LOL, great clip! Patrick - you gotta watch the YouTube clip Brandon posted

Oct 06, 2022,20:38 PM

Classic late 80s surf film called “North Shore”. Character was called Turtle. He’s giving a most appropriate response smile

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A Daytona on Your Phone

 By: Thomas_3 : October 6th, 2022-16:05
For $134,000 you can get an iPhone with a Daytona incorporated into it. Courtesy of Robb Report online. ...  


 By: dedestexhes : October 6th, 2022-16:23

There's innovative....

 By: InHavenPro : October 6th, 2022-16:32
and then there's plain dumb.... Just my opinion of course! Cheers, Filip

Plus 1

 By: myles721 : October 7th, 2022-02:14

In the immortal words of Turtle

 By: Brandon Skinner : October 6th, 2022-16:41

LOL, great clip! Patrick - you gotta watch the YouTube clip Brandon posted

 By: NickO : October 6th, 2022-20:38
Classic late 80s surf film called “North Shore”. Character was called Turtle. He’s giving a most appropriate response


 By: Brandon Skinner : October 7th, 2022-21:50

Turtle says it in a colorful way...

 By: patrick_y : October 8th, 2022-18:04
At first you might not fully understand the full meaning since it's stated in such a colorful way... But later, it becomes true, almost like a prophecy. Turtle... the prophet?

I honestly don't get the point

 By: andrea~ : October 6th, 2022-16:50
You ruin a perfectly good daytona only to make your phone way heavier, thicker and more expensive than it would ever be if you just bought a daytona and the phone seperately, even at grey market price Not only that, but you're actually putting timeless te... 

Your point is completely valid

 By: NickO : October 7th, 2022-03:25
But utterly irrelevant to the people who would actually purchase this phone

That's true!

 By: andrea~ : October 7th, 2022-10:00

I want one of these about as much as I want…

 By: takman : October 6th, 2022-18:58
A zit on my ass.

As if they were not scarce enough…

 By: doubleup : October 7th, 2022-01:56
Can you imagine the poor prick who buys one of these when he drops his phone? Seeing it spinning end over end in slow motion as it barrels towards the ground. That’s a bad day

Or into the ocean!!

 By: Thomas_3 : October 7th, 2022-02:36

I also don't get the point. Especially the part about ruining/wasting a totally good and beautiful Daytona.

 By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : October 7th, 2022-09:54
The iPhone is totally needless in my case. I guess there is no accounting for tastes or overkill in trying to be "cool". And for that price, OMG, what real watch beauties could I buy?? No thanks.

Perhaps not!

 By: jml_watches : October 7th, 2022-11:04
My initial reaction was why? But each to their own I guess

This flips the "smartwatch" concept on its head in a regressive sort of way.

 By: CR : October 7th, 2022-23:39
Okay dammit, I like it. I admit it. It's intriguing (to look at, never to own). Maybe it's because I dislike Daytonas a la carte. But do they give you the stickers with it?....