Product placement / influencer 50 years ago quite different than today; an example for the Cpt

Nov 09, 2020,10:38 AM

Back then it was fun to see something you like on screen; now it makes me suspicious of motive and un-stated purchasing reviews or placement of images...

These shots from Hawaii Five-O (sponsored by Ford Motor Co.) last night -- showing classy Citroen Mehari for me, Cadillac limo is my taste too

Corvette Split-Window with home-added sunroof for the Captain (sorry, I could not resist)


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LVMH & Hodinkee...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 9th, 2020-10:18
Interesting that they have some financial influence. ...  

Hodinkee would be a good candidate for LVMH to buy...

 By: patrick_y : November 9th, 2020-10:24
They're already a less than impartial media source... LVMH should just buy it and run their own propaganda agenda, excuse me, PR agenda, on Hodinkee. The funniest thing is that I still meet individuals who like Hodinkee for the wrong reasons and don't rea... 

Very true Patrick. [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 9th, 2020-10:44

Once LVMH buys it...

 By: patrick_y : November 9th, 2020-11:48
Expect Hodinkee to write reviews about LVMH owned hotels and wine, Bulgari jewelry, and Tiffany & Co. products.

The watch finder and co for LVMH

 By: Weems@8 : November 9th, 2020-13:05
Richemont and Watch finder and co. Hodinkee and LVMH. Independence and journalism, it is always looking which magazine operates independent. I red Hodinkee in the beginning. While more diving into the watch world, discovering better watch magazines comes ... 

I hammer them all the time on their...

 By: mdg : November 9th, 2020-14:32 it then sell it practice. But they censor me like crazy.

Lighten up.. šŸ˜›

 By: LS : November 10th, 2020-03:57
Hodinkee produces a polished written product that brings people into the fold. And so what if they sell a few watches and accessories. Luxury watches are first about the feeling one gets when they hunt down the perfect one (to them) and then finally obtai... 

I could lighten up about it...

 By: patrick_y : November 11th, 2020-10:11
I could lighten up about it, but at the same time, I pour hours into WatchProSite every week trying to improve the world's understanding of the mechanical watch. It's a part of my life's work. If you were as invested in it as I was, you might feel a littl... 

Hodinkee is an advertising and sales platform, and has been for years. I have very little time for it.

 By: Rosneathian : November 10th, 2020-18:58
First test of integrity: Search its website for its editorial and commercial policies. It's difficult to find. The distinction between Hodinkee's watch-related musings and its shop is not a hard firewall in the way that, say, Time & Tide tries to maintain... 

The last paragraph says it best...

 By: patrick_y : November 11th, 2020-10:05
Hodinkee capitalizes on our irrational love for watches! Plain and simple! It's both judge and jury; or more accurately journalist and retailer; and it does so with profit from both sides of the fence. Well written!

Product placement / influencer 50 years ago quite different than today; an example for the Cpt

 By: cazalea : November 9th, 2020-10:38
Back then it was fun to see something you like on screen; now it makes me suspicious of motive and un-stated purchasing reviews or placement of images... These shots from Hawaii Five-O (sponsored by Ford Motor Co.) last night -- showing classy Citroen Meh...  

Home added sunroof šŸ¤Æ ....

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 9th, 2020-10:43
Great car scarred by DIY ;-)) Thanks Mike !

Big contrast

 By: Weems@8 : November 9th, 2020-12:41
A Mehari and a Cadillac in one shot. But one thing they both doing good, the soft suspension. Bad roads no problem, like Asian flying carpets. A better comparison to the Cadillac qualities is you know Carzelea is the CitroĆ«n DS21. And the best car is prob... 

Good for them [nt]

 By: WatchEater : November 9th, 2020-10:53

Is this new money or simply one of the prior PE firms cashing out?

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 9th, 2020-12:23
LVMH LV seems to be a pretty small shop, albeit one with a very large and influential mother ship.

H. (And ā€œwatch journalistsā€ in general)has never had any influence on my purchases

 By: Passionata_george : November 9th, 2020-14:18
If they shut down tomorrow i won t even notice if they don t it s fine too.

But how many customers have been biased by their commercials?

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : November 9th, 2020-22:17
Truth is that, willing it or not, they have a lot of credit on the online audience

Sure, they are a kind of "influencers"

 By: Passionata_george : November 10th, 2020-04:14
I don t say all they do is rubbish but I rather ask here than read them .

Hodinkee does not produce journalism. It produces advertising, and impressionistic storytelling aligned to advertising.

 By: Rosneathian : November 11th, 2020-14:18
Independent journalism requires dispassionate impartiality to assess and explain without fear or favor. Hodinkeeā€™s prime directive is commercial. The writing it produces is intended to lend to an illusion of refinement. Thatā€™s why you have to read their u... 

Hodinkee has had a positive impact on the watch collecting scene

 By: jmpTT : November 11th, 2020-19:39
Today, they are very successful and the blog roots are mostly gone. Some of the writing is still excellent, and we should keep in mind that the person assigned to crush on the 321 Speedmaster would have once done so for free on this site. Not a huge decep... 

So apparently there is more to this story, in terms of additional investors alongside LVMH Ventures in a Series B round. Also rumored that there is a new CEO.

 By: Jay (Eire) : December 2nd, 2020-05:41
Iā€™m sure weā€™ll learn more soon. I do hope the content output remains and is not completely enveloped by the commercial / online retail aspect.

Yes I see there's a piece in WSJ

 By: CR : December 2nd, 2020-07:18
Not sure if there's a paywall for this WSJ link .

They just become multimillionaires with $40Mil funding....

 By: Clueless_Collector : December 3rd, 2020-10:30
Making it worth $100M....looking like an IPO in no time. Good for them, amazing how they grow.

Hodinkee is classic content marketing

 By: Grail-Watch : December 5th, 2020-06:22
And thatā€™s a great partner or buy for LVMH. Maybe this William help the dinosaurs wake up to modern retail and support practices. That said, the whole of Hodinkee is disingenuous, with faux ā€œadvertorialā€ supporting an in-house sales arm.