You are right, at least I am sure that dial has not been repainted ! :D Good luck with your hunt as indeed finding spares is a massive challenge with UG !
I was on the hunt for a Polerouter for quite some time now and the market situation left me a bit discouraged to be honest. Many pieces with repainted dials, overpolished cases or just Frankenwatches with various legit parts cobbled together that were nev...
A new crystal, give a thorough clean to case and bracelet, remove the endlink and try to wear it with the bracelet as it had sort of "straight endlinks".
if he has U-signed NOS crystals in stock (he has large numbers of UG movement spare parts in stock) - if that is the case I'll have it replaced, otherwise polished as good as possible. But I have seen acrylic crystals in worse shape come back to life agai...
it is always very satisfying to see what a bit of time and polywatch can do to a watch. Part of the charme of owning Vintage pieces I guess, you learn to live with scratches on acrylic crystals and/or taking care of them.
The following website is the absolute Bible when it comes to Polerouters: with all the details, references calibers etc... Mine is not i great shape but I got it at a very good price: Ref. 204605-3 One of the very first of this reference (serial number f...
I was aware about the polerouter-site and even have the app on my smartphone but I found it very, very difficult to determine the originality of a certain model compared to a Vintage Rolex for example. But I have nevertheless found a new obsession, I am t...