My vote would be for an Independent or VC CdV Gerard. You have an incredibly versatile bunch here 😍πŸ”₯

Nov 06, 2022,22:20 PM

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Collection theme : chronographs!

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-14:21
If there is one type of watches that I like above all others it's got to be chronographs. Here is what I actually have : a mix of styles,materials,colors ...and price points. And I can assure you that the modest Hamilton gives me as much wearing pleasure ...  

I share your passion for Chrono's...

 By: Kurt Behm : November 1st, 2022-14:23
and what a marvelous collection that is. Kurt

Great suggestions,especially the Extreme Lab 2.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-14:47
I am afraid however that it would be way too imposing for my wrist ...and style.

I like the idea of a vintage Navitimer...

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-14:49
..or any other nice vintage chronograph. As for the Laureato, I have aleady the blue dial 3 hand version ....

Whoa!!! How do you manage to

 By: Thomas_3 : November 1st, 2022-14:30
wear and maintain all of those beauties?

I try my best.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-14:51
But then I have another 3 such boxes with non-chronograph watches that also demand attention .

Many thanks!

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-14:52

What a feast and variety of brands and counters!

 By: Clueless_Collector : November 1st, 2022-14:49
You covered all the 4 brands I like and it's tough for me to make any suggestion....maybe an Omega 321?

Thanks, in fact the Omega 321 sits very high on my list.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-14:54
As I like visual diversity it would also fit well into the collection.

Love that jlc duo

 By: TeutonicCarFan : November 1st, 2022-15:13

I would try to have a representative for Heuer

 By: Gregineugene : November 1st, 2022-15:27
A Carrera would be my choice but many folks also love the Monaco (which would surely stand out in your collection).

In fact,I like the Monaco a lot.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-16:21
Unfortunately it is not a good match for my wrist.

Very nice collection !

 By: borisundercover : November 1st, 2022-15:31
What about a Seiko Prospex automatic chronograph SRQ037J1 ? 8R45 movement, 42.5mm, 10bar resistance, see-through case back… I think it has a lot of character ! ...  

Thanks for the suggestion.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-16:19
I will try to see one of those.

You’re welcome !

 By: borisundercover : November 1st, 2022-16:37
I tried one a few weeks ago and I was impressed by its high end look and feel in the metal, and very wearable for its size. Also I thought that the price (around 3500€ if I remember correctly) was more than fair! Keep us updated, your collection is defini... 

Many thanks.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-16:20

Incredible collection!

 By: andrea~ : November 1st, 2022-15:36
I would aim for an El Primero, one of the most iconic and important chronographs.

You must boil a lot of eggs πŸ˜€

 By: GWIS : November 1st, 2022-15:37
Great collection! All the best, Jon

Many thanks,Jon.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-16:24

Amazing collection of Chronographs .

 By: Watchonthewrists : November 1st, 2022-16:44
Maybe a nice independent for that empty space πŸ˜‰

What a chronotastic collection! I am speechless! πŸ™Œ

 By: KCLQMULKU : November 1st, 2022-18:09
Perhaps the Armin Strom Mirrored Force Resonance, or one of Czapec's available chronos. I also noticed that you're missing one of the Holy Trinity's chronos...? πŸ˜‰.

I like your suggestions,especially the Armin Strom!

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-19:07
As for the missing VC...maybe one day....

Many thanks,my friend.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-19:11
Of course, the VC Corne de Vache would be a dream piece. The only thing that is holding me back is that my Breguet has basically the same movement and I like diversity ....

Ah good point! A MontBlanc minerva chrono then?

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : November 1st, 2022-19:44

Definitely an option!

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-20:58
From the movement side one of the best highend chronographs on the market .


 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : November 1st, 2022-23:37

Another vote for the VC.

 By: jlux : November 1st, 2022-21:07
And rightfully so as it is one of the most attractive chronographs on the market.

Of course any of these would be perfect.

 By: jlux : November 2nd, 2022-13:37
But current market prices are too extreme...

You need a Seiko or a TAG; two of the most prevalent brands when I think of sports timers (and by extension chronos).

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 3rd, 2022-13:02
And given the fantastic collection you have, with the range of brands and price points either would fit right in. So too might a Moser or Singer with the Agenhor movement.

I'm not as big a fan of chronographs as you are

 By: MTR : November 5th, 2022-07:30
but I am a big fan of your collection! I think your collection is outstanding, Gerard. Those are really great pieces. A really impressive collection! Many congrats Thomas

Aside from the chronograph theme, I like that you're drawn to more classical stylings (my taste also). Many of your chronos are based on designs that were in their pomp between the 1930s and 1960s.

 By: Rosneathian : November 6th, 2022-16:40
As for that 'empty slot challenge,' sometimes I feel it's worth keeping it that way as a visual reminder that there's a world of possibility out there. At the same time it's so satisfying to have a full box to contemplate. If you do go ahead and fill it, ...