Hi all, For the vintage diver fans, with the courtesy of a good friend, here is something rare, 3 Nautilus skin divers together... Clockwise 6921-1, 6921-1 US, 6921-2 Enjoy! Matt...
...the photos appear to show two types of plastic bezel (deep side profile and thin) plus an aluminium (?) bezel. And two thin lug cases with top hat plexi plus a thick lug with rounded plexi. Even less sure about the crowns two narrow, one wider? More re...
will see if I have the time to do a review on this, but you have part of the answer in there! 6921-1 6921-1 US 6921-2 Cases and back cases are identical, metal bezel specific to US version, the 2 acrylic bezels are similar, one is missing some paint in th...
...top hat plexis on SCs. I hope we can be enlightened. The crystals on SCs are a key part of the construction, I do hope this means we have alternatives to cannabalising the likes of ruined SC cases for their good plexi (as I have done...bad, but sadly n...