. From there, it is just a case of perseverance. 

There are some wonderful tea suppliers now...Canton tea, Jing tea, Marriage Frere, Dammon Frere, Whittards, Tea Palace....to name just a few. I don't think there is a way to learn other than tasting them. It is a bit like watches...there is no such thing as a watch with taste. Some people like yellow gold, some people like white metal. Some like enormous watches, some like tiny watches. There is no "right"....just what works for you. Same with tea. My son loves Darjeeling and Greens....he isn't such a big fan of Oolong. Great news for me....he never steals my Oolong!

I am very happy to make suggestions for teas to try....but those will be teas which appeal to my palate.....it may not suit you. Always happy to provide ideas though....

Thanks for your comments!


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On hunting targets......and hitting three in one shot.

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-03:29
Forgive the meandering here........ I have a few obsessions in my life. One of them is tea. Oolong tea is a particular passion. But Darjeeling is also a particular favourite. In terms of black teas, I have found just one that I really love from the Amba E...  

Congratulations Joe

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-03:43
for your superb catch. And oolong is one of my favourite tea. cheers.. Ronald

Thanks Ronald.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-03:47
.....next time you are in London, we should share a cup.

A very successful trip for you then.

 By: crown comfort : May 2nd, 2016-04:07
It was a real pleasure meeting you. Cheers, CC

all in all....very happy [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-04:14
Many new friends.....as you know!

with thanks!

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-04:17
I can see a small GTG in London in November may be on the cards.....

The pleasures of a good cup of tea cannot be underestimated

 By: NT931 : May 2nd, 2016-05:03
I love tea as well - whether oolongs, green tea, or black tea - each type of tea has it's time and place. I cannot imagine a day without tea! Our watches are much the same. In a busy workday, a cup of tea, a brief glimpse at what's on our wrists ... these... 

exactly....my day is split....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-05:14
......Shangri-La Gold/Amba Estate at breakfast. .......Oolong at 11am. ......Green at 2pm. A routine.......and each day a variation within the Oolongs and Greens. Each day a treasure.

Joe this one is a killer. You know better than anyone else how long it took me....

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-05:11
To find one, and how I found it. I am so happy you found another one, my friend. Which is, moreover, not only in great shape, but I can say, in this JLC version, a bit rarer than the Lecoultre, from what I could see in the market these past ten years. Now... 

Damman. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-07:42

Now that's a good weekend

 By: Esharp : May 2nd, 2016-05:15
Joe, thanks you for an interesting post. I know something - but not very much! - about tea but I\'ll be the first to admit my palate for the stuff is pretty unrefined. In SE Asia where I now live it\'s mostly Chinese teas (which I find pretty impenetrable... 

Good idea to have high tea in London

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-05:25
with tasty scone

Ronald...i know JUST the place

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-05:26

Hmmm:-) [nt]

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-05:51

Are you in? [nt]

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-06:12

For Hermes, Paris is the place

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-07:12
She said, you still owe her a bag Hope we can make it in London...

Ok;-) [nt]

 By: RG1 : May 2nd, 2016-06:02

Ok. Noted. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 2nd, 2016-05:31

i guess....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-05:21
.....i just grew into my teas. Probably like most, i started with black tea. I really only discovered Darjeeling in the last 5 years....i found that I had to drink it without milk to appreciate it. Now it is one of my favourites. From there, it is just a ... 

Congrats Joe! That´s a great three catch for sure! And as the hunt was made ...

 By: Subexplorer : May 2nd, 2016-05:52
... during a Parisian gathering I am sure that both the friends meeting as well as the place must have added charm to the thrill of finding those treasures! I wish you´ll enjoy the three so much, and look forward to know some pictures of the 1965 Rolex as... 

thank you Abel....but....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-06:24
....i have not found a 65 Rolex...just the 65 JLC.

ahh! Sorry Joe! My mistake. A great finding it is of course! Such a ...

 By: Subexplorer : May 3rd, 2016-06:58
... lovely timepiece and a great addition to your collection. Enjoy so much Joe! All the best, Abel.

Wow, that is just superbe!

 By: respo : May 2nd, 2016-05:55
Congratulations on both the tea and the Polaris. What an amazing catch, my friend! Best, respo

Beautiful piece!

 By: watchme : May 2nd, 2016-07:01
Congrats. -Dean

Paris is very dangerous city and you are the killer my friend :)

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : May 2nd, 2016-07:21
Truly handsome watch...I need to visit Rolex forum now ...and we need shot of your Polaris family

Aahhh.. Now I start to understand, what you did during this hour or two at a common hunting ground.. Sincere Congrats ! :))

 By: hs111 : May 2nd, 2016-09:22
This not only is a very rare catch, it\'s an uber-rare one AND a beauty ! And I missed seeing it, also ! .. - ll, hope we can make up for that.. Very hapy for your three in one, my friend ! Unitil next time ! Have a great week, Best, hs

Hmmhh.. Probably true, but I never have persued that.. Also given the soaring prices, apart from finding it in first place..

 By: hs111 : May 2nd, 2016-12:49
.. Thus, this one has remained elusive for me. But maybe I should try for the ss TT 65, Paris Boutique version which is even more difficult, I guess. We will see.. Sooo many targets.. Best, hs

to be fair.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-12:53
.....there is not a lot of difference in price between the TT65 steel and the original.

Yep !.. ;)) [nt]

 By: hs111 : May 2nd, 2016-13:30

Home run! :)

 By: blomman Mr Blue : May 2nd, 2016-11:10
Huge congrats, my friend! This is a absolute beauty! Funny that of all the Polaris, you have the three versions I don't have. If you get a vintage LeCoultre 68 we have all the versions, but on one the same... Best Blomman

We should do it soon! :) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : May 3rd, 2016-02:44

many thanks [nt]

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 2nd, 2016-12:36


 By: grandcomplication : May 2nd, 2016-18:09
Congratulations. Happy to hear about the watch. Look forward to seeing some more photographs of the polaris in the future!