Thank you very much for the information,

Apr 03, 2024,08:38 AM

I was aware about the polerouter-site and even have the app on my smartphone but I found it very, very difficult to determine the originality of a certain model compared to a Vintage Rolex for example.
But I have nevertheless found a new obsession, I am thinking about buying the Polerouter book from Willis/Mazzucchi as well as acquiring more Polerouters in the future. You are right about the rising prices compared to some years ago, but IMHO the value for what you get is still very good compared to a Datejust for example.
On the other hand, the spare parts availability is much more of a Problem with UG, one quick search on C24 or ebay and I get a staggering numbers of many different Rolex endlinks for sale. Now that I am looking for endlinks for this specific bracelet/case configuration - nothing. Not a single one offered anywhere... But this makes the "hunt" a bit more exciting, I like it when I have to "work" a bit for some parts to make a watch all-original again, it is all part of the fun for me.
You have a nice Polerouter here BTW, the dial is very patinated, but other than that it seems to be in good shape. Wear it in good health, these are very special watches!

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Comments: view entire thread 

Another "Online-barnfind" kind of watch :)

By: clemens m : April 2nd, 2024-13:06
I was on the hunt for a Polerouter for quite some time now and the market situation left me a bit discouraged to be honest. Many pieces with repainted dials, overpolished cases or just Frankenwatches with various legit parts cobbled together that were nev...  


By: fmc000 : April 2nd, 2024-14:33
A new crystal, give a thorough clean to case and bracelet, remove the endlink and try to wear it with the bracelet as it had sort of "straight endlinks".

I'll discuss with my watchmaker

By: clemens m : April 2nd, 2024-14:46
if he has U-signed NOS crystals in stock (he has large numbers of UG movement spare parts in stock) - if that is the case I'll have it replaced, otherwise polished as good as possible. But I have seen acrylic crystals in worse shape come back to life agai... 

Great results,

By: clemens m : April 3rd, 2024-08:41
it is always very satisfying to see what a bit of time and polywatch can do to a watch. Part of the charme of owning Vintage pieces I guess, you learn to live with scratches on acrylic crystals and/or taking care of them.

Congrats, it is a great watch ! As mentioned, Polerouters are becoming impossible to find at fair prices, and hard to find in good shape.

By: montres1 : April 2nd, 2024-18:11
The following website is the absolute Bible when it comes to Polerouters: with all the details, references calibers etc... Mine is not i great shape but I got it at a very good price: Ref. 204605-3 One of the very first of this reference (serial number f...  

Thank you very much for the information,

By: clemens m : April 3rd, 2024-08:38
I was aware about the polerouter-site and even have the app on my smartphone but I found it very, very difficult to determine the originality of a certain model compared to a Vintage Rolex for example. But I have nevertheless found a new obsession, I am t...