Looks fantastic, for sure!!

Apr 24, 2021,21:03 PM

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Had the chance to try it on at my AD today. This dial is really amazing! I'm really thinking about pulling the trigger!

 By: Watchlover42 : April 24th, 2021-19:24
What is your opinion on the new Polaris Mariner Date? ...  

Looks great on a bracelet

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : April 24th, 2021-19:29

Looks awesome.

 By: Bill : April 24th, 2021-20:18

I stand corrected, my no 1 preference would be the mariner memovox

 By: Gelato Monster : April 24th, 2021-23:10
Nonetheless both are gorgeous

However my favorite Polaris (Non Vintage Non Tribute)

 By: Gelato Monster : April 24th, 2021-23:36
would be the funky Geographic

This one?

 By: amanico : April 25th, 2021-08:56
A great fiction, for sure. ...  

I have the Memovox version.

 By: fuigo : April 24th, 2021-23:18
I love it. It’s a dressy sports watch, which in reality is more suitable than a sporty sports watch for me. The date version is as handsome. You’re right. The dial is amazing. The date version may wear better due to the slimmer case. It seems you’ve alrea... 

Spot on!

 By: Ardbig : April 25th, 2021-20:13

Am I the only one?

 By: ecsrun : April 26th, 2021-22:43
Beautiful watch! I have been looking at the AP CODE 11.59 series and at first glance I thought this was a bracelet version of one of those watches. I had no idea JLC made this line! Am the only one who thinks this very similar, at least from a dial perspe...